All The Hotshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 168: Interracial Barbarian King 11

Because bean sprouts have a beany smell, Uerhan doesn't like it, so Jiang Rui didn't let him taste it afterwards, but she still wanted other Di people to try it.

She didn't let Urhan try to eat bean sprouts for a while, nor did she mention the diet of Joo Zhaoren in front of him for no reason.

She always remembered Princess Chaoyang's last wish and hoped that the two countries could have a good relationship and the border could be peaceful.

But this kind of thing can't be done once and for all through a married princess. Showing good for the moment can be exchanged for a short-term peace, but once these nomads suffer from natural and man-made disasters and food shortages, the predatory aspect of their nature will rise, and their survival instinct will drive them to attack other countries.

Even if she can persuade Urhan to dispel the idea of ​​violating the renunciation, but he still has so many people, maybe they will obey him in one day or two days, and the long-term hunger and patience will make them abandon him sooner or later. The king who puts the safety of his people first.

So Jiang Rui needs to change his mind, not just rely on Urhan to deter the tribe.

She is now doing a little bit of experimentation. In the world she used to travel to, there is no such thing in history.

At present, these tribes on the grassland are completely nomads. She wants to see if it is possible to gradually transform them into a semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural life.

Although Beidi has a relatively colder climate, it is not without hardy crops, and the land is still fertile. I believe that as long as you take care of it, you will definitely get a harvest. As long as there are more food sources and more varieties, the possibility of survival will definitely increase.

No one doesn't want to live. If they don't have to risk their lives, they can get enough resources for survival. I am afraid that few people are willing to have wars except for war frenzy.

She did this not only to fulfill Princess Chaoyang's wish, but also for herself and Urhan. If Beidi and Da Zhao had a war, as the two of them, it would be difficult to continue getting along in harmony.

Of course, this is not something that can be achieved in a short period of time. What needs to be done is not solved by sending one or two buckets of bean sprouts. Jiang Rui is not in a hurry. She has sufficient patience. The bean sprouts are just an opportunity.

Because they live in tents, some Di people cook in the open air outside the tent.

Before dinner, Jiang Rui specially ordered to go down and let people move the stove fire tonight out of the account, and move out the bean sprouts that were added later.

The movement around Wangzhang is always easy to attract attention. This is the first time that the Da Zhao people who have been serving her to the Di Clan have been cooking outside for the first time. The adults are fine, although they are curious, they can restrain their eyes from looking far away. After a few glances, the lively children quickly came around one by one.

"what is this?"

"Da Zhao's pot is different from ours."

"What's in those little jars?"

"Do they also eat the same food as us?"

More than a dozen small peas form an arc, whispering to each other, just like a group of curious birds.

Finally, Hasen couldn't help but pointed to the barrel and asked Qiu Hua, "What's in this round barrel?"

During this period of time, the people in the Jokhang Palace are trying hard to learn the Di language. Although they are not as fast as Jiang Rui before, they can barely cope with daily conversations.

Qiuhua stroked the blades of grass covered in the bucket, and smiled: "It's bean sprouts, made of mung beans."

The grass blades were opened completely, revealing the bright yellow bean sprouts inside.

"Wow, these grasses are so neat!" Hasen exclaimed.

"let me see!"

"I want to see too!"

All the other children squeezed in, clawing at the edge of the barrel curiously.

"What kind of grass is bean sprouts? It's different from what we've seen before."

"Why grow grass?"

"Why don't they have green leaves?"

Questions were thrown from those immature heads one by one, Qiu Hua answered patiently.

So these children quickly learned that bean sprouts are different from the grasses that can be seen everywhere on the grassland. They are made from green beans and can be eaten.

After Qiuhua said that everyone present today can eat bean sprouts, children look at me and I look at you, obviously hesitated, because in their opinion, bean sprouts are grass after all, even if they are not green. They are not little lambs, why do they eat grass?

But I was too embarrassed to say the refusal, so I waited tremblingly for a while to eat the grass.

Seeing the child’s doubts, the person in charge of the spoons suffocated his heart and used his housekeeping skills to make beef slices with bean sprouts, hot and sour mung bean sprouts, lamb bone bean sprout soup...

The smell different from that of barbecue gradually spread, and the anxiety on the faces of the children disappeared. They craned their necks, eagerly waiting to eat, and the adults nearby also cast more curious eyes.

Jiang Rui did not go out in the big tent. What they are showing today are items from Da Zhao. It is inevitable that some older Di people will be repulsed. If she is present at this time, she will be too deliberate and more likely to make people wary. What to do, Qiu Hua has been told before, and I believe she can do it well.

Urhan separated the curtain and walked in, raising his eyebrows slightly, "What is going on outside?"

Jiang Rui turned the book on his hand and said, "The bean sprouts have sprouted too much, and they will rot soon if you don't eat them, so please ask Hasen and the others to help."

Urhan sat down next to her, probably riding a horse, with a faint smell of sweat.

"Are you opposed to them contacting these?" Jiang Rui turned his head to look at him.

"No." Urhan paused, and then said: "I have been thinking about the morning's words. Zhongzhou does have a lot to learn from. It is good for them to let those boys know more."

As long as Jiang Rui said that there are many kinds of food for the Jokhang people, Urhan thought about it all day.

Like all nomads, almost all the food of the Di people comes from cattle, sheep and dairy products. Apart from this, they hardly eat anything else, so it is easy to cause food shortages, but this is not the most terrible. If there is a plague, That is the disaster of extinction.

I remember hearing from his father Khan when I was a child that there was once a tribe because cattle and sheep had an epidemic. People who ate their meat and milk were also infected. Many people died. But for those who survived, the disaster has not passed. Because there are no cattle and sheep, they have no source of food. Some people starve to death, some take refuge in other tribes, and some even become slaves voluntarily. Once a powerful tribe, they fell apart in an instant.

Urhan considers whether there is a way to change, but the grassland is no richer than Zhongzhou, and there are no people familiar with it in the clan, so it is not easy to change.

He knows that Lan Shi may be able to do this, but if she is not willing, he does not want to force her.

"What book did you read?" Urhan squinted his eyes to identify the dense Chinese characters on the book, and found that he didn't recognize any of them.

"A farming book." Jiang Rui did not hide, "I want to plant something to play with. Maybe I will bring those children with me. Wouldn't you object?"

Urhan immediately understood that his Yanshi had thought of with him and had already taken action.

He was a little excited, could not help holding her waist, and kissed the white forehead, "Of course no objection, I am very happy that you are willing to take them with me, if you need anything, tell me, if someone is asking for trouble, also I say."

Jiang Rui curled his lips slightly: "I just can't get used to your meat every day except for meat. I just want to grow something delicious for myself."

Urhan raised the corners of his mouth, and his hard lips were lined with shallow fine lines. He found that although his mouth was always disgusting, he never really rejected him.

That little arrogance and slight dislike, in his eyes became love, especially when the white and small chin was raised, the beautiful red lips were lightly rolled, and the beautiful and proud look always made him want Hold her in the palm of your hand and hold it above your head.

Speaking of them, they were still newly married. Although Urhan looked unruly and never shy away, even in front of others, he would pull Jiang Rui on the horse from time to time. However, in this big tent, he did not know how to deal with husband and wife affairs The unexpected respect for her opinion can be called the rule.

It must be a lie to say that he was outside the bed and did not think about his Yanshi at all.

But he was always restraining. His family was born in a noble family and came from a country of etiquette. He was different from the hearty and open women on the grassland. When Uerhan was with her, he even had to relax his breathing unconsciously.

But there are always times when restraint cannot be restrained, such as now.

His Elder was sitting next to him and reading, because his arms were around her waist, it was almost as if she was leaning against him. And she lowered her head slightly, only a slender back neck and delicate ears were exposed in front of him.

With such a slender and beautiful neck, Urhan has only seen her in her body, white and slender, fragile and charming.

Urhan never told her that when she raised her chin and exposed her slender neck, he didn't feel offensive at all, because his mind was full of thoughts, could it fall on that beautiful neck? A kiss?

Now seems to be the right time. Although the gang of brats outside the account are still chattering and arguing, but the big account is very quiet, and this quiet and private space belongs to only the two of them right now.

Thinking this way, Urhan's precarious restraint became even more urgent.

It's not his nature to be daunting, even if it makes Kan's unhappy, he decides to kiss him, even if she rolls his eyes to him for a while, he will be content.

With a deep breath approaching, Jiang Rui felt two hot lips pressed against the back of his neck. His hand motion paused, and he didn't push the person away, but turned the book another page.

Her acquiescence stimulated the people around her, the originally restrained kiss gradually increased gravity, and there was a faint biting tingling pain.

Urhan smelled Xinxinnian's neck, his hands seemed to have autonomous consciousness, and he hugged Yan Shi on his legs.

He was a little excited, not just because of what is going to happen next, but also because he felt that if Lan Shi did not refuse him today, would he not refuse some "little" requests in the future?

The heat in the big tent suddenly rose, and his breathing became sticky and heavy. He pressed Yan Shi tightly on his body, pressing his waist and abdomen together, making her feel his excitement and movement.


"Ajuna, Hasen, go home for dinner!"

Aguda's loud voice suddenly exploded outside the tent, and the ambiguousness in the tent disappeared immediately, Jiang Rui got up and sat aside.

Looking at the empty arms, Urhan took a deep breath, and then took another deep breath.

It's hot, it's time to shave Aguda's beard and hair.

The author has something to say:

Why is Old Jiu only staring at his neck?

Because it cannot be described below the neck: p