Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 137: Martial Arts Game and Xian Xia Games

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "Nothing, they don't start doing it one or two months in advance, and they don't have to win the first prize."

Lin Mao nodded. "That is, after all, the taste of the judges of the tour committee is quite boring. If it is not a particularly innovative game, it is difficult to get the first prize."

Chen Mo thoughtfully.

Lin Mao asked: "I am going to do a mobile game with Xian Xia theme. What about you?"

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "I intend to do martial arts."

Lin Maoyi: "The martial arts theme? The martial arts theme can not be done!"

Chen Mo nodded: "I know, so I am going to do it."

Lin Mao said: "Really, if you can do a good job in martial arts, it is really unique. It is very hopeful to fight for this first prize, but it is too difficult after all, because this theme is difficult to make features, even Zen has been engaged in entertainment for so long, and it has not come out of the name."

Chen Mo said: "I know, so I am still considering it."

Lin Mao nodded: "Okay, come on! I believe in you! After all, you even made "RTS", a domestically recognized RTS game that is difficult to do, as long as you have the idea, you can do the martial arts theme, this time. The first prize is estimated to be stable."

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, you are also cheering, let's fight for a good place!"


After eating, returning to the experience store, Chen Mo began to ponder the new game.

The types of games that contain traditional Chinese culture are actually relatively narrow in scope, and the popular ones are only the two themes of Xian Xia and Wu Xia.

In the parallel world, if you talk about Chinese style games, then the first reaction of designers and players is the Xianxia game. Like the normal VR game "The Legend of the Sword", it is a fairy game.

The reason why the Xia Xia game is hot is because it can use the popular RPG game combat system on the outer skin of Xian Xia, so its gameplay is relatively mature and very controllable, and there will be no serious deviation.

Like the West Fantasy RPG, there are warriors, mages, archers, melee, can use the skills to attack remotely, can ride the gryphon flight, these can be perfectly replaced with Xian Xia packaging.

In the Xian Xia game, players can fly with the sword, can attack the enemy with spells, and can explore the secrets such as Xianshan, caves, etc., which are very compatible with the gameplay of the West Magic RPG.

Especially in the combat system, Xian Xia's spells can be applied to the Western Magic RPG's spell system, and players will not have any sense of violation.

Therefore, the popular Xianxia games on the market, they are essentially the Western Magic RPG. It is also because the Xia Xia theme can be changed with the core of the West Magic game, so it is very controllable, the game system is also very mature, there is no risk.

So why not martial arts?

The biggest problem is the combat system.

Xian Xia is a high magic world, and martial arts is a low magic world.

In Xian Xia, you can fly with the sword, you can demon slayer, you can wave your hand to greet, the expression is very rich, and it is in line with the "play skills" fighting style.

The way of fighting in Xian Xia is that I sacrificed a magic weapon to attack you, causing damage and adding extra effects. These can be expressed in terms of skill and debuff status.

But the martial arts is not the same. The traditional martial arts are paying attention to the tricks. The martial arts here is often a set, like the dragon's eighteen palms. If you make it into 18 skills, it will be too much. There are too few skills. If you only make it a damage skill, it is difficult to reflect its characteristics and cultural connotations.

In addition, there will not be so many monsters and monsters in the martial arts world, so the expressive power will be much worse. There will be no such super large bosses. All the enemies are humanoid creatures.

From Xian Xia to martial arts, you need to cut off a lot of game content, and the cultural connotation of martial arts itself is difficult to express through the form of games.

Therefore, for the designers of this world, it is better to be a martial artsman than a singer.

There are quite a few martial arts games in Chen Mo's previous life, but the problem is that these martial arts games are nothing more than martial arts skin, the kernel is also the game of Xian Xia game and Xi Huan RPG.

A large part of the game works derived from Jin Yong and Gu Long's masterpieces are 蹭IP, and the game itself has no revolutionary gameplay innovation.

For example, the six-pulse sword is made into a long-range attack skill, and the dragon's eighteen palms are made into a melee attack, the northern magical power is made into the blue, and the Lingbo microstep is made to increase the chance of dodge...

In fact, this is still in the process of forcing the RPG of the RPG. If you look at the sentimental factors of the original, in fact, this performance is far-fetched. If you do not do well, players will not necessarily buy it.

There is no Jin Yong Gu Long in this world. Of course, there are martial arts novels similar to Jin Yong's novels, as well as martial arts systems with internal forces and moves. The packaging of martial arts is similar. The non-original martial arts such as Yi Jin Jing, Tai Chi, and Ba Gua are also very famous.

It is impossible to expect to get these IPs, or to copy a copy of Jin Yong’s own IP by Chen. After all, he only has three months.

The martial arts IP of this world is expensive, and it is not as hot as Jin Yong’s novels. Let’s not talk about buying this thing without losing money. It’s mainly because it’s not so big, but Zen mutual entertainment and mutual entertainment are early. Just bought it.

Like Zen and mutual entertainment, they have always insisted on making quality games and playing Chinese style games. They don't want to tap the potential of martial arts games. However, after doing a few paragraphs, they are all reverberating, so they have turned to Xianxia.

Just forcing a martial arts theme game, and not making innovations to its core gameplay, it is no play.

The judges are not stupid, and they can see at a glance that this is a work of selling dog meat. If the martial arts game can't make the martial arts connotation, then it is better not to do it.

The martial arts game that Chen Mo wants to do is a game that can embody the martial arts connotation. It is a game that is completely innovated in the gameplay. It is not the kind of martial arts game that only covers the skin.

From the time of entry to the present, Chen Mo’s game works have been quite a lot. Among them, there are the famous games of “War of Plants vs. Zombies” and “Warcraft”, which have the game of “I’m called MT”. "Lifeline" is a word game.

However, on the whole, it is still a foreign classic game in the past, there is no real Chinese style game.

Of course, this can't blame Chen for admiring foreigners. In the past, the development of the game industry is like this. There are few domestic boutique games, and a large part of it is a sheet metal game. There are not many real shots.

This is not Chen Mo's original intention. He also hopes that Chinese games can go to the world. I hope that domestic players can play domestically produced games that conform to traditional cultural connotations.

Therefore, just by this opportunity, Chen Mo intends to be a stand-alone martial arts game, so that domestic players can also experience the original Chinese style.