All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 278

I looked at Arnold blankly. The first reaction was to take out his little finger and dig his ears.

Did he just say something...? It seems to be a confession, right? Am I right?

The sudden straight ball caught me off guard, and even wanted to turn to the previous chapter and read it again. At this time, Arnold had solved the tomato scrambled eggs in his hand, stood up and put the empty plate into the sink.

"Are you still eating?" His icy eyes looked at the tomato scrambled eggs that had barely moved in front of me, and then looked at me.

"Ah-don't eat anymore." I replied blankly.

The slender white hand took away my plate. The blue-and-white figure stood by the pool with her back facing me, and the sound of water washing in the quiet air sounded.

...It's young. Arnold was washing the dishes! ! ! !

I want to scream, I want to scream. But the cold voice recalled my sanity in time, "Go and sit in the room. It's cold outside."


Answer like a machine, stand up like a machine. Although the brain was tangled up like a ball of yarn that was tossed by the cat, the body returned to the room as Arnold said.

When the door was opened, the heating came. I subconsciously yelled aloud, being frozen by Arnold's rare gentleness (?).

"——Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"It's so noisy!"

The second person's voice suddenly appeared in the room shocked me. And he was obviously the same-was yelled out of fright.

Then the situation became that I opened my mouth and stared blankly at Adam sitting by the fireplace. And he squinted his eyes, staring at me with a lifeless, dead face.

"Did you **** yelling as soon as you came in--why your face is so red."

I instantly raised my hands to cover my face, "No. It's your illusion."

"Ah." Father Dick's expressionless face suddenly realized, "It's a jellyfish. You and the jellyfish--"

"Nothing at all!"

... Adam's plaster face is really not suitable for some complicated expressions. If this continues, something will be forced to happen even if nothing happens.

"Are there any plans next."

I forced the atmosphere to return to the right track, and Adam responded very well.

"Should you not call your little knight together at this time?"

"I'll hit you if you never stop."

Father Vendetta raised his hands above his head and compared it with an insincere gesture of surrender.

"Let me tell you one thing. I haven't seen any other ships on the way here." Adam looked serious (although his face is the same from beginning to end), "Almost all the ships go from Beluchis. Open it back."

I was stunned. Obviously there were other ships with Ace when they went. Could it be said, "Beloxis has closed the city?"

Adam nodded. Then he pointed to his feet, "The good news is that our ship is a ship of the ‘Giant Tree Pirate Group’. Maybe it’s possible to pass through the sea barrier of Blousis."

"But in order not to be caught, I can only get in through the cracks. Fortunately, Bleusis is not big. You can still get to the main city after a day and a night."

Bi-colored eyes looked at me. Although there is no look, I can feel the smile in his eyes inexplicably.

"It's certainly not a problem for you to suffer this kind of suffering now."

I answered him in a way that belonged to both of us alone-rolled his eyes like a textbook at him.

The enchantment of the sea did not hinder the advance of the ship, and the rumors spoken by the people are true. The Giant Tree Pirates are the official pirates of Bleuxis, who are responsible for doing swear words and looting nearby merchant ships to replenish the national treasury.

Normally, the economy of such an uneven place is bound to lag behind. But in fact, because of the existence of Mana, Bellux's reliance on the magic core is very low. The material desires of its citizens are magically low. Therefore, most of the magic core, raw materials, and livestock products of Bleusis are sold in large quantities at lower prices than other countries.

And Baide are two extremes. What Baide sells is a small amount of very expensive books and technology.

what. correct. Incidentally.

The boat was driven by Arnold De.

"...When did you learn to sail."

God knows how horrified I was when I saw the jellyfish driving a warship in the captain's room. Obviously the two have lived together since childhood, how can Arnold learn to sail under my nose? !

"I have read a book about sailing before."

Arnold, holding the rudder, had a flat expression and a calm voice. He also made a perfect bend in front of me and avoided the reef, "I can understand the magic circuit of this ship."

...So you can drive it?

For a moment I felt my worldview collapsed. The gap between genius and mortal is so obvious. The things you have studied for more than ten years are not as good as the casual glance when others pass the time.

"Cheer up. Gadliche."

Adam on the side put his hand on my shoulder. Emotionally stable, "You have to think so. He is just a genius jellyfish who has mastered the core technology. And you are a human being."

So you mean I am not as human as a jellyfish. Are you sure you are not doing me any harm?

Under the control of a genius jellyfish, the long and narrow warship is like a night spirit. He dexterously dived into the river surrounded by the trees, carrying the stars all the way forward, and stopped until it ran aground.

Thanks to Arnold's superb marine skills we have gone a long way. The poor pirates who were still dizzy in the jail opened the door and wiped out all the money and magic cores (though not much), the three of us got off the ship and took the night to go all the way.

Arnold didn't need much, and walked fast. But Adam, who was wearing a robes of mopping the floor, didn't know what mysterious power he was using, and he didn't fall. The weakest of the three, I quickly started to breathe hard, and I could only clenched my teeth and tried to persevere.

"Do you want to take a break."

However, they found it. Arnold stopped and looked back at me.

I have no strength to answer him. He just panted and shook his head.

"Well. It's a girl after all." It's obviously a dead house that doesn't go out, but Adam's voice doesn't have the slightest sense of fatigue, "Should I carry you?"

"...Just you?" I tried to lift my eyelids and watched him mockingly.

"Just me." Adam stood in front of me, calmly said, "After all, I'm different from you. I'm floating."


Then I let Adam carry it.

Lying on Adam's back, I maliciously grabbed his blond hair as a handle with both hands. Bi-colored eyes glanced up at me, and then there was a cold snort of disdain, but he didn't throw me off mercilessly.

When this guy was on his back, he felt that there was no bumps when he was running. Just as Adam said, this guy was wrapped around his feet with the magic guide of the wind, and just floated past.

envy. Just **** envious.

Although I also understand. This continuous micro-manipulation is a test of the user's magical control ability. It is estimated that among ordinary people, Edwin and Sophie must be of the same degree.

I've never seen Adam fight before... I guess I won't fall into a disadvantage if I really fight.

"Hi. Adam."

Arnold opened the way ahead. I patted Adam on the head lightly, and chatted with him, "You said. Is your magical level as good as Herron Oz."

As the creator of Time Stop, Arnold's adoptive father. Heron Oz should represent the highest level of human magic in this era.

"No." Adam replied leisurely in the dark night, "At least at the level of the Flower Mage."

"...Why don't you usually help me if you are so good! And return my archive points to me!"

"No way. I'm just a guiding NPC."

"What you can do is too limited."

Adam sighed softly. It seems to be fortunate not to be enslaved by me because of this.

But what is the fact.

I don't understand what Adam really thought. But my heart sank and I didn't want to continue this topic.


"Did you say something?"

"I made a small wish to the goddess."

"Wishing to that woman will only be cursed." Adam sneered and jokingly said, "Have you forgotten your full moon blessing?"

"...I didn't forget."

"But because of this curse, my life has changed. Although there are many bad memories. But also a lot of happiness."

"So I still thank the goddess."

I didn't expect you to have such a good boy idea.

Adam, who was carrying me, replied. But it didn't deny my idea.

As for the wish I made softly to God at that time. I said so.

-Ask God to give this person happiness.


The night is getting deeper and deeper. After passing through the dense woods, we found a village.

Just like the poor village I've been to. There is no magic light here. Only the orange flame swayed with the night wind, and the scarlet sparks disappeared in no time.

We found a house that was still lit, and Adam knocked on the door. After a short wait, the old wooden door creaked open, and a young woman greeted us.

"Excuse me. Madam."

The young woman looked at us three with surprise. After Adam spoke, he moved his gaze to him. Maybe it was because of the light of the torch outside that he saw the white robe. The alert look on her face immediately changed to surprise.

"My noble priest! Why are you condescending to come here!" Her voice was excited, and even said with sincerity, "Please come in, please come in! How cold it is outside!"

It's better to be vigilant when three strangers knock on the door in the middle of the night. Miss.

I spit out silently in my heart. Arnold covered his whole body and face with a cloak like me. Only Adam showed his true face openly and honestly.

"Thank you for your generosity. We are just looking for a place to stay overnight."

Adam faked his thanks. Raised his leg mercilessly and stepped into the house. The face of Shengjie MAX is still very credible when he speaks normally.

"Thank you for your generosity."

When I walked in, I nodded and thanked the hostess. And she didn't care about my suspicious appearance at all. Just keep welcoming.

...The conscience is a bit painful.

Ignore an organ that may no longer exist. I followed Adam and walked in.


I saw the pair hanging on the wall, extremely conspicuous——

Axilain's women's photo.


Ace is strong though. But he is not a genius after all.

Adam is strong though. But the reason is because he is not human.

In summary, jellyfish is the most functional x