Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

v5 Chapter 64: close the case

Therefore, in order to protect the reputation of the Huang family for the past fifty years, this haunting mission has been secretly passed on to the Huang family.

If Huang Zong was dying, this secret mission would be passed on to Huang Jiao.

All goodness and filial piety are the first, so the descendants will never question and defy the tasks handed down by the ancestors.

In fact, as long as the Huang family's old house is bought back, all these things will be over. Unfortunately, they don't have that much money to buy the old house back.

It was also because the old house could be sold for a large sum of money that Lu's sold the house.

And at that time, Lu family was still full of hatred and anger. It was not enough to torture and kill Lu Xuan, so she threw Huang Ye's body into the well and ordered her trusted servants to pour the mansion's dung into it every day. This shows her love for Huang Ye. hatred.

How could Mrs. Lu want to live in this house full of hatred and loathing?

Houses in the capital can always be sold at high prices, let alone Huang Ye's house. At that time, apart from wanting to sell Qingjing, the bigger reason was that she had become a widow and had no source of livelihood. At that time, her three children were still young. How could she support the whole family as a woman?

After selling the house, Mrs. Lu got a lot of money, at least able to raise three children. But not long after, she remembered that the corpse was still in the house, and she was worried all day long, fearing that someone would find it, so she came up with such a haunting method.

Most people in Qian Dynasty are superstitious, so the method of haunting is very useful.

How could she have imagined that fifty years later, there would be such a strange person as Yi Jixuan who is not afraid of ghosts and also likes to buy private houses.

And this strange flower happened to be a relative of Zuo Xiang Fu Kun, so he met Fu Mingrui's detective from the capital who loved to solve puzzles.

Fifty years later, the truth of a murder case came to light. It's really a sky net, sparse but not missing. It really echoed Lian Youyou's words: A wicked person lives for a thousand years, not because God is blind, but because there are unjust cases waiting for him to settle.

Huang Zong's hands holding Lu's confession kept shaking, his face became paler and his lips turned blue. This confession made his brain completely blank, and each word on it completely smashed the reputation of Taoist Huangshan that they had been working hard to maintain for fifty years.

Fu Mingrui stared at Huang Zong quietly for a moment, then deliberately lowered his voice: "Mr. Huang Zong, I think your Huang family has a lot of people and needs to make a living, so you haven't fully disclosed Lu's confession..."

Huang Zong opened his tearful eyes, slowly regained his senses, and bowed down in pain: "Thank you for your kindness...Little man...Keep it in my heart..."

Fu Mingrui nodded, and said solemnly: "You Huang family members can't always rely on Huangshan Taoist's paintings for a living, you still need to work **** your own."

"Your Excellency...the lesson is..." Huang Zong's hands fell limply, and Lu's confession was scattered all over the floor. He was already haggard, but he didn't expect the truth to be far uglier than he imagined.

"Take Lu back home and bury her properly..." Fu Mingrui looked at the other two skeletons with a sigh, "Also, these two skeletons..."

"My lord..." Huang Zong interrupted Fu Mingrui with a choked voice, "Since you know the truth, my ancestor would never be buried with my grandfather. , keep the reputation of our Huang family, and raise our Huang family from generation to generation, without the ancestors, there would be no children and grandchildren like our Huang family..." Huang Zong pointed to the Huang family outside the courtyard.

The Huang family who heard his words also nodded while weeping. They have gratitude and love for their ancestors. They couldn't criticize Lu's actions back then, because what they had received was Lu's favor for fifty years.

"However, the ancestor is guilty. The father owes the debt to the son, and we are willing to pay for this sin for her. We will bury Lu Xuan's uncle grandpa generously, enshrine his tablet in our ancestral hall, and burn paper for him every year. Redemption..." After Huang Zong finished speaking, he led all the members of the Huang family to bow deeply in front of Lu Xuan's bones...

All those who watched the Huang family prostrating showed emotion and sighed in their hearts. Three lives in one case, the grievances of fifty years ago will end in fifty years. It can be said that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It is not that there is no reward, and the time has not yet come.

The Huang family took away Lu's body and Lu Xuan's skeleton. In the empty hall, only Huang Ye's skeleton was left lying on the ground alone, and no one buried him.

Unclaimed bones will be buried in mass graves in the northern suburbs.

When Zhao Cheng and the others were about to clean up, Fu Mingsu came over and looked at Huang Ye's skeleton: "He is always a painter, and he can sell for a good price."

Zhao Cheng, who was picking up the bones, was shocked.

Fu Mingrui's complexion was also a little tense, he clenched his fist and coughed: "Ahem." Looking at Zhao Cheng and the others, Zhao Cheng understood, and directly led the yamen servants to pack up and leave. It's better for them not to see such "secret poking" things.

Fu Mingrui looked at Fu Mingsu seriously: "Brother, do you really want to..." He glanced at the bones on the ground, a little in disbelief.

Fu Mingsu smiled slightly, picked up the Huangshan Taoist seal that the Huang family didn't take away, and threw it away: "With this seal, you can sell it for a good price. In the black market, collectors are full of strange things, you and I can't understand .”

Fu Mingrui frowned. He knew that his brother's people were of all kinds and had everything. Among these people, most of them had interests in the Fu family and worked for his elder brother.

"Fu Mingsu, you're so weird, you even want bones." Yun Yao looked at Fu Mingsu and Fu Mingrui with distaste, "It's over, I'm leaving." As she spoke, she began to put away the dyed painting "Ao Meitu" full of blood.

When Fu Minghui heard that Yunyao was about to leave, he also stood up immediately.

"Miss Yunyao." Seeing that Yunyao had put away his evidence, Fu Mingrui was puzzled, and Wang Yi's case was still pending, so he asked together: "What about Wang Yi's case?"

Yunyao looked around, saw no one else, pointed at the painting and said mysteriously: "Wang Yi is dead inside. The painting was so gorgeous before, because it was dyed with human essence, blood and essence." Thinking back Everything in the painting makes Yun Yao vomit. Yun Yao curled her lips unbearably, and picked up the scroll, "So the evil nature of this painting must be placed in our Nine Gates, otherwise after a long time, the evil spirit inside will rekindle and continue to harm people." Yun Yao quickly rolled it up Picture scroll, this is what Lian Youyou told her.

Fu Mingrui, Fu Mingsu and Yi Jixuan were startled, but they didn't seem too surprised.

They had seen that painting before, such a gorgeous painting, and now it suddenly became like this, no one would believe it even if it was weird. In addition, Lu Shi's confession also mentioned the strangeness of this painting, which was also the reason why she sold the painting in a hurry.

"What are you talking about?" Fu Minghui, the only one who had never seen "Ao Meitu", looked puzzled.

Fu Mingsu patted him on the shoulder: "I'll tell you when I get back."

As soon as Fu Mingsu finished speaking, Yunyao turned around quickly: "I'm leaving." Yunyao walked gracefully and hurriedly.

Seeing that Yunyao was about to leave, Fu Minghui hurriedly chased after her.