Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 279: Two choices (one more)

Although many players are happy to play now, Chen Mo is very clear that the overall gameplay of cog is still full of loopholes, and it is still far from being a truly qualified moba game.

In the eyes of ordinary players, this map is very interesting and different from any game on the market.

Various heroes are positioned differently and can work closely together.

Just manipulating a hero is friendly to novice players.

The pace is faster, up to 40 minutes in a game.

Take care of teamwork and individual heroism.

Of course, it's hard for players to perceive the huge potential behind the game. They just have a vague feeling that the game is fun.

However, this is not the case for Chen Mo.

After seeing the previous two generations of dota and lol, which are called moba games with different characteristics, the current cog is like a sieve in the eyes of Chen Mo, riddled with holes and holes.

There is no clear positioning in the design of the hero, and the balance is extremely poor.

The map layout is unreasonable, and the narrow area of ​​the wild area makes the line extremely easy to be gank.

The positive incentives for players are seriously inadequate, and even the special rewards and sound effects of killing and killing are not.

The cost of learning is high.

The equipment system is loose and not systematic.

The operation still has a strong rts game shadow, and the opponent's disabled player is extremely unfriendly.

Snowballing is too significant and there are very few turning points.

The players now play very embarrassed, just because the cog game just appeared, everyone is very good, won very happy, and lost frustration is not so strong.

In this environment where the chickens are in the same environment, the fun of the cog is infinitely magnified, so it looks beautiful.

However, if players improve their level, their understanding of the game becomes more and more profound, and the development of the routine is more and more?

Players will need a ruler to measure their level, so the ladder will come into being. When everyone plays for the sake of winning, on the same day, there are a large number of players who have a deep understanding of the game and a good operation.

Then the defects of the cog will be infinitely enlarged.

At that time, there will definitely be people spraying, the victory rate of the Dark Ranger is too high, she is too strong, let us weaken the blood mage!

Or everyone will say that your wild value setting is too unreasonable, your wilderness is too small, the game is too tired, and there are too few turning points...

Every imperfect small setting will become a gap in the dam, which will eventually make the game collapse.

It is for this reason that Chen Mo did not take the moba game out of the beginning.

The numerical balance is too critical. It can even be said to determine the life of the moba game. If Chen Mo rushes to launch an imperfect moba game, it is equivalent to sending this advanced concept to other designers. The end result is Other big companies have made a better moba game, and Chen Mo has lost his money.

This is something Chen can never bear.

However, at this stage, Chen Mo finally has the strength to bring the moba game to the world.

In fact, Chen Mo has already set a development plan, but a lot of things have come together to make the game's research and development plan more urgent.

After the integration of the emperor's mutual entertainment and the fantasy game platform, almost all of the domestic channel dealers have joined forces to encircle Chen Mo's emperor game platform.

In foreign countries, there have also appeared game cog with moba elements, and have already reached a cooperative relationship with ga, I believe they will soon launch a more complete version of the moba game.

Now, for Chen Mo, it is necessary to come up with an absolutely dominant game to sweep the entire domestic game market, in order to completely destroy the big channel built by the imperial dynasty and the fantasy, in order to firmly put the money tree of the moba game firmly. Grab in your own hands.

In Chen Mo's past life, dota and lol, as two peaking moba games, have basically explored this game type to the extreme, but these two games have finally embarked on a completely different path.

Dota has done the ultimate in balance, almost every hero has his use, all kinds of tactics are ever-changing, competitive is top-notch.

However, due to the high difficulty of the hand, the style of painting, historical reasons and other issues, dota appeared first, but failed to complete the large-scale expansion and harvest of the moba market.

Lol is on another path.

By changing the style of painting, simplifying the operation, and fixing the routine, lol minimizes the difficulty of getting started with the moba game, making it popular for many people who did not play dota, and completed the moba market under the stack of various objective factors. The harvest has become the most popular game in the world.

However, this also brings up some other problems, such as the curing of the routine, poor balance, low operating limit (relatively speaking) and so on.

Each time the version is updated, some unpopular heroes and hot heroes will appear. Although some heroes can be developed, there are still a large number of heroes who can only sit on the bench and completely miss the high-end and professional games.

So, can you take the best of both worlds to create a perfect moba game?

Basically impossible.

Obviously, both games can see each other's strengths and weaknesses, and they all try to make some changes in their respective directions, but they have already embarked on two completely different paths.

To simplify operations and expand the user base, it is inevitable to lower the upper limit of the game operation, and even break some balance, the fish and bear's paw can not have both.

Both games are developed to the ultimate moba game, dota is like Go, change more, but it is difficult to get started, relatively small; lol is like chess, the rules are clear, the number of players is large, but the routine is relatively solid.

For Chen Mo, dota is very good, but he must now maximize his team of players, and the domestic channel operators who have joined together to **** user resources, and completely stabilize their players with a shocking game.

At the same time, he also wants to use this game to maximize the exclusive moba game market, so that any game that imitates the map and squats later will die.

Comprehensive consideration, or do lol more in line with Chen Mo's current needs.

Of course, another important reason is that Chen Mo will not play dota in his previous life.

Even with the use of memory playback syrup, reluctantly recall some hero skills, Chen Mo is also difficult to perfectly reproduce the dota.

As for "League of Legends", Chen Mo will definitely not move it out in a constant manner. After all, his current numerical ability is already strong.

Moreover, in the past life of Chen Mo, "League of Legends" has been constantly revised and innovated in the course of several years. Many concepts are constantly evolving, and Chen Mo will not stick to the design concepts that are obviously outdated.

When the DPRK mutual entertainment and fantasy game platform began to cooperate and wanted to prove the powerful promotion ability of the channel with the explosion game, Chen Mo also planned to come up with one of the most popular games to teach them to be human.