Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 420: Original hero dragon female rose (three

Soon, the line drawings and detailed settings of the heroes came out, and the various map scenes were also in production.

At present, Chen Mo's team has already produced two vr games. The mechanism of related skills also has the "League of Legends" as a foreshadowing. It can be said that there is not much difficulty in making "Watching Pioneer". The only difficulty is that everyone has never done fps games before. But this is not a problem that cannot be solved.

In the first version of "Watching Pioneer", Chen Mo intends to make 23 heroes, 22 of which are the original heroes in "Watching Pioneer", until Anna.

In addition, Chen Mo also intends to make an original Chinese style hero, Dragon Girl - Rose.

In "Watching Pioneer", the two brothers, Genji and Hanzo, are equivalent to Japanese-style background heroes, using the images of ninjas and rogues, but the "Dragon" element has been given these two Japanese characters.

Of course, the dragons of China are four toes and five toes, while the dragons of Shimada are standard three-toed dragons, which are consistent with the basic characteristics of Japanese dragons, indicating that the two are different.

However, what to say, I did the dragon culture, but gave the Japanese character no role for the Chinese character. I can’t say it in Chen Mo’s place here.

Therefore, Chen Mo intends to add a new hero to the 22 heroes, Dragon Girl - Rose, as a supplement.

The story of the Dragon Girl Rose is set as the last of the Chinese dragons, and the body is already decaying, but the soul is still trapped in the altar of the sea. A scientific expedition team from China went deep into the seabed of the East China Sea, and the explorer Wei Wei sneaked into the seabed and regained the power of the previous life.

Rose is a double-form hero who can switch between the assault-support features, namely [Thunder Form] and [Rain Form].

In the mine form, Rose's normal attack is to quickly throw a Thunder to the target and superimpose the [Rays] mark on the enemy. When the mark is superimposed on a certain number of layers, the enemy will be temporarily paralyzed and the movement speed will be slowed down. If the enemy uses a cold weapon as a melee weapon, it will temporarily block his normal attack.

The special attack in the mine form is to create a thundercloud in a small area. The thundercloud will cause continuous damage to the surrounding enemies, and will continue to superimpose the [Rays] imprint effect. Re-use during the duration will trigger a thunderstorm and detonate all marks.

The two special skills of Rose are [Tengyun] and [Weaving Fog].

[Tengyun] makes the speed of the rose faster, and it can fly freely, even straight up and down some tall buildings, with a short duration and a certain cooling time.

[Weaving Fog] is to create a cloud of clouds wrapped around itself, temporarily gaining damage reduction effect, and switching the form.

In the rain form, Rose's normal attack is to quickly throw a stream of water to the target, to restore a small amount of life to his hero, and superimpose the [rain character] imprint. It must be effective treatment to superimpose the mark. When the mark is superimposed on a certain number of layers, the friendly will receive an explosive treatment and a short-term increase in speed.

The special attack is to create a rain cloud in a small area, to produce a continuous treatment effect on the friendly forces in the range, and to continuously superimpose the [rain character] imprint effect. Re-use during the duration will trigger a healing rain and detonate all imprints.

Rose's big move is [real dragon form]. At this time, the rose is transformed into a dragon body, and the blood volume is greatly increased. It can temporarily fly in the air and cross any terrain (not to be drilled).

In the form of lightning, the whole body of the rose will be wrapped with thunder, causing continuous damage to the surrounding enemies; in the rain form, the rose will cause continuous treatment to the surrounding friendly units.

In addition, during the duration of the big move, Rose can choose to immediately consume all the power of the Dragon God, creating thunderstorms or healing rains in a large area (depending on the current form).

Because the image of "Dragon Girl" is widely present in domestic games, it is not difficult to design.

The image of Rose has something in common with the Dragon Girl in Fighting God of War. The black long ponytail has a pair of dragon horns and a red Thunder mark on the forehead.

The black gauze is masked, and the clothes on the body are mainly black, clean and neat, with golden dragon scales.

Moreover, the image of Rose will also inherit the consistent characteristics of the female characters in "Watching Pioneer", that is, the chest and **** are very embarrassing.

In addition, in both forms, the shape of the rose will change slightly. In the form of black, the black color is the main color, and the body will be surrounded by the Thunder effect; in the rain form, the white color is the main color, and the body will linger on the water flow effect.

At the same time, Rose's voice also added some eggs with Xiaomei and Genji brothers.

If Rose and the Genji brothers become teammates, they will say: "Be kind to the power of the Dragon God in your hands, they will be used to protect the world."

If Rose kills the Genji brothers, it will say: "The power of the dragon **** who has left the foreign land is still impossible to defeat the orthodoxy."

In addition, since Wei and Xiaomei are both Chinese heroes and members of the scientific research team, the relationship is very close. In addition to the dialogue egg, there is also a hidden egg. When Xiaomei has a rose effect on the rose, the frozen will get a longer duration.

Rose is also added to give domestic players an account. Blizzard's "Watching Pioneer" gave the dragon image to the Japanese character. If Chen Mo also copied it, he might have to be beaten by some domestic players.


Near the end of the year, no new games appeared, and players were generally idle.

From October to November, the League of Legends World Finals was a wave of heat, but after the finals, League of Legends entered a period of stability.

Starting in November, basically there are two key events worthy of expectation in the game industry. One is the game show in January and the other is the annual game awards ceremony before the Spring Festival.

For most players, they are not very concerned about the annual game awards ceremony. Which game wins them is not particularly concerned, but in the January youplay show, many players are hotly debated.

"You play this year, are you going?"

"Go, it should be such a big event before the Spring Festival, why not?"

"I don't think there is anything that is particularly exciting this year."

“It’s true that the games that the emperor’s mutual entertainment and Zen mutual entertainment have done this year are not very interesting, but let’s go and see, maybe there are some games that can be played next year?”

"This exhibition Chen Mo should also go? This year's "League of Legends" is simply sweeping the entire PC end, Thunder mutual entertainment is also a giant in the country."

"But there is nothing to show at the show? "League of Legends"? I am tired of playing at home and go to the show to continue playing?"

"Hey, go see it, maybe Chen Mo has done something new."

"It's unlikely, he has been busy for so long in the finals, only two months in January, what can you do?"

"It's good to have a demo, or to play a new game of Emperor and Zen."

"Yes, let's go see it together."