Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

v2 Chapter 48: take money chic

"Chen Feng, Wu Guang, Zhang Zhihe!"


"The county magistrate ten years ago is now a state official. You lead people to bring him to justice!"


"The rest of the people secretly monitor Ma's house, and arrest any suspicious persons immediately! Don't let any rumors enter Shangshu's mansion!"

"Yes!" The loud voice resounded through the sky, and one after another issued orders, chasing the murderer thousands of miles away.

In the case ten years ago, physical evidence is hard to keep, but witness evidence still exists.

Therefore, the key point in this case is the witnesses. If the account books of the year can be obtained again, the witnesses and material evidences will be complete, and the law will not escape! Therefore, it must be fast! allow! Catch people hard. As long as a little bit of news leaks out, the witness escapes and the physical evidence is destroyed, it is really an unjust case and it will never be cleared.

The eight gates of the capital, the emperor's spy. Officials below the third rank don't need to report to the heavens, they can directly arrest and go to Beijing by paying Mingrui!

So although Fu Mingrui was terrified in Nine Gates, but in this capital city, he did hold great power. Officials below the third grade in Beijing all gave him a bit of face, and it was not because of his relationship with the leftist behind him.

When Yao Guangda returned to Jiumen from the court, everyone was already waiting in the courtyard. What are you waiting for? Waiting for money.

Lian Youyou sat in the hall with her face propped on one hand and one leg on a stool, looking at the fat Buddha's broad back. Fat Buddha asked Lord Coffin to dispose of the corpse last night. When he met Lord Coffin in the morning, his body was full of **** smell.

Lian Youyou narrowed her eyes slightly, this hidden story is always more exciting than the surface, and the story behind this coffin master will never be much better than Wanqing.

However, Wanqing sacrificed herself. As for the coffin master, he should have sacrificed the people in the coffin. What is the relationship between the person in the coffin and the coffin master? Lian Youyou didn't need to look at the coffin to know that there was someone hidden in it, otherwise, what kind of immortal would she be? If you want to be a big fool, you really need some real skills!

Lian Youyou smiled contemptuously, she can't take care of Lord Coffin's affairs now, because one is that she doesn't have enough divine power, and the other is that if she wants to take care of this matter, I'm afraid it's not something that can be taken care of in the world like Wanqing, but , to go to the underworld. She doesn't like going to the underworld, it's cold.

Hmm... I don't know how those two people tasted last night?

She scanned everyone in the hall.

Always sitting by her side, like Lin Tingjun watching over her. San Niang, who leaned against the door of the hall and waited for Master Yao Guangda. Yunxi will definitely stick to Sanniang's side. At the same time, Yun Yao, who stared at her closely and regarded her as a rival in love, Fat Buddha, who smiled and brought buns for everyone, and Little Lettuce, who is now the favorite to be with her.

Nothing about them is trivial. However, it is not as complicated as the coffin master who is estimated to be still dealing with the corpse in the secret realm.

She Lian Youyou came to Jiumen once, and she won't go back for a while if she can't find that man. Since these people are predestined, and they are Yao Guang's students, she is idle anyway, just looking for something interesting to do.

"Master, eat steamed buns, you look better today than yesterday." He Shiqi hurriedly grabbed two steamed buns from Fat Buddha and gave them to Lian Youyou, anyway, he had to give them to his master first.

Lian Youyou nodded in satisfaction: "Go to Wanqing, Xiao Guang will be back soon, take the money and go out to eat something good."

Lian Youyou's words made everyone who was holding steamed buns stop their hands and looked at each other, that's right! How can I eat steamed buns when I have money! Even if you eat it, can you buy some sugar and put it in?

In everyone's anticipation, Yao Guangda's fat figure finally appeared at the door, and everyone rushed up immediately.

"How much?!"

"Old man, how much did Fu Kun pay you?"

Everyone's eyes were shining, and their faces were full of money fans.

Yao Guangda smiled mysteriously, and took out a stack of thick bank notes from his sleeve: "One thousand five hundred taels!"

"Wow——" Everyone wanted to grab it, and Yao Daguang immediately said to Sanniang: "Hey~~ You can't grab it, you can't grab it, put it here with Sanniang, and use it as our Nine Gates' activity funds."

"Ah~~Don't~~Everyone has no pocket money for a long time, and I haven't bought a new rouge for a long time..." Yun Yao pouted her mouth, so angry, thinking that she is so cute, she has no money to dress up.

Yunxi raised his hand and leaned on Yunyao's shoulder, this time he definitely stood by his sister: "That's right, old man, you are so stingy, give it all to Sanniang, we don't have points, you should at least get twenty taels each , How long has it been since you sent me money."

Yao Guangda looked at Fat Buddha: "I really... haven't paid everyone for a long time?"

Fat Buddha clasped his hands together: "Amitabha..." Immediately, he spread his hands out, clearly asking for it from Yao Guang!

"How much is twenty taels per person? You took fifteen hundred taels!" Yun Xi emphasized emphatically, "Look how pitiful little Linzi is, she can only sleep on the roof every time she goes out!" Yun Xi pointed at Lin Tingjun Lin Tingjun didn't say a word, but his eyebrows were already tightened.

"Ten taels!" Yao Guangda looked at everyone, bargained, and then told Sanniang, "Ten taels each."

Sanniang smiled charmingly: "Come~~get the money~~~"

"Okay~~Twelve taels is not bad~~~" Everyone cheered.

Lian Youyou crossed Erlang's legs and looked at Yao Guangda who walked into the hall, raising her eyebrows in distaste: "Xiao Guang, you will ask Fu Kun for money in the future, remember, 10,000 taels~~~~"

Suddenly, a group of people who took money were dumbfounded!

Yao Guangda froze, one, ten thousand taels... Pay it back? ! You know, his monthly salary is only forty taels, and if he can get 1,500 taels today, that is his salary for nearly three years! He is still proud of it!

Unexpectedly, there are still too few Lian Youyou.

Lian Youyou winked at him, and smiled: "Don't worry, he can afford it, so don't be shabby, for a person like Fu Kun, you only have to be ruthless about money, so he doesn't dare to provoke our Jiumen again. Now you One thousand five hundred taels, probably only his one month's pocket money, it's not painful, but I still hold a grudge in my heart, he has to come~~~" Lian Youyou stood up, and snapped her fingers at He Shiqi, "Let's go, Let’s eat Xiaolongbao~~~”

"Master~~Wait for me~~~" He Shiqi happily followed Lian Youyou, Lin Tingjun got up directly, and followed Lian Youyou closely, causing He Shiqi to roll his eyes again and again.

When Yao Guangda was mentioned by Lian Youyou, he immediately regretted it, right! I really want less, I can ask Fu Kun to pay in installments, and let him remember this lesson for a longer time!

"My lord! Ask for more in the future!" Everyone also shouted in unison, the more their adults want, the more points they can get! After they shouted, they also ran out with Lin Tingjun and the others. Today, they are paid, why don't they have a good meal? Add oil and water to the stomach.

Yao Guangda looked at the figure of everyone leaving, with round and fat faces, and laughed.

In the blink of an eye, the nine doors were empty, leaving only the lonely plate of big white steamed buns on the round table. Master Coffin was stunned when he came out wiping his hands, where is he?