Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 1110: Battle of Dalong County (four more)

The skull of Hoggs.

The broken sword of the black horse Maduk.

Redpas's shield.

Holy Knight of the Paladin Davi.

The key props needed to complete the ceremony are all surrounded by countless dead souls. When you touch them, you can even feel the sound of the noisy soul, and there will be fierce battle scenes around the field of vision.

The whispers of countless dead souls, some belong to the spirit of death, and some belong to the undead natural disaster.

"If we fail, Dalong County is over!"

"Cheer for the Lich King!"

"Where is the silver hand? We need their help!"

"Our master wants your soul!"

"Captain Redpas! How can you abandon us?"

"Dalong County is bound to fall!"

These war dead spirits, even if the war has ended for many years, their souls have been fighting endlessly with the undead natural disasters and the betrayer, even if they die, they must use their souls: for the Dalong County! For the people behind you! For Lordaeron! We must win!

Zou Zhuo and Lin Xue’s tribal squad returned to Long County again, but unlike when they first came, they had a very heavy mission this time.

Through the time of Cromi's spells, wake up the souls of the spirits and save them.

The relics in the battlefield are attached to countless war dead spirits, ghosts of grievances, and even the soul fragments of the ghoul kings Hoggs and Black Madduk, relying on these re-emergence of the Dalong County battlefield that year. These souls return to the moment they die, and defeat the invasion of the Scourge, in order to truly let go of their obsession and get a complete relief.

Several people came to the well, checked the equipment on their own, filled the state, and then carefully removed the relics from the parcel and placed it next to the well.

It seems that I feel the environment here, the package emits a faint purple light, the souls are moving, and they start to experience the battle they can never forget...

The Scourge of the Dalong County came again!


The alarm bells of the town rang in a hurry, and the undead of the Scourge were surrounded by the towns in the direction of the tide, and the souls of the militia defenders in the town also picked up their weapons and shouted and greeted them.

"Stand up in Dalong County! Against the Scourge!!"

The raging shackles, the raging bodies, the undead natural disasters flooded like tides, and the militia’s defense lines appeared fragile. Although Zou Zhuo and Lin Xue are a whole five-person squad, they still feel that they are small. In the face of the overwhelming natural disasters, even if the axe can easily open the body of the zombies and shackles, more undead still engulf the Dalai County militia defenders.

The steps of the undead are still moving forward step by step, seeing more and more undead, the blood of the militia is falling wildly, and a loud voice rang over the Dalong County.

"Dalong County! Don't give up hope, we won't fail!"

It was the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Paladin Davy Farrell. A cluster of sacred lights illuminate the town's defensive line. It blocks the footsteps of the Scourge as a barrier, injecting hope and vitality into everyone's heart.

The predator, Hogus, shouted: "Davi! The holy light illuminates your heart, I will dig it out!"

As the king of the Ghoul joined the battle, the offensive of the Scourge was suddenly intensified, and the defensive circle of the Holy Light also showed signs of collapse.

Dawei did not hesitate to take a few paladins to kill Hogose. Zou Zhuo also wanted to help in the past, but the surrounding natural disasters were like crazy, and they were surrounded by ordinary mobs. A large number of elite blame, if you rush over, I am afraid that even if there is a therapeutic career, it is very difficult to get milk.

"killing monsters, killing monsters!"

Zou Zhuo looked at the speed of the Paladin Davi's blood drop rapidly, and could not help but panic. Five people finally bite their teeth and kill a **** road. The king of the ghoul, the king of the ghoul, is exposed to its teeth and fangs, but under the siege of the light and the blade, it is awkward. The skull was still squatted, and the headless body fell to the ground.

The Dalong County defender shouted: "Hawgos was killed! Cheer up, the guards of the Dalong County!"

Davy supported the ground with a warhammer. The poison of the King of the Ghoul had infiltrated his body and eroded his soul. Even the power of the Holy Light could not save his corroded body.

Davy Farrell shouted: "My injury is too heavy... Warriors, I am not going to fight you!"

With the death of Hoggs, the Scourge Corps had apparent confusion, and the Dalong County side was also demoralized because of Davy’s death.

Zou Zhuo and others are still wielding the weapons in their hands. Unconsciously, those weak undead have become high-ranking elite blood-suckers. Zou Zhuo remembers that these are the elites who are near the broken sword. The undead, these are the main forces that destroyed the Dalong County.

It seems that this battle is finally coming to an end...

Captain Redpath shouted: "The guardians of the Dalong County, cheer up! We must defeat them!"

Finally, Joseph Redpath appeared, and the spirit of all survivors was encouraged. They inspired the final potential and struggled to maintain the battle circle. Joseph himself constantly supported the weak areas of defense and defeated one after another.

In the eyes of all the survivors, as if the light is about to appear, and then hold on for a while, Dalong County can hold it!

But at this time, a horse was appearing on the battlefield. The death knight Maduk, wearing black armor, smirked and extended a long sword to Captain Joseph Redpas.

Joseph Redpath was instantly shrouded in black air. He was constantly struggling, but it was useless. He fell down. Then he stood up and was the fallen Captain Reedpas, who was controlled by the undead Scourge.

Evil magic spread over the Dalong County, not only Captain Redpas, but many weak-willed soldiers were also eroded by the spirits, became traitors, and together with the fallen captain, waved their weapons to their teammates. Indulge in the innocent residents of Dalong County.

For a time, screams, crying, and Dalong County fell into a terrible hell.

Yes, the historical Dalong County was destroyed in a few minutes after that, but now, history will not repeat itself.

Cromi's spells were released on the body of Zou Zhuo. The scars they had left because of the battle were all restored, and the tired body was full of strength.

The Tauren warrior roared to the fallen Captain Redpas, Frostbolt, Lightning Bolt, Shocking Shot...

Finally, the last axe cleared the blood of Captain Redpas, and everything around him suddenly quieted down.

All the souls stopped fighting and quietly watched the fallen Redpath falling to the ground. I don't know who screamed ecstatically: "The undead natural disaster was defeated! Dalong County was saved!"

Joy is like a wave of water, and all the souls throw away their weapons. Their faces are filled with joy and relief, and their obsessions are scattered.

They dared to remember that the defended Dalong County was finally safe, and their souls could finally put down their resentment and return to heaven.

The souls around them pay tribute to Zou Zhuo and others. The souls of Paladin Davi and Rodpas are standing in Dalong County and smiling at them.

Davy: "The war is over, the people of Dalong County are saved! Thank you, thank you, play the piano against me, and your friends, you are the hero of Dalong County!"