Almighty Daughter Was Spoiled By a Big Brother

v1 Chapter 443: Plagiarism Research

  Chapter 443 Plagiarism Research

  Father Li’s eyes could not hide hope.

  Li's beauty, because of Li Shuning, has gone bankrupt, and now the reputation of Li's medical family will be ruined by Li Shuning.

  He said in a deep voice: "Don't go wrong."

  Li Shuning’s face showed sarcasm, “The reputation I have accumulated over the years, they thought it would be ruined in a day or two, huh, dreaming.”

  Father Li frowned.

  He always felt that this matter was not over yet.

  On the second day, the marketing account broke some news again.

  This time, netizens started to explode, and even most of Li Shuning’s diehard fans were turned off.

[Breaking News V: Dr. Li Da failed more than just one operation. He has failed more than 20 operations before and after. Among them, 40 operations for Slovak’s disease were performed, and 10 failed. There are surgical records here. If Dr. Li Da denies it, we can come to confront each other. 】

  He also gave a video. The reporter above interviewed Li Shuning about the 100% success of Slov’s disease operation. Li Shuning did not deny what the reporter said, but rather modestly said that she was lucky.

  And before that, she had already failed five sets.

  The evidence is here. As her diehard fan, there is no way to refute it.

   "Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous, this Li Shuning dare to love is a white lotus, fortunately I thought she was so pure and clean."

   "Someone's personal setting is completely broken, and whoever picked up these evidences is awesome."

   "Well, if the operation fails, you can hold it down with money and you will have a 100% success rate."

   "I suddenly suspected that she did the medical research Li Shuning that sensationalized the world before? Was it a fake?"


  It didn’t take long for another news to come out.

[Breaking the news: Dr. Li Da published a medical study two years ago, which was published on the World Medical CNI website. That article was written by Li Shijie, a younger brother who is one month younger than Dr. Li, and only her own name was on it. At the same time, her brother was expelled from the school for plagiarizing other people's articles, and also expelled from the Li family. 】

   "Brother one month younger, is this an illegitimate child?"

   "Li Shuning is too disgusting. I suspect that she is jealous of her brother's medical talent, so she slander him."

   "Upstairs, we thought the same thing. If that study was written by his brother, with this level, do I need to steal other people's articles?"

   "Hahaha, I thought Li Shuning had some skills, but I didn't expect it to be stolen."

  "I hope that the medical profession can ban Li Shuning. Li Shuning is morally corrupt and unworthy to be a doctor."


  #Li Shuning’s 20 operations failed#

  #Li Shuning Plagiarism Research#

  These two topics have exploded, and they are ranked first and second in the hot search.

  Li Shuning suffers from insomnia at night, she will still be asleep, and she is not clear about things online.

  Her cell phone rang.

  Li Shuning woke up and was connected.

  The voice of the president of Jiangcheng First Hospital came from the phone, "Li Shuning, you were expelled from our hospital."

  Li Shuning's eyes widened suddenly, and there was a panic in her voice, "Dean, what happened?

  The dean had some friendship with Li Shuning. He reminded: "You should try to explain things on Weibo."


   Li Shuning's heart suddenly gave birth to a very bad premonition.

  She was about to open the phone, when the door of the room was pushed open by Father Li, his face was scary.

  (End of this chapter)