Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 267: Confrontation class map COG (three more)

Lin Mao asked: "Chen Mo, the recent thing about your game platform is aroused. You are so courageous and offended a lot of people?"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Sinful people? Do you say those channels? I didn't like them very much. Besides, what is offensive? I don't need to care about their faces now, they are not happy to shut my ass, In fact, they should be right now."

Lin Mao also smiled: "You can, you swell, but swell well. Come, make a cup, for your expansion!"

Three people toasted together and drank them.

Chen Mo poured the wine to the two people.

Lin Mao also took a bottle of beer and poured it into Chen Mo: "To be honest, I am also a bit curious. What is your game platform for? In fact, the Thunder game platform is already the third largest game platform in China. You want to As with the emperor's mutual entertainment, the game is full of income and money. It is no problem to lie down and earn money. Why should this ratio be reduced to 30%?"

Chen Mo said: "Others don't understand, don't you understand?"

Lin Mao blinked his eyes: "You are looking at those channels that are not good?"

Chen Mo smiled: "Yes, I just look at those channels."

Zhao Zihao picked a thumb: "Bai Ni."

Chen Mo said: "In fact, there are also foreign channels, like some big game platforms, the average is 30%, up to 50%, no more. But these big channels in China? There are users in the house, and some newcomers who have no ability to do everything to suppress, even pumping 80%, 90%!"

"And, channel dealers monopolize the game market, and in order to make money to push players a bunch of junk games, there is no benefit to the players."

"The players and designers are very uncomfortable. Some designers are forced to exploit the channel. In order to get the recommended position, in order to allow more players to notice their game, they have to change the profit model of the game. The game has changed a lot."

“Many indie game designers who have the temperament even choose to let the game go online overseas. Over time, there are fewer and fewer new games in China.”

"I just look at those channel providers very uncomfortable. Most of the channel providers with resources have chosen to confuse them. I am different. Although I am a platform, I am still a designer. I don't care about this kind of thing. So I have to stand up."

"A lot of people think that I am fighting price wars. Actually, I don't. I have money and resources, so I have to do something right, that's all."

Lin Mao nodded: "Yes, Chen Mo, I will rush you, I will serve! But to be honest, I admire your courage. You are equal to the channels of those channels."

Chen Mo smiled and said: "What about it? E-commerce has also smashed the rice bowl of the physical store. What about it? Things that should not exist should be eliminated by history. I know that I am doing the right thing. That is enough."

Lin Mao said: "Say well. Just right, my new game is about to be completed, I am going to support you and hang on your platform."

Chen Mo nodded: "Welcome! Rest assured, I will definitely give you a good promotion. How is your game completion?"

Lin Mao said: "The degree of completion is quite high. I plan to hang on the official application market these two days. Yes, how many designers have contacted you recently?"

Chen Mo thought for a moment: "So far, dozens of designers have contacted me. The main reason is that many people are still on the sidelines. After all, the Thunder game platform has never promoted other designers' games before, and now and the major channels. It’s very stiff, they hesitate and normal.”

Lin Mao said: "Nothing, take your time."

Lin Mao has also done four games so far, basically one year, and now it is already a B-level designer. In fact, Lin Mao's progress is very good, just like Chen Mo, who has opened the game, will appear to be somewhat obscure.

The three people continued to talk without a ride.

Suddenly, Zhao Zihao thought of something. He said to Chen Mo: "Yes, when I was abroad, I found a good RPG map. I didn't have it in China. I called COG, ClashofGods. Have you played?"

Chen Moyi: "Translated into Chinese is... the battle of the gods?"

Zhao Zihao nodded: "Yes, this is the name. And the gameplay is very interesting. It is similar to the Chenghai 3C that you made. It is also three roads, but the layout is not the same, 5V5."

Chen Mo brows slightly wrinkled: "Oh, is there a video?"

"Yes, you wait."

Zhao Zihao rummaged through the phone for a long time, found a video of the test COG, and gave it to Chen Mo.

This video was recorded on the screen with a mobile phone. The clarity is a bit slag. Most people will see a fog, but Chen Mo sees it very clearly.

This is a map made with the Warcraft Editor. Like Chenghai 3C, it is a three-way road from left to right, but it has the concept of wild areas and wild monsters.

Each of the 10 players can control a hero (according to the game's packaging, called the gods) to destroy the other base for the ultimate purpose.

There is not much information on the demo video, but Chen Mo from the small map can roughly infer the structure of this map.

Chen Mo nodded: "Well, it's a bit interesting."

Zhao Zihao said: "This picture is quite hot in foreign countries, especially in Europe and America. It is very hot. I just climbed to the first place on the antagonistic map. I also like to play especially. I feel more balanced than Chenghai 3C. The difficulty is also low."

In fact, Chen Mo can regularly check some data of Warcraft's overseas version, but he is very busy recently, so he has not been concerned about it. If it is not Zhao Zihao who occasionally mentions it, he may have to find it one or two weeks later. Map.

Chen Mo asked: "Is there a European and American company wanting to change this picture into a separate game?"

Zhao Zihao thought for a moment: "Hey, the author of this picture is said to be looking for some big game companies, but because the asking price is relatively high, I haven't settled it yet. I don't know how."

Chen Mo nodded, okay, within his expectations.

The original author of this map is definitely very aware of the potential of this gameplay. However, the current COG map is a derivative of Warcraft. If you want to make a profit, you must make a big change from the engine to the role. This author does not currently have this strength.

But those European and American game makers are certainly not willing to give him so many resources because of an inexplicable map, so in the short term, it is difficult for both parties to reach an agreement. It is still far from COG to grow into a separate game.

Chen Mo asked: "Can you contact this author?"

Zhao Zihao stunned: "Hey, it should be, what happened?"

Chen Mo said: "I plan to talk to him."