Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

v6 Chapter 28: noble princes

Everyone waited and waited, searched and searched, and saw that they could no longer drag on, so they had to come out first.

This kind of banquet, Duanmu Qingchen has disappeared more than once, most likely he went to the venue first, pretending to be a prince from another family to seduce an ignorant girl.

They guessed half right, Duanmu Qingchen did sneak into the venue first, and then fled.

Everyone no longer looked for Duanmu Qingchen, even the **** was very calm and understood the temperament of the prince Duanmu Qingchen.

"Brother Sanhuang, come here." Duanmu Yaxin looked at Duanmu Jinhong with a little excitement, "Brother Prince must have slipped to the venue first, he is the worst."

Third Prince Duanmu Jinhong's slender eyebrows were already raised, he didn't like this kind of occasion.

"Brother Prince likes to play the common people's game of teasing young ladies, hey..." Duanmu Ruifeng shook his head repeatedly.

"Brother Prince is like this every time, and he doesn't take us with him when he plays." Duanmu Yunkang pouted like a child. He also wanted to feel what it was like to pretend to be a commoner. The feeling of hiding his identity was very exciting.

"Brother Prince is a beauty, why did he take you with him?" Duanmu Yaxin said confidently, as if she knew her brother Prince best, "The daughters of those officials, knowing the identity of Brother Prince, don't all come here like flies ?Of course it’s fun when you don’t know your identity, and you can try to show your sincerity.”

"Huh~~~~" Duanmu Ruifeng widened his eyes and lightly pinched Duanmu Yaxin's tender face, "You understand again, then you are not afraid that those sons of aristocratic families also came with a purpose for you? Why don't you learn from the prince Are you going to privately interview Mr. Xi on Weifu?"

"I'm shameless!" Duanmu Yaxin blushed all of a sudden, kicking and kicking Duanmu Ruifeng, "I'm a princess! How can I play with men, too, I don't know how to be ashamed!"

"You are so barbaric. If you weren't a princess, I don't think any man would dare to take you!" Duanmu Ruifeng who was beaten immediately teased Duanmu Yaxin.

Duanmu Yaxin was extremely angry immediately.

"Stop making trouble." Duanmu Jinhong pulled Duanmu Rui and Duanmu Yaxin away, and looked at everyone seriously, "Everyone, calm down tonight, even if others have no purpose, in the end Yaxin will be married by the emperor to the son of a certain important minister in the court , it's better to let Yaxin choose the one she likes first."

Everyone felt the same way. Rather than being married by the father, betrothing Yaxin to a strange man Yaxin doesn't know is good, why don't you let your younger sister choose it tonight, if you like it, let the father go Check character.

Duanmu Jinhong looked at the bustling meeting place in front of him, and his eyebrows were tightened even more. He didn't like this kind of crowded occasions the most. He loved cleanliness. Looking at those eager-eyed men and women full of longing, he felt depressed.

This troublesome prince always upset him. If Duanmu Qingchen was here, he would definitely jump up and down in front of him again: If you don't like me, what can you do to me? I am the prince, you are not the prince~~~

"Let's go." Duanmu Jinhong walked forward full of sulking, everyone secretly smiled and followed him to the venue.

From them to the meeting place, there is a stone bridge carved with white marble, named Lanyue Bridge. Under the moonlight, the white marble glows with white jade light, just like the moon palace and fairy bridge. If there is mountain fog in the daytime, this white jade stone bridge will become faintly visible in the misty morning fog.

This bridge, like a fairyland, reveals the high and noble identities of His Royal Highnesses.

The noble princes stepped onto Lanyue Bridge and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the venue.

Those who knew that His Highnesses came from here had already been waiting by the bridge, just to stand in the front row, so that His Highness the Crown Prince and other Highnesses and princesses could see their faces clearly, and leave a slight impression in their eyes.

Like the stars in the night sky, Duanmu Jinhong and the others walked up the stone bridge under the eyes of everyone looking up. Immediately, the crowd under the stone bridge surged, and everyone flocked to the bottom of the stone bridge, kneeling together.

"Meet Your Highnesses and Princesses—" Lang Lang's voice echoed throughout the venue.

Fat Buddha, who was busy eating cakes from afar, looked here and laughed, not forgetting to hide some more cakes in Little Lettuce's sleeves, and the **** who was in charge of placing the cakes looked disgusted, as if saying: "Where is this?" The country people who come here can actually come to this banquet with lanterns.

On Lanyue Bridge, the third prince, Duanmu Jinhong, was also wearing a white long gown embroidered with golden dragon patterns. The clean white accentuated his cold and aloof special temperament, like a fairy in the cold moon, dismissive of the world.

Behind him are the fifth prince Duanmu Ruifeng and the sixth prince Duanmu Yankang. Of course, there is another protagonist today: the seventh princess Duanmu Yaxin.

Duanmu Yaxin dressed herself up today, and became the most beautiful girl tonight. She blushed and hid behind the brothers, but the excitement and excitement in her eyes could not be concealed.

When she came, the concubine mother had already told her that even though she had chosen a good husband, there was no need to worry, because she knew people and faces but did not know the heart, so she was asked to choose a few more, and then asked her father to check the character carefully before making a decision.

At this moment, Duanmu Yaxin's heart was beating so hard that she was almost out of breath. When she thought of asking herself to choose a few more wishful young men, she felt shy and happy at the same time.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet was specially organized by her father for her and the prince's brother. She is far happier than the two sisters. The two imperial sisters did not have the right to choose to marry out of Youbang, but she was able to choose from among the princes of this family, which was evident in Emperor Cheng's love for her.

She took a sneak peek at Lanyueqiao, and all the young men bowed their heads, unable to see their faces clearly, but even so, she felt that she was the happiest girl in the world at the moment, and which girl in this world could have her With supreme power, she can choose from all the young talents in the capital?

Thinking of this, although she was still a little shy, she still raised her chin and proudly looked down at the young masters of the family under the bridge.

The Duanmu Ruifeng brothers who were as happy as her were able to choose their concubines here because they were honored by the prince's elder brother and the seventh younger sister. Moreover, although Seventh Sister could choose several more, in the end, she could only choose one.

And they, it doesn't matter how many they choose, this is the prerogative of being a courteous man. Three wives and four concubines, a dozen girls from the house, and sweet lovers outside, occasionally go to the brothel to smell the fragrance of wild flowers.

They are flirtatious, and the place of flirtatious is justifiable and righteous, because: people who are not flirtatious are in vain for young people.

The most unhappy person in their group should be Duanmu Jinhong, because Duanmu Qingchen disappeared again and left everything in front of him to him. This lantern party was held for him and Seventh Sister, but he was so cynical, did he not take them other princes seriously?

snort! It is this virtue that harmed the prince. Up to this moment, Duanmu Qingchen still did not appear, and Duanmu Jinhong knew that he would never appear again. Depending on the situation, it should not be pretending to be a son of a noble family to flirt with the lady of the official family, but probably sneaking down the mountain and wandering somewhere.

In this palace, the person who knows Duanmu Qingchen best is actually him: Duanmu Jinhong.