Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

v5 Chapter 78: Meiou Yukawa

Suddenly, her finger stopped and tapped on a slice. On the slice was Lin Tingjun's appearance in this life.

Lian Youyou took out this thin slice, and with a wave of her sword, in an instant, the original slice turned into countless pictures, densely covering her surroundings. There are images of his birth, his past, and... his... death...

Lian Youyou raised her eyebrows slightly, curled her lips, um~~~ This person's life is quite exciting...

Outside the Minglun Hall. Lin Tingjun folded his arms and leaned against the door, looked and listened from time to time, and then said without words: "If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would have thought that the underworld is like this? I thought it was like in the play, there is a court, There is a bull's head and a horse's face, and there is black and white impermanence..."

"That's all imagined by you in the world by comparing your own appearance." Di Ting said lightly, "All imaginations about the underworld are based on real life in the world. Therefore, the architecture of the underworld will also change with the changes in the age of the world. Imagination also changes with the times.”

"Oh~~~" Lin Tingjun pretended to be surprised, "But I have seen people with black faces in Buddha statues, and there are black people in the world, so you..."

"I'm not black." Di Ting was patient and answered Lin Tingjun's questions one by one.

Lin Tingjun smiled: "Hey, you are also different from the **** I imagined. You are very friendly and willing to answer my questions. Unlike that woman..." Lin Tingjun deliberately lowered his voice, pointed behind the door, and pouted , "It's unbelievable~~ A person who is in a bad mood beats someone at our nine doors, it's terrible..."

"You should be afraid of her, afraid of her." Di Ting's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Because she is a cold weapon without emotion." His deep voice was a warning to Lin Tingjun, and there was even more gleam in his eyes. Divided the color of trembling.

Lin Tingjun's eyes widened, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and his unaffected expression made people believe that he and Lian Youyou did meet in the Nine Gates, and he didn't know Lian Youyou very well.

"Hiss—" He took a breath pretending to be terrified, turned his face away, and put away the expression on his face in a place where Di Ting couldn't see, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"Boom—" The black door opened again, and Lian Youyou came out humming a little song shaking her head.

Di Ting immediately put away the trembling in his eyes, and greeted Lian Youyou with a dark face. Lin Tingjun also pretended to be respectful, and bowed his head to greet Lian Youyou.

The black door closed, Lian Youyou looked left and right, then turned back to look and listen: "It's time to see Xiaochuanchuan."

Di Ting remained calm: "Master Goddess, Pluto is sleeping."

Lian Youyou waved her hand: "It's okay, he sleeps in his, I'll watch mine."

Di Ting frowned slightly, and nodded: "Goddess please come with me." He turned around and walked forward again, he knew that he couldn't stop Lian Youyou from looking at Youchuan.

Lian Youyou glanced at Lin Tingjun, Lin Tingjun walked by her, leaned over and said three words: "He hates you." After finishing speaking, he walked forward.

Lian Youyou curled her lips and shrugged. As many gods and demons she killed on it, as many gods and demons hated her, it was reasonable. That's why she doesn't want to do this thing of looking for people to hate anymore, she needs love so much now to fill the emptiness after her long-term killing, to wash away the heavy dark energy that has been squeezed in her heart for too long.

In Nine Gates, she felt love.

Everyone's laughter, troubles, and quarrels are all love for life. She needs this kind of daily life, which gives her the feeling of being a human being, not a cold, killing machine.

This may be the reason why You Chuan was willing to put down the butcher knife and surrender to her back then. If it is converted into human time, she and You Chuan have almost fought for hundreds of years. Over the past hundreds of years, the two have been "facing each other almost day and night", "facing each other" and "physical contact" day and night.

She became a war machine, and You Chuan also became a war machine. Two people are fighting non-stop on the same battlefield, fighting day after day. In the end, the two of them just fought mechanically, and they fought in the dark. The repeated battles made the two of them gradually confused. What is the meaning of the two people's fighting?

Protoss corpses all over the ground, what did everyone get in exchange for their deaths?

So, she put down the magic sword, and he put down the magic knife. From then on, he bowed his head to her.

The friendship between him and her was forged with real knives and real guns. He still bears the scar of her divine sword, and one of her divine bones was broken by him.

They have too much "feeling" for each other. Therefore, when she came, it was impossible for him to sleep peacefully.

The deep palace is endless, and there are few people in the quiet place. Unlike the mortal world, there must be countless people serving the king.

"You don't want to hire some palace maids either." Lian Youyou looked at the deserted palace, only seeing soldiers patrolling past occasionally.

Di Ting walked beside Lian Youyou, and said lightly: "The king doesn't want to see women."

Lian Youyou immediately raised her eyebrows, with a smirk all over her face: "Oh~~~Is it because I have a shadow? Hahaha—hahaha—" She turned to Lin Tingjun and raised her eyebrows again and again, look, I shot Xiao Chuanchuan out Mental illness.

Lin Tingjun pretended not to see it.

If he and she are an old couple who have seen each other for thousands of years. Then, You Chuan and Lian Youyou can really be regarded as unlucky husbands who have been domestically abused for hundreds of years. How could You Chuan have no shadow in his heart towards Lian Youyou?

The sound of water came from the front, and there was actually a waterfall hanging in the palace. The waterfall fell from a high place, but the sound was soft. When Di Ting approached, the water curtains opened to both sides like gauze curtains, revealing a crystal-like room inside. The black crystal is slightly transparent, shining with starlight, and a figure can be faintly seen floating in it, sleeping peacefully.

"The king is sleeping." Di heard.

Lian Youyou watched quietly for a while, then turned her face and blinked at Di Ting again: "I'll come out just by looking at it." Saying that, she walked forward.

Di Ting's gaze was not as indifferent as in front of the Minglun Hall, but continued to stare at Lian Youyou's figure.

The black crystal room gradually opened, and the starlight flowed inside. Youchuan was suspended in the phantom starlight, and the dark red long hair was slowly flying in the starlight. The slender hair became the only bright red shining existence in this dark world. Silk red hair was floating in the air, and when Lian Youyou entered, it surrounded Lian Youyou.

Lian Youyou raised her hand to gently caress a strand of hair that floated by her side, and the strand of hair immediately flashed a bright red light in her palm, like a pour of blood slowly flowing from her palm.

Lianyou smiled melodiously, and flew towards Youchuan, quietly hanging beside him.

You Chuan floats quietly in this world, his handsome face is peaceful and serene. It seemed that he had indeed fallen asleep.