Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 263: Channel vendors' counterattacks (four mo

"Price war?"

"Yes, dragging other game platforms through low prices, just like the previous free software and APP wars, first lose money to attract designers, games and players, and then form a monopoly position, then raise prices. Harvesting the market."

"Hey... Chen Mo really think so?"

"I don't know what he thinks, but according to my guess, the possibility is very high. You think, Chen Mo is who, he is not a charity, obviously can earn 50%, why should you earn two or three?"

"And yes, how much he has to lose in terms of the current user volume of the Thunder game platform!"

"Then, the article here is very deep!"

"I haven’t bought the fines that haven’t been sold. Haven’t this been the truth since ancient times? Is Chen Mo’s so smart person able to make a fool of this critical issue?”

"Yeah, if this is not profitable, why is he suffering from all the game channels in the country because of this incident?"

"Oh, forget it, Chen Mo thinks about me, but at least it will be good for us designers in the short term. If these channels are playing a price war, then the benefit is definitely us."

"Also, this time, it’s a proper fight for the gods. We are all responsible for the onlookers."


Dijia Mutual Entertainment Headquarters.

Xu Xiaojun is reporting to Lin Chaoxu about some of the key data currently on the Thunder game platform, as well as several urgent plans for Chen Mo’s announcement.

Lin Chaoxu was a bit gloomy and obviously very unhappy, but he still controlled his emotions and thought silently.

Finally, Lin Chaoxu made a speech: "What do you think Chen Mo wants to do?"

Xu Xiaojun thought about it and said: "I think Chen Mo's intention is very obvious. Similar to the strategy when he did "Thunder Chess" at that time, he used the price war to dig users and further expand the influence of the Thunder game platform. Other gaming platforms."

Lin Zhaoxu nodded and said: "This kid, the head is really iron."

Xu Xiaojun added: "The courage is also very big."

Lin Chaoxu said thoughtfully: "The most different point he has with other designers is that his vision has always been long-term, and he has a clear distinction between immediate interests and long-term interests, and always resists the huge temptation."

"The proportion of Sanqi is divided. With the size of the Thunder game platform, how much does he have to earn? How can he give up so many immediate interests? As a young man, it is really powerful."

Xu Chaojun asked: "That, Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Chaoxu was silent for a moment, then said: "First of all, find ways to stabilize the independent game designers who released the games on our platform. If you can't, you will lower the score and sign the exclusive agency agreement. In short, don't let those ordinary designers They are running too hard."

"Then, let's work harder on public opinion. You know what to do, I won't say more."

"If these strategies fail, then there is no way. We can only cut the meat and fight the price war with Chen Mo. But we don't have to worry too much. It is estimated that Ding Xing is more panic than us. He will not do anything."

Xu Chaojun nodded: "Good Lin, I will do it."

Lin Zhaoxu said: "Go, other domestic distributors, they should act soon."


After Chen Mo announced that the Thunder game platform will allow any game designer to release the game, the major domestic channel dealers quickly found countermeasures and quickly responded.

The first is to sign an exclusive agency agreement with a large number of independent game designers.

Many independent game designers are hesitant to consider whether they want to release their games to the Thunder game platform. And those channel dealers who originally cooperated with them have raised their prices and asked for an exclusive agency agreement.

For example, the commitment to a higher share ratio (the four-six division of the world, 60% of developers), while committing a series of recommendations and related promotional programs.

The voices of these channel vendors are also very confusing.

"Thunder game platform is a new channel. The promotion ability is definitely weak. What is the high score? If the game is not well promoted, it will not make money. Look at the official game platform, only 20%, but your game. How much can you earn by putting it up?"

"We have been working together for so long, and we know each other well. We have been professionally doing channels for so many years and we are guaranteed in this respect."

"Again, after the news came out, how many developers have to release their games to the Thunder game platform? There are so many games at the same time, the Thunder game platform has only a few recommended positions, the competition is still very fierce!"

"Do you think about it, can you get the favor with your game quality? If not, what do you want to do?"

"It is also true that we have suffered some shocks, so we have come up with this exclusive agency agreement. Four or six divisions, developers take 60%, this is already unprecedented! And, we will arrange a one-stop service for you, each There is no mention of the recommended position, there will be corresponding advertising resources to ensure that your new game can get enough attention."

"Of course, after signing the exclusive agency agreement, you can no longer post the game to the Thunder game platform. But as I said before, think about it, it's not really good there!"

The intent of these channels is clear: to keep these independent game designers as much as possible and to tie them together.

This is mainly to prevent designers from switching to the Thunder game platform on a large scale. Once this trend is up, it will be difficult to suppress it.

In addition, many malicious attacks on Chen Mo and Thunder game platforms have also appeared.

There is an article that has received more than 10,000 approvals in the Q&A community and has been reprinted by many game media.

"Unveiling the Thunder game platform: Is Chen Mo really planning to be a charity? 》

One of them is written like this.

“Everyone really thought that the Thunder game platform drastically lowered the channel price, is it good for the development of the entire game industry?”

"In fact, this thing is very similar to some software disputes. Some software is expanding under the banner of ‘free’, squeezing other companies that are serious about doing things.”

"After the monopoly position, these software companies began to show their fangs. Although they were free, they put various plug-ins in the software and even stealed user data, which is all the best."

"There is no free lunch in the world, the wool is on the sheep, and now the benefits that are given to the designers will one day be reinstated."

"When that day, companies that are not willing to homogenize have broken production, and those who have survived have become the same face. At that time, everything can be difficult to recover!"

"Please polish your eyes and don't be fooled by short-term benefits!"