Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

v4 Chapter 17: scent tracking

Duanmu Lang was extremely respectful, and it could even be said that he was a little afraid. He hurriedly covered Duanmu Kang's mouth: "Father, you can't say that she is arrogant, you have to respect her! She is amazing!" Duanmu Lang's buttocks were aching, and he felt inexplicable, strange, his fear of Lian Youyou Where did it come from?

"Miss Lian? That Lian Youyou who kicked down my [Saixiang Pavilion] gate and hit my [Saixiang Pavilion] mother?!" Immediately, Kang Wang was furious, his teeth itching with hatred.

"It's that Lian Youyou." Suddenly, Fu Mingsu's voice came.

Prince Kang immediately looked at Fu Mingsu, Fu Mingsu lowered his voice with a shrewd smile on his face, "So, if she can't find the cup, the prince will have a handle, so he can write a letter to the emperor and tell him Jiumen took the money from the young prince, but did not find the cup, this is clearly deceitful! Let the emperor see clearly Jiumen's magic sticks."

Kang Wang was suddenly stunned, and silently gave Fu Mingsu a thumbs up.

In the bedroom, Lian Youyou lay down comfortably on the couch, looked at Yunxi and raised her hand: "It's up to you."

Yunxi was dazed for a moment, and pointed to himself: "Me? How can I check? I don't know how to do it."

"Cut." Lian Youyou gave Bai Yunxi a disgusted look, "Use your nose to smell and see what's here."

"Oh~~~" Yunxi suddenly realized it after Lian Youyou's reminder. He usually only knows how to fight and kill, but he is helpless in the face of such ordinary cases, completely forgetting some of his own innate abilities.

He went to close the door first, only when it was closed could the smell in the house be concentrated and would not be affected by the outside air.

When he closed the door, Kang Wang, Duan Mulang, the concubine and the concubines and servants all stretched their necks outside, and their heads turned as Yunxi closed the windows one after another.

What's the situation? Close the doors and windows in broad daylight? There is also such an investigation? The light is gone, can you still see clearly inside? Duanmu Kang felt more and more that this Lian Youyou was very unreliable.

However, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, and he also wanted to find Fu Mingrui from the Eight Doors to find the cup, but his son was right, if Emperor Cheng found out about this, he would not only lose face, but also be scolded. The loss outweighs the gain.

The bedroom was already dark, Lian Youyou lay comfortably on the couch and watched Yunxi.

Yunxi's eyes suddenly turned into needlepoints, and immediately after, his face began to elongate, and snow-white fluff began to emerge from his skin one by one. In an instant, his handsome and seductive face was completely transformed into He had a fox face, and two furry ears emerged from the black hair on the top of his head, turning around in the dark bedroom.

Yun Xi stood in the middle of the bedroom, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath with his nose lifted.

"Suck——" His confinement eyes opened wide at once, and the next moment, he choked, "Cough, cough, cough—" He looked like he had been choked by chili noodles, and he was in a hurry to find tea . I found a teapot on the table and drank it quickly.

"Gudong Gudong."

Lian Youyou looked at her and smiled: "Can't you even block the smell? You don't smell what you should smell, and you inhale a lot of what you shouldn't smell. You should practice hard. Distinguishing smells is your ability."

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo." Yun Xi gasped, "Where did I expect that this prince has so many women, just as soon as he inhaled it, he sniffed the scented powder, it choked me to death!"

Yunxi's sense of smell is already more sensitive than a dog's. The scent of so many women's powders inhaled by ordinary people may just feel strong, but to Yunxi, it is purgatory.

Slowing down, Yunxi started the second attempt. This time, he became more careful and waved his hands as if trying to get rid of the smell. In his world, those smells seemed to have entities, walking beside him.

The strongest smell was those wives and concubines. He could smell it. A group of them were kneeling on the ground, probably maidservants. Because along the way, he smelled a similar fragrance from the servant girl in the palace.

And the more advanced scent of incense powder belongs to the princess and those concubines. They seemed to appear vividly in front of him, forming scenes of replays one after another.

He didn't even bother to distinguish the smells of each person. He continued to search, because the smells would fade with time. They could escape the noses of ordinary people and dogs, but they definitely couldn't escape him. Yunxi's nose. In particular, the incident was not long ago, so the smell will linger more.

In his world, what happened in this bedroom went backwards with time. Erase those women and maids, only the smell of Kang Wang is left in this room.

No, there's also the smell of...

"..." He murmured intently.

Lian Youyou, who was lying on the couch, sat up, put her hands on her chin, and smiled cutely: "Oh! So fast!"

Yunxi began to look for the source, he walked forward, walked forward, walked to the incense burner, opened it, and smelled it: "Well, it is a very cheap one: dream-returning incense, which can paralyze the whole body and make people half-dream and half-awake .”

Lian Youyou raised her eyebrows, Duan Mulang said that Prince Kang saw that villain while half asleep, so this fits the characteristics of Hui Mengxiang.

So, here comes the question, why didn't the other party just completely stupefy Prince Kang, and insisted on making him half-asleep and half-awake, and let him see a vague villain?

"En..." Lian Youyou put her chin in one hand and thought for a while, then smiled, "Aha! I know, the other party wants Kang Wang to believe that it was a villain who stole it, so there is no way to find it. If he is completely confused Haha, he didn’t see anything, then he will report to the police and search for cups all over the city, which is not good for the thief, and the stolen goods in his hands are even more difficult to sell.”

Lian Youyou's scrutiny made Yunxi give her a thumbs up, and then he searched for traces again. Suddenly, he found it, and a mouse bigger than ordinary mice appeared!

The mouse looked very strange, not the same as the mice he had seen. It was fatter and rounder, and its head was rounder too, not as sharp as a mouse's. He was amazed as if he saw the mouse: "What kind of mouse is this..."


"Well, three inches long and short, very fat, chubby, small ears, almost hidden in the hair, and short tail, it seems that there is no..." Yunxi sniffed carefully, except for the color, he could smell everything else Smell it! Because what the smell leaves is the shape of the owner of the smell.

"It smells like cloth, it's wearing clothes, and it's going to King Kang's couch!" Yun Xi lay prone on the ground, quickly followed the mouse, got on the couch, and took away...the luminous cup!

"What about the wings?" Lian Youyou glanced at Yunxi.

Yun Xihu turned his face to the window, chased after him again, opened the window, and a crow landed by the window! The crow jumped behind the mouse, grabbed the leather strap attached to his back with its claws, "crashed!", spread its wings, and flew away!