All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 269

After a brief episode, sleepiness struck unstoppable. Contrary to me, Ace, the energetic bastard, smiled with a hearty face and said he would stay here to watch the night.

"...It's up to you."

I looked at him with numb, dead fish eyes for a while, and finally agreed. I don't know if it's because I've experienced a lot of experience, or if the sleepiness finally prevailed. Directly into the quilt, he arched into a ball, turned his back to Ace and fell asleep.

unexpected. A good night's sleep. Very peaceful.

Ace was no longer in the room when she was awakened by Chenming and the sun the next day. After a simple wash, I stepped onto the bag and went straight downstairs.

There was no red figure on the first floor. But a well-dressed butler stood. As soon as he saw me, he respectfully greeted me, saying that the horses and breakfast were ready, and he handed me a large bag of money.

I took the money naturally with a look of justice and put it in the bag, "Where is the baron?"

"...Oh! The baron is still sleeping at this point! If you need it, my lord, I'll get him up right away!"

"No. Forget it." Thinking about what happened yesterday might make him have a nightmare, he still won't toss him in the morning, "You help me bring him a sentence.'Always remember to serve the people'."

"Follow orders!"

Impressed. Why can I experience the majesty of the royal family only when I am no longer a princess.

After strolling around on the first floor, Ace was still not found. I left him alone and went straight to the restaurant to eat.

The round magic core gleams in the platinum-gold sunlight, refracting ice light. The familiar badge is engraved in its center, showing a blood bond that can never be let go.

This is the only magic device I can "use" in this world. If the baron has some eyesight, you will find that this is not a proof of direct knighthood at all—this is proof of the royal blood of Saint Enluth.

The ancestry cannot be changed according to people's subjective wishes... I originally brought it with me just to keep it as a souvenir. Anyway, the baron himself was a guilty conscience and did not dare to prove anything to his superiors.

The hand holding the magic core tightened slightly. I threw the last bite of bread into my mouth and stood up.

From getting up in the morning to finishing breakfast, Ace did not show up. Just when I thought I could finally get rid of this plague god, the red figure appeared at the door of the manor.

After being pitted one more time (can that count as a pit), Ace, who resolutely didn't need to change the magic device, wore a swaggering red suit and stood there upright. Next to the tall man was an equally tall horse. It's a pity that it can be seen that it doesn't wait to see him from time to time when it blows its nose and hooves to him.

Waved my hand and rejected the butler’s kind offer, I went straight to Ace, "Is there only one horse?"

The tall man grabbed the rein with one hand and patted the horseback. He turned his head and looked at me when he heard my voice.

"If it's a horse, there are many more." Ace smiled at me, "But Gardrich, can you ride it?"

"...I can learn while practicing."

"Haha. Then you have to be prepared to throw a dog and eat shit. The horses here are very temperamental."

No. I think they just don't want to see you.

Thinking about it this way, I thought that riding was only a pain in my buttocks. After I fell and landed on the ground, I sat down behind Ace.

The evil of the world uttered a gleeful laugh, and then waved the rein. The wind roared and galloped past, and the horse with its four hooves made a roaring nose. I seemed to laugh at me who had to hug Ace's waist in order not to be thrown off after a short hold.

The old lady feels bitter.

The forest is leaving us quickly, and the hat has long been blown off by the wind. Mottled sunlight intertwined on the two of them, switching light and dark. After getting used to this speed a bit, I raised my head. Looking at the man in front of him, his brown hair was raised backwards because of inertia, and the shadow of leaves fell on his red back.

It was unexpectedly reassuring.

"Freeport. I don't know what's fun."

"...We didn't play in the past."

Ace chatting in the wind. I replied speechlessly. Then he was stunned.

When will I subconsciously bind Ace and myself.

"Relax a little. The so-called wanted is just one thing." Contrary to the lazy voice, Ace vibrated the reins again, "Then you can go and do some things and I will take a stroll on my own."

"Are you so interested?"

"Well. After all, the last time I went there was forty years ago."

I don't want to care about how old Ace is. He must have been alive for too long to cause a distorted personality.

Flovisal Stana-The city, which is collectively called "Free Port" except for official documents, is at the end of the forest because of its long name. It takes about three hours to ride a carriage from the earl’s farm, but if Ace rides so fast, it only takes two hours to reach it visually.

It is an independent port city that does not belong to any country. It is jointly governed by the three families of "Flovi", "Sales" and "Tana". One of the three families raised fish, built a ship, and mastered the core navigational skills. They held a group for warmth during the Hundred Years' War, and survived by maintaining their independence by taking advantage of the geographical advantage of the poor countryside.

After the war ended, he made his first pot of gold by selling fish to various countries. Countless sea routes have been opened up, and sea transportation has emerged. After all, there are still a few roads with enchantment magic devices. Compared with the land filled with beasts after the Hundred Years' War, the sea is still more convenient and safer.

Until now. Because of the rise of the "new aristocracy" class. The "Free Port" can be described as the center of the mainland's economy.

Of course, it stops at the economic center.

The flags of the three families are planted on the high marble wall, a long line of horse-drawn carriages lined up outside the main entrance, and the bustling crowd lined up at the small side entrance. Ace turned over and fell to the ground. Then, like a child, lifted my waist and took the expressionless me from the horse.

The horse equipped with the magic device knew the way back, and after Ace patted his butt, he let out a long cry and ran away happily. I put on my hood and tightened my cloak tightly. Walked towards the crowd at the side door.

"Don't worry. There are no soldiers from Yingran and Saint Enluth here."

"…are you sure?"

I turned my head to look at Ace. This eye-catching **** put one hand on the sword and walked beside me swaggeringly.

"The military uses all uniformly manufactured magic devices. So just sense the fluctuations of the runes." Aisiyun explained lightly, "St. Enlus is biased towards Ice Yinglan to light, but here is only Water. It seems that news of your escape from marriage has been suppressed."

After all, it is indeed not a glorious thing that will affect the friendship between the two countries and the status of Yinglan... But can the aborigines still achieve sense runes? It's really enviable.

Things are just as Ace thought. Only the soldiers of the port themselves were inspected outside the high wall. Even though the red guy Ace was suspiciously suspicious, he let us into the city after showing them the official document given by the baron.

After entering the city, this guy waved his hand at me and disappeared. I don't ask him where he is going. The first thing after entering the city is—

Find the church.

The church of the Goddess is a virtue no matter where it is, and it is easy to recognize. He resisted the urge to kick open the Liulimen. I lowered the brim of my hat and pushed the handle quietly.

The door of the holy church was silently opened. The few believers who were praying inside were not disturbed. Standing behind the podium and in front of the goddess statue, the priest in a neat white robe felt his gaze look at me. Then he showed a kind and gentle smile to me, a stranger.

He is completely a normal passerby priest.

The loss that could not be ignored came to my heart. I don't know what my expression looks like in the shadow under the brim of the hat.

But in the next moment. Someone patted me on the shoulder.

"Hi. Gardrie cut it."


The sudden low voice from behind made me scream in surprise. Fortunately, the people behind me covered my mouth as expected, and forced the cry back again.

I stared. He turned his head suddenly. The blond priest stood by the door, hidden in a blind spot of light. The handsome face that looked like a **** made 70% indifference and 30% contempt, and the godless green eyes were staring at me.

"Oh? Adam. Is this someone you know?"

The priest behind the podium did not know when he came over and asked Adam.

"Yeah. I'm here to find her." Adam looked blankly at his colleagues around him. Poke my eyebrow with a finger, I stared fiercely, "borrow the room. I have something to tell her."

"Of course you can. You and I are both servants of God. You can use everything in the church at will."

The big words of God's servant poke Adam's sore spot very well. Now the plaster face is 99% distorted and 1% indescribable.

The church bathed in light is always immersed in serene tranquility, and is not disturbed by our episodes. After Adam led me to the church, he walked into the deepest one in a row of rooms.

The simply furnished room is clean and tidy, with only a bed, a table, a wooden chair and a wooden wardrobe. Adam walked in and sat down on the bed, while the chair I consciously moved was sitting right across from him.

"I know you have a lot to ask, come one by one."

Adam held up a little finger and pulled out his ear in front of me. The sunlight always seemed to favor him very much, pouring it all over him through the window.

I do have a lot to ask. Whether it is the current situation of Saint Enluth, the news of Arnold, or the archive point that is suddenly unavailable.


"How did you come here from Saint Enluth?"

I looked at the straw scraps on the end of his robe, and asked like this.


Adam didn't seem to expect that I would ask this first. He followed my gaze and raised his eyebrows.

"I don't have money and I don't know how to ride a horse. So I can only come here in the carriage of an enthusiastic peasant." Adam stretched out his hand and patted his priest with the same money. He has never been stained with any filthy white robe in the past. "I am a priest. For the sake of the personnel."

"Of course." Adam touched his chin. The sacred and shining handsome face is still as expressionless as before, "It may also be because I am too handsome."

Unbearable, I swept away the previous move. Picked up the cup on the table and smashed it.


In fact, I just found out here.

When Jiamei encounters a problem, he thinks of a way and will go to Arnold to help. But when there is no way to be confused, it will subconsciously choose to rely on Adam (.