Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

v1 Chapter 5: Liu Qiang's body

Old He Xiucai looked at everyone sincerely, "Okay, okay, we're back, let's go see that girl, everyone, let's go, my Aqi has a stubborn temper, you are all here, he is not It's open. After you leave, we'll go in and watch, and if the girl is really hurt, we'll ask Ah Qi to call Lu Yaofu."

"Okay." The old village chief also nodded, turned around and waved his hands, and everyone left in a hurry, with the word disappointment on their faces. Everyone wanted to see what the girl He Shiqi picked up looked like.

The old village head worriedly told Mr. He Xiucai: "Old He, you have to look at that girl and ask her clearly..."

"I know." Lin Yuniang chased the old village chief impatiently.

The old village head looked sad: "If the girl has any injuries, we can treat them in time. Also, don't let Ah Qi touch her. The clothes on the girl don't look like ordinary people. If someone else Parents are here, how can we explain..."

"I know~~" Lin Yuniang pushed the old village head out of the courtyard door, turned around and left.

Under the setting sun, the old village head looked at Lin Yuniang's small steps and scratched his head: "Why are you walking so fast again at this time?"

Lin Yuniang trotted back to the door of He Shiqi's room. Mr. He Xiucai had already taken out the dry pipe and squatted in front of the door and started smoking.

There are only three rooms in the small dilapidated house, one for the old couple, one for He Shiqi, and one for the kitchen, all of which are extremely small rooms.

Lin Yuniang looked at her old man, He Laoxiu took two puffs of cigarettes and looked at her old woman, both of them had shame on their faces, but they still gritted their teeth to suppress the wavering in their hearts, and went back to their room together. Close the door and just wait for tonight to pass early.

The dusk was dim, and a dark cloud slowly came from the southeast, slowly covering this originally peaceful small mountain village.

At the northern foot of Pingshan Mountain, a group of people walked on the mountain road as thin as a duck intestine in the gray sky, and shouted while walking: "Ah Liu Qiang—Ah Qiang—"

Liu Qiang has a younger brother named Liu Dong. When the fire fell, not only the old He Xiucai and his wife were anxious, but on the other side of the mountain, Liu Qiang's family was also anxious.

As soon as the earthquake stopped, Liu Qiang's younger brother Liu Dong went up the mountain with everyone to search for his brother. He roughly knew where his brother set the trap. Along the way, everyone talked about the incident of the fire from the sky.

The higher it goes, the more shocking it becomes.

When they arrived at the place where Liu Qiang set up a trap, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw that the mountains and forests in front of me were all flattened! The place that was originally densely covered with mountains and forests has become a flat land. There are broken trees and branches everywhere, sparks and black smoke, and desolation everywhere. It's like **** on earth!

"Brother! Brother—" Liu Dong became anxious.

Everyone also looked around palely. Ordinary mountain people have never seen such a natural disaster. It's good that their legs are weak from fright. It's already showing favor to Brother Liu Qiang if they didn't run away.

"This, this, Dongzi, I think brother Qiang is more dangerous than good!" Everyone was panicked and trembling, and no one wanted to stay in this **** for a while, and the place was still hot!

"Dongzi, I heard my grandma say that these are three real fires from the sky, and they are going to burn the goblins on this mountain to death!"

"Dong, Dongzi, let's go, let's go." Everyone was scared.

Liu Dong's tears were falling, and he was also afraid, but it was his brother who was missing. When he went up the mountain, he promised his parents that he would see people when he was alive, and corpses when he died. Who would have thought that the appearance above would scare him so much that he just wanted to run away.

Seeing that the sky is gradually getting cloudy, the black smoke from the broken tree in front of him is even more cautious.

"God, it's getting dark, hurry, let's go, what if the fire didn't burn the monster to death?"

Everyone was also frightened and looked around in horror.

The sky was dark, the wind was blowing, black soil and broken branches, those sparks were like countless beasts crawling out of the entrance of hell, staring fiercely at Liu Dong and the others in the broken branches, ready to tear them apart and have a feast.

"Ah——" Suddenly, a terrified scream made everyone jump up, and immediately panicked, screaming again and again: "Ah! Ah!"

Everyone bumped into each other like headless flies.

But only Zhuzhu froze in place, with a pale face, pointing in one direction. It turned out that he was the one who started the frightened cry, and his mouth trembled in fright: "Dong, Dong, Dongdong, you, your brother, brother ..."

His fingers tremblingly pointed to the mid-air in the direction he came from.

Everyone followed the hand of the pillar to look up, and all of them fell to the ground in fright.

I saw Liu Qiang's dead body stuck in a broken tree, bleeding from all seven orifices, eyes popped out, the body of the tree was stained with Liu Qiang's blood, the whole tree turned red in the shimmering light of sparks, and there was a section of white The intestines were hung on the tree, and the state of death was horrific, making him tremble with fear.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Liu Dong collapsed on the ground in fright, and wailed and climbed towards the tree where Liu Qiang was planted, "Brother-brother-brother-" Liu Qiang climbed under the tree, hugged the blood tree and began to wail. "Ah—brother—why did you die so miserably—you're not a monster, God don't open your eyes—don't open your eyes—"

"Wow—" Suddenly, heavy rain fell from the sky, instantly extinguishing the sparks all over the mountain. Immediately, the entire mountain forest rose with water vapor, covering everyone like morning fog, only Liu Dong's miserable cry was heard.

The rain washed away the blood from the tree trunk, and Liu Dong's face was also covered with blood.

Everyone no longer cared about being afraid, and picked up the guy they brought up and started cutting down trees.

"Broken." The tree fell, and Liu Qiang's body fell on the muddy ground together with the tree. Liu Dong jumped on it, hugged Liu Qiang's body and continued to cry: "You look like this, what should parents do if they see it— what-"

The rain gradually became lighter, pattering, washing the ashes on the ground.

Among those who came together, a few more courageous ones hurriedly tidied up for Liu Qiang and carried them onto the stretcher. This cleaning is also very particular, you have to close the eyes of the corpse first, if you can't close your eyes, you have to cover them with a white cloth.

There are thousands of words in this, but it is actually a respect for the dead. On the other hand, if you say that a corpse stares at you with wide eyes, are you careful? Closing it is like falling asleep, which makes people feel better.

"Put a copper coin." Someone even took out a copper coin and stuffed it into Liu Qiang's mouth first.

"Do you want to tie another red string?" Someone asked tremblingly.

"It's not like being possessed by evil spirits. You're still afraid of cheating on the corpse! If you're afraid, go down the mountain!" Everyone hurriedly wrapped Liu Qiang's body tightly in a white cloth, and the four of them lifted the stretcher together, and everyone hurried down the mountain.

"Crack!" Suddenly, something fell from above to the ground, and everyone saw that it was a white wolf! I don't know if I was dead or passed out, I fell down and didn't move.