Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 371: With a burning dead song? (four more)

There are six people in the training team of the if team, in addition to the five players who are training, there is also a team leader.

At present, the domestic clubs are still very informal, there is no special tactical coach, the lineup selection on the spot is determined by the players freely, and the tactics are all based on the players to shoot their heads.

In addition to the daily life, travel, and supervision of the team members, the team leader also shared the duties of some coaches, collecting information from other teams for the team members, or about training.

However, the opinions of most of the club's team leaders are not valued at present. After all, the leaders of these teams are very low. In the face of professional players who are kings, their suggestions will be very difficult.

Seeing Chen Mo push the door, everyone stunned.

The leader of if knows that Sun Xiao, who is behind Chen Mo, asks: "Sun Dao, this is..."

Sun Xiao had not had time to answer, a member of if was first shouted out: "Chen Mo? You are Chen Mo!"

After this shouting, other people also recognized it, Chen Mo, the designer!

In fact, most people have seen Chen Mo’s photo, but there are some differences between photos and real people. If the club is far away from the magic capital, he has never been to the emperor, and Chen Mo has never seen it, so the if leader has no I recognized it for a while.

I recognized Chen Mo, the leader of if was a little embarrassed, and rushed forward: "It turned out that Chen Zong, how did Chen Zong come over today?"

Chen Mo said indifferently: "Let's take a look at the venue of the finals today, by the way."

He looked at the members of the if team.

The information of these players has already been seen, so these people know him. Two people who just shouted in the training room, one was Hu Jing, the middle one, the other was Luo Yongchang, and the order was placed.

Hu Jing is just 17 years old this year. He is regarded as the most promising medium-sized player in China. His reaction speed, operation and game understanding are good. He is also the core of the if team.

Chen Mo looked at Hu Jing: "Do you think the players in Europe, America and Korea are all chickens?"

Hu Jing looked up and down Chen Mo, his eyes filled with interest. He nodded. "What happened?"

"Being confident is a good thing, but in this game, professional players who are proud of their enemies will never be the last winners." Chen Mo said.

Hu Jing looked at Chen Mo.

Obviously, this sentence has a very heavy educational meaning. The professional players of these if teams are somewhat uncomfortable, just like whispering in the self-study class is caught by the class teacher.

Of course, they can't be stupid enough to go against Chen Mo. After all, they are professional players. In a strict sense, this bowl of rice is considered to be Chen Mo. It is really to make Chen Mo angry, find a reason to permanently ban. It is nothing new.

Even the club bosses are afraid to provoke people. Of course, this group of Internet addiction teenagers are even less dare to provoke.

However, Hu Jing’s eyes are obviously very dissatisfied.

Chen Mo looked at him: "Not convinced?"

Hu Jing smiled and said: "Chen Chen, I heard that you played well. During the Chinese New Year, I watched your live broadcast and benefited a lot. I have a rare opportunity today. Can you please advise me?"

Hu Jing said this sentence, the team leader of the if team and other players are "squeaky".

This little catastrophe, die!

To say that other players will be considered, but Hu Jing is not the same. Hu Jing’s family is very rich in money. It’s a rich second generation. He has never suffered from bitterness since childhood. He is also a disobedient character. For him, playing a career is almost like playing. Even if he can’t play a career, it’s no big deal.

It’s a big deal to pat the **** home and inherit the family.

This is very different from other players who are completely counting on to eat professionally.

The leader of the if team is also a little panicked: "Chen Chen, Hu Jing is making a joke, don't go to the heart."

The leader said as he gave Hu Jing a look.

Chen Mo looked at Hu Jing and nodded. "Okay. You seem to like solo very much, then we will solo two."

"Chen Chen, this..."

If the team leader of the if team is helpless, what is this?

But since Chen Mo said that he wants to play, he can only let Hu Jing accompany him.

Luo Yongchang took the initiative to let the position out, let Chen Mo use his computer and account to play.

If the team leader of the if team gave Hu Jing a wink, it meant that he lost to Chen Mo, the province offended the master. As a result, Hu Jing did not see the same, and the stuffy head was in that chaotic talent.

Give the team a good gas.

Hu Jing pulled Chen Mo into a custom match and the map directly selected the Summoner Canyon.

Because Chen Mo has not held an official solo game in this world, so the maps of the national costume players solo are all using the summoner canyon, usually in the solo middle road or on the road.

The rules are also uncertain, generally it is good to discuss before solo, but the more common rule is that you can't brush the wild and can't brush other lines. You can go home at will, three blood and two towers.

In other words, whoever wins three heads or two towers will win.

Hu Jing asked: "How is the rule? Three blood and two towers?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "According to the normal line of the professional race, whoever dies first or whoever loses the tower first loses."

Hu Jing thought for a moment: "Is the summoner skills all flashed?"

Chen Mo said: "What summative skills you bring in the game, this time with the summoner skills."

Hu nodded and said: "Alright."

If you follow the Solo game, the best summoner skills must be weak, barrier or weak, and ignited, but the game is usually flashed.

The meaning of Chen Mo is also very clear, that is, directly in accordance with the match line.

Hu Jing asked again: "What about heroes?"

Chen Mo said: "Whether, choose your strongest."

Soon, both sides selected heroes and entered the game.

Hu Jing chose the clockwork demon, and Chen Mo chose the dead song, the summoner skills are flashing and igniting.

Seeing the dead song, Hu Jing took a look.

Clockwork Devils and Dead Songs are two of the current hottest heroes, often encountered in qualifying. In comparison, the big move of the dead song is a full-screen big move, can support teammates, but the ability of the line is slightly weaker than the clockwork. In the early stage, it is necessary to constantly brush the soldiers, and the middle and late stage can come out to save the world.

Of course, the clockwork and the dead song in the high-end bureau are rarely there will be a single kill, because the people who play the dead song are generally very wretched, it is impossible to make the clock easily with the big move to cause the kill .

In general, the dead songs in the high-end bureau are somewhat inferior when they are clocked.

Moreover, the summoner skills of dead songs are generally weak or transmitted, like this dead song with a light, really very rare.

Hu Jing is a bit puzzled. Chen has chosen a dead song. Is it going to brush out a day? Is this solo going to play for a long time?

But what does this ignition mean?