All The Hotshots Love Me [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 5: Brother Eighty Soldier 05

There is a small piece of land behind Du's house. Pumpkins were originally planted. Now the season is over and the pumpkin vines are beginning to turn yellow and withered.

Jiang Rui found the last pumpkin under the layers of leaves and put it into the bamboo basket. There were three or four in it, and it was not big, only two palms were a little bit more, and the melon skin was slightly yellow and a bit old. .

She carried the bamboo basket into the room, and Wang Tonghua took it and picked out the one with the best appearance. Just about to tell her to send it to the Zhao family, after thinking about it, he swallowed it again.

It has been a long time since the photo was given to Zhang Liyun, and the Zhao family has not been able to speak. Although Zhao Nan is far away, and the letters come and go, it takes a lot of time, but Wang Tonghua still has a bit of anxiety.

Because this matter has not been known, the two families have tacit understanding and have not made any announcements. Especially for the Du family, only Jiang Rui and Wang Tonghua knew about it. Wang Tonghua couldn't even find someone to talk about it.

She looked at her elder daughter's calm expression and shook her head in her heart. She was really worried.

It stands to reason that since the Zhao family and the Du family have such a plan in private, the two families should communicate more frequently than before. She also wants her daughter to walk around in front of Zhang Liyun more to leave a good impression. A family can be less embarrassed in their in-laws, but they are afraid that it will be too much to catch up, and it will be despised. After all, it is because my family is too poor and lacking confidence, so I have so many worries.

Jiang Rui arranged the pumpkins in a row under the roots of the outer wall of the house, and looked up and said to her, "Mom, the pumpkins are not growing anymore. I want to make the whole land whole tomorrow. What do you want to grow later?"

"Don't worry about that place, wait for your dad and your brother to get off work and let the two men do it. Girl, you try not to work at noon in the future. You are the whitest in our house, don't get tanned."

Jiang Rui smiled and said, "Baozhen will come back tomorrow, do you want to change some eggs and bring them to her?"

Wang Tong twisted his eyebrows for a while, then looked inside the house, and sighed: "Besides, your sister-in-law is about to give birth."

After giving birth, the child has to be confined. If the conditions are good, a chicken will be killed within three to five days and the mother will be replenished with chicken soup. The Du family didn't have such conditions, and Wang Tonghua was not a harsh person. She couldn't do what she wanted her daughter-in-law to do, so she could only try to hoard some eggs and ask someone to buy some brown sugar. It was better than nothing.

In the face of such an urgent matter, she could only move her daughter Du Baozhen back, and wait for Zhang Xiaohua to finish her confinement before considering her.

The four adult rabbits in the family have a lot of food intake. Jiang Rui goes to the mountain to dig rabbit grass every one or two days. After digging the grass and going down the mountain that day, two people came to face each other, Zhao Daqiu and his eldest son Zhao Dong.

The Zhao family keeps bees. Several beehives are under a big tree on the mountain. After finishing the work on the farm every day, or during the slack in the farming period, Zhao Daqiu will take his son up the mountain to see how the beehives are.

This was the first time Jiang Rui met them on the mountain. The mountain road was narrow, so she avoided to the side and whispered to Uncle Zhao.

Zhao Daqiu hurriedly responded, and when he was far away, he stopped and looked back and asked Zhao Dong, "What was that just now?"

"It's the eldest daughter of the Du family," Zhao Dong looked around, then said, "Didn't Mom say that she showed Anan a girl? It's her."

When Zhao Daqiu returned home, he said to Zhang Liyun, "The girl from the Du family is pretty good."

Zhang Liyun gave him a face wash and asked strangely: "There is no head and no tail, where is such a sentence?"

"In the morning, I went up the mountain with Adong and met the girl. She said hello to me, but I didn't recognize it." Zhao Daqiu wiped his face, threw the towel back into the basin, and lifted his hand water. Come to wash your hands, "In the morning, there is no one on the mountain, and she has finished her work and will go down the mountain. She is more diligent than our family."

Zhang Liyun said: "I've been inquiring about it a long time ago. The girl was at home and she did all the housework by herself, and she looked shy and had nothing to say. But when I met on the road, I asked someone to call me diligently. Not good."

It was precisely because he felt that Du Baoqin was good, Zhang Liyun made up his mind to have Zhao Nan come back to meet with people, or if it is too late, I am afraid that others will be taken first.

Thinking of this, she frowned and said with dissatisfaction: "Anan's reply should also come, how come there is no news yet? Does that brat really disagree?"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Qianqian's voice rang in the yard, "Mom, my second brother has written! I just met the postman on the road and I brought it back."

That night, Zhang Liyun went to Du's house again in the twilight.

Du Youfu and his son Du Baoqiang just turned over the small piece of land behind the house, and the table was not cleaned after the family had finished eating.

Seeing people coming, Jiang Rui hurriedly called Aunt Zhang, moved her a chair, went to the kitchen room to pour a bowl of tea, and cleaned the dishes and chopsticks.

Zhang Liyun smiled and watched her go out, turned to look at Wang Tonghua, and said sincerely: "Sister, you have a good daughter."

Seeing her expression, Wang Tonghua knew that she had brought good news, and she was more than half calm, and said modestly: "If Baoqin talks less, she knows how to work and her mouth is dumb."

"What's wrong with this?" Zhang Liyun waved his hand, "A down-to-earth and well-behaved girl like Baoqin makes people hurt. Why did I come this time? Believe my sister, you guessed it. Our family Anan wrote today, saying that this year's New Year will be coming. When I came back to visit relatives, I was thinking, should I let the two young people meet?"

The two of them were talking in the main room, but the rest of the Du family avoided it intentionally or unintentionally.

In the room, Zhang Xiaohua was sitting by the bed and washing his feet. He lowered his voice and said to Du Baoqiang, "Have you seen it? It really made me guess right."

Du Baoqiang sat aside, and after a long time he said, "The Zhao family is also pretty good."

Zhang Xiaohua glared at him, "What do you know?"

In the eyes of others, the Zhao family is certainly good. Zhao Daqiu and his son Zhao Dong will keep bees. Others don't even see sugar all year round. Their family drank honey water as boiled water. The second son, Zhao Nan, served as a soldier. He had more than ten years of military experience and was an officer in the army. He did not know how much allowance he received every month. He is in charge of food and housing in the army. How much money can be saved by the country? After so many years, how big is it? Zhao's daughter, Zhao Qianqian, and their youngest son, Zhao Bei, are both employees and do not rely on land for food.

It can be said that there are no idlers in the Zhao family.

From Zhang Xiaohua's point of view, if Du Baoqin married Zhao Dong or Zhao Bei, it would be very good indeed, but she happened to be against Zhao Nan.

Who is Zhao Nan? It's a soldier, he has a military rank, how good it sounds!

Actually? For a woman, he is nothing more than a man who cannot return home once a year.

What is the difference between marrying such a person and keeping an empty room year after year and keeping a living widow? Have to take care of his family.

If Zhang Xiaohua were to choose, even though the Du family was poor and Du Baoqiang was stupid, she would rather choose the person next to the pillow than the beautiful Zhao family. At least every night, she was thirsty and hot, and someone got up to pour tea, fan her, and her feet cramped. Someone could rub her at midnight.

This man is not capable, but he loves her, knows cold and hot.

After Zhang Liyun left, Wang Tonghua entered the kitchen room, her face could not hide joy, "Girl, Zhao Nan is coming back during the Chinese New Year. You two will see you then."

"Okay." Jiang Rui responded, pouring the clean bowl with water.

Wang Tonghua took over, put the bowl in the cupboard, and said happily: "Just now your Aunt Zhang didn't evade, she told me that she had given Anan a lot of girls in the past, and he never saw him. This is the first time. Once let go, it means he must like you!"

Jiang Rui lowered his head and cleaned the stove, "Mom, it's too early to say this now."

Wang Tonghua smiled, "It's not too early, not too early, that is, your child is shy. When you two meet, we should discuss the wedding date. By the way, girl, from now on to the New Year, this period You save all the rabbit fur that you cut over time. Then you can change your money and buy a piece of cloth to make a new quilted jacket. I think the red quilted jacket that Lingling's girl wore last year looks very nice. It must look better than her!"

"Isn't the family going to spend money recently? My two old ones can still be worn, don't you make new ones?" Jiang Rui said, turning out the purslane dug on the backyard ridge in the evening, preparing to boil water. Hot it.

"Let me come." Wang Tonghua took the basket in her hand, "My family will find a way, no matter how difficult it is, there will always be a new dress for you. I haven't done it for two years. I want to see you this time. Anan, you can’t wear old clothes. Take some hot water and go back to your room to wash. Go to bed early. Leave it to mom here."

Jiang Rui lay on the bed after washing, looking through the window to the clear night sky.

Zhao Nan agreed to come back and meet her, she was not surprised by this.

She did promise Du Baoqin, the original owner, to play her well, but she couldn't let go of her mission. Although she has a lot of time to take her time to complete the task, as Du Baoqin, a young girl cannot stand the drag of time.

Therefore, she must attract Zhao Nan's attention in a short time.

The photo sent was tampered with, and she left a trace of aura on it. When Zhao Nan came into contact with the photo, the aura permeated his body and made him feel peaceful and peaceful. This is different and should be able to give him some good impressions of the people in the photos.

And if someone else touches the photo, they won't feel anything, that trace of aura only works on Zhao Nan.

Because she is his medicine.