All the Handsome Deep Well Ice Like Me [Western Fantasy]

v2 Chapter 286

Just, quite suddenly.

I floated from the ground to the sky while breathing. The first ray of morning sun rushed toward his face. A vast landscape that has never been seen in the platinum golden sky.


After the bright light, Fiona, who had regained her eyesight, took a breath. I also lost my ability to speak.

At the end is a point of platinum, and the sky around it is bright and almost pure white. And as the distance spreads, the clean white gradually turns blue. The color at the beginning was extremely pale as if it was smudged, but at the end it was blue and black with sporadic lights shining like a dark night.

There is no cloud around us. The sky of this world was unobstructed in front of us, enclosing us.


Whether it is us on the dragon's back or the dragon itself, it is too small in front of such a sky.

"Hurry up, I'm going to dive."

Goser's solemn voice rang in his ears. I didn't react, but the arm around my waist tightened suddenly.

The scarlet golden dragon that had crossed the clouds turned around like a fish that had crossed the surface of the water, fully opened its huge wings, and plunged into the clouds again.

Yeah, it feels weird.

The wind brushing the two sides can no longer be described as "wind", that is, an invisible knife, which is blocked by all the barriers placed by Arnold. Together with the impact and cold current of the descent.

Only the floating clouds around him and the little fat dragon that were constantly being smashed apart were completely unfolded, waving their giant wings. Telling us that we are undershooting rapidly.

"No, no problem, right?"

The complete mismatch between the senses made me ask involuntarily.

"Your knight wizard is really strong."

It was Gauser who answered me. Although Fiona disagreed, he stopped her by the waist.

…So it means it’s okay.

I couldn't help taking a sip of water. A dense layer of cold sweat emerged from the hands tightly grasping the rope.

If it weren't for Arnold to stop me, would I be thrown into the wind like a kite with a broken line?

"It's okay, Gardrich, we must be able to."

Feeling my uneasy emotions. Fiona showed a twisted smile, "Even if I fall. The little fat dragon will definitely catch me!"

Are you a dragon knight or a dragon burden?

I gave her a complicated look. Then he turned his gaze to the front.

Already you can see the city of Bellusis.

The whiteness that was hidden by the layers of clouds grew bigger and bigger, and I could already see the transparent tiles reflecting the golden light in just a few breaths.

"Something is coming."

Arnold on the side suddenly whispered. And in the next second, the screaming sound came over.

It was a sharper and louder voice than the dragon roar of the little fat dragon heard in Baide, which made people associate it with birds involuntarily.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped. The little fat dragon underneath turned sharply sideways, almost throwing the four of us off. And I quickly understood why it did so.

It was a three or four-meter long ice cone, flying behind us with its scarlet-gold scales.

The sharp tweet came through again. We hurriedly shifted our eyes and were shocked to see a group of platinum-golden light flying towards us quickly.

The platinum-golden light gradually dissipated as the distance narrowed. I saw the transparent ice phoenix.

I don't know if there is such a species in this world. But the waving wings, feathered with ice ridges, and the iconic peacock-like tail feathers. Phoenix is ​​right.

"……What is that."

"The product of the research by the Archbishop of Lucis, it must be the enemy anyway."

Unexpectedly, I had calmed down now and answered Gao Se's murmured question by the way.

In return for being shot at Bing Leng, the little fat dragon unceremoniously raised his neck and sprayed a big fireball over. Some unexpected, direct hits.

But none of us relaxed.

The ice was melted by the high temperature to form a mist. After a moment of silence, the giant ice bird rushed towards us directly through the fog.

The little fat dragon dodged sideways immediately. The ice-colored phoenix almost flew past us. When I raised my head, I could clearly see the layers of ice feathers on its body and the two light spots that flickered at its heart.

"The principle of this guy is the same as Arnold's sword!"

After the ice phoenix flew away, it plunged into the cloud and disappeared. I hurriedly said during this time, "Even if it has been destroyed countless times, as long as the core of the'ice' and'time' magic core is not destroyed, it will not die. !"

Goser was shocked, "That guy's sword turned out to be so powerful?!"

"It's not the time to express feelings about this kind of thing!"

If it weren't for Fiona in the middle, I would like to kick Goser down.

It seems that the second and fifth son of Ashley stole my precious skills to Edward. This ice phoenix is ​​like a magic weapon created without life, without soul. I'm not sure if I can describe it as "dead".

Think about it here. I couldn't help but glance at Arnold beside me.

The cold boy's expression is still very calm. His eyes are also on me.

Fiona yelled, "Already in the sky above Bellusis Castle!"

It's time to jump down.


"I know it's bad to say something sensational now-but don't worry!"

The girl's long pink hair was raised high. She even let go of a hand and gave me a thumbs up, "Dragon Knight beautiful girl Fiona is going to fuck!"

The Dragon Knight is already second enough, don't add beautiful girls!

Although I really want to complain about her like this. But I had no chance of being pushed down by Gose.


One says one. Originally used as a roller coaster and a jumping machine. I have to be scared. I never thought my life could be so exciting.

Not to mention 10,000 meters, at least a kilometer in the sky. I jumped down with two men.

I want to close my eyes, but I can't. At the critical moment, I have to bravely stretch out my hands.

Although the wizard protected us from the gust of wind and cold, he could not at all weaken the shocking sense of weightlessness. I opened my eyes wide and didn't dare to close it. Gaze at the pale white barrier that is getting closer and closer to me.

it's time!

When the distance had been shortened to the point of tentacle, I straightened my right hand suddenly-forgive me for only having the strength to raise one hand at this time.

It's cold, the first thing I feel is the coldness of the skin open and fleshy. My right hand has stretched out of Arnold's enchantment. The temperature outside was passed by hand all at once.

This is why I have to keep a good distance to reach out. After all, the high-altitude temperature and high wind can turn my hands into frozen dumpling fillings in a few seconds, and I still want my hands.

The sense of touch becomes malfunctioning due to the extremely low temperature. But I still caught it, it seemed to touch a layer of film.

I succeeded.

Arnold quickly reached a larger barrier, and Gauser took me into his arms. The three of us slammed through like a cannonball with a palm-sized gap in the barrier.

Vaguely, I heard the sound of glass breaking. Gauser very intimately covered the bottom half of my face with his thick arms, and in the unobstructed sight, I saw the disappearing white fragments and the giant fighting against the background of the vast sky. Bird and dragon.

It's beautiful and magical.

In just one second. I thought so calmly.

Then the world turned over, and his thoughts became chaotic with the chaotic sight. I feel like I'm going to throw up, I can only hold back desperately. After all, what I was vomiting now was not only Gose who was holding me, but also Arnold who was on the side, and even myself.

The original barrier was broken when passing through the barrier that protected Bellusis Castle. Arnold hurried up to another level while predicting where we would fall, using the wind magic wizard as a buffer.

But I was strangled to death by Gauser's arm, I couldn't turn around at all, I couldn't see where I fell.

But fortunately, everything passed quickly with an acceleration of 9.8. We finally hit the ground fiercely.

Dust and soil cover our enchantment like a tomb. Arnold froze them directly into icy scum, and it dispersed as soon as the wind blew.

"Gadliche?! Jadeliche, you still can't die!"

Being a human being, I fainted directly. In the dark, I felt someone squeezed my shoulder and shook it desperately, "We have to rely on you to close the enchantment!"

Gauser. You really are getting more and more comedian.

I wanted to complain about him like that. But when he opened his mouth, it turned into a long "vomit--".

Yinglan's Knights of the Round Table did not show his knightly demeanor at this time, and he quickly avoided.

"...Where did we fall."

After vomiting, I finally regained my energy. After taking the water from Arnold, he rinsed his mouth after asking.

"In the inner garden of Bellusis Castle. I still have some impression of this place. Not far from the National Guest Hall where they placed Mana."

After answering, Gauser handed me a handkerchief to cover up his previous rudeness.

I was not polite to him either. He wiped his mouth without thanking him directly, and then threw it into the vomit.

Time waits for no one, and the three of us rushed towards the National Guest Hall. The good news is that the goddess still looked after me, and the garden is not far from the destination. The bad news is that I really can't stand this kind of toss. I lose the ability to move, and I can only be carried by Gao Se on his back.

I don't know if all the staff were sent out or our surprise attack at four o'clock in the morning caught them by surprise. All of us running on the promenade went smoothly without being blocked.

The castle of Bellusis is like their churches scattered all over the continent. White and holy. Pale flowers are decorated by them all over the castle, and the statues of the goddess can be seen on every corner of the promenade.

She is still so beautiful and kind. It seems that the madness and sadness of the world cannot be seen.

And after a straight line that could be called a smooth run, Gauser and Arnold stopped.

The surrounding air suddenly became tense and cold. I had long expected that one day I would raise my head, look at the scarlet figure not far away, and whispered.



Edward has a certain research on the culture of goddess.

It is very suitable for the phoenix to guard this characteristic of extinction but not dispersal.