Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 440: The ultimate form of VR competitive game

Chen Mo and other people's applause subsided, and continued: "I can assert here: "League of Legends" is just the beginning, it is just a small attempt on my pc platform, the future belongs to the vr platform!"

"Obviously, the vr platform is the future direction of the game industry. Therefore, "Watching Pioneer" is an attempt. Why can't the previous vr games push the e-sports industry? Because of the number of players."

"The total number of users of the vr platform is less than 100 million people, and many vr games have a threshold of one or two thousand dollars, and the number of players is even less. If the players are not enough, the audience will not be enough, so even if the game is forced. The heat will definitely be insufficient. If you do it, you will lose money."

"So, "watching pioneer" has to adopt the free system, because only the free system can provide enough soil for the entire e-sports ecology!"

All the designers are listening and listening carefully. Apparently, Chen Mo is now saying that they are dry goods, and they are doing the same thing. If you understand a small part, you may have some benefit.

Chen Mo continued: "I know that everyone must be very concerned about a question. Is there a competitive game on the vr platform that can achieve the achievements of "League of Legends" on the PC side?"

He glanced at the stage: "The answer is yes. Many people may ask, is "Watching Pioneer"? I can only say that "Watching Pioneer" is going in this direction, but has not reached the end."

The designers at the stage are all excited.

What do you mean, Chen Mo is going to break the news?

Many people think that Chen Mo is definitely not able to tell some of the most core design ideas, but how does Chen Mo seem to be more and more in-depth?

Of course, no one will remind him, everyone will listen as seriously as they are.

"Although "League of Legends" has achieved great success on the pc side, how to reproduce this success on the vr platform is a difficult task."

"I also share a little trick here, how to determine what kind of game you want to be."

"It's very simple, the exclusion method. After all the error options have been eliminated, then the remaining options, no matter how unreasonable, it is the right option, the only truth."

Chen Mo’s idea is very clear, one word at a time, screaming.

"First, can moba games be directly ported to the vr platform?"

"Obviously not. Because the moba game needs a good vision, it needs to know the movements of teammates and opponents. It can only use God's perspective and can't take advantage of the vr platform's 'more immersive'. So the moba game can't be directly transplanted to the vr platform. ”

"Second, the elements of competitive games are replayable, so why is the moba game a replayable game?"

"Because the mechanics of the moba game is very rich. "League of Legends" is expected to design more than one hundred heroes, each hero's skills are completely different, so rich game content, in order to support players continue to delve into the game."

"So, if the vr platform has a competitive game that can dominate, then it must be a rich, replayable game."

"Combining the above two points, we can come up with a seemingly absurd inference: the moba game can't be transplanted to the vr platform. But if you want to do competitive games, multi-heroes, multi-skills, and rich game mechanics are essential. ""

"So, the birth of "Watching Pioneer" was born."

After listening to Chen Mo, the designers at the stage all showed a look of ignorance.

"It turned out that the idea of ​​"Watching Pioneer" is like this?"

"Dayu is a big brother. We play games and think about it. Daxie analyzes the development trend of the industry through various general trends. Then the idea comes out naturally!"

"It's amazing, I learned it!"

"What does Chen Mo mean by saying, "Watching Pioneer" is the ultimate form of vr competitive games?"

"I feel very reasonable! Must be multi-heroes, multi-skills, but can not copy the moba mode, that is to say either do rpg or do fps 呗! But competitively speaking, fps must be blasting rpg, so this answer It’s very clear!”

"Oh, don't say it, listen to Chen Mo."

Chen Mo paused again, and when everyone almost figured it out, he continued: "From the current point of view, "Watching Pioneer" represents the general direction of the development of vr competitive games. But to be honest, "Watching Pioneer" is still very The long way to go."

"In fact, the most important issue is the amount of money. "League of Legends" has had 50 heroes during the World Finals, and it is barely enough to satisfy the game content required for the game. But "Watching Pioneer" is only 23 There are still a lot of heroes in the number."

“So, the next goal of Watching Pioneer is to make more new heroes. My goal is to make the number of new heroes in Watching Pioneer more than 70 in two years, so as to ensure the diversity of the game. Sex."

"Of course, this is only a matter of time. I believe that in the future, competitive games will definitely achieve better development and will become a dominant type of game."

"The above is just my family's words, thank you all."

When Chen Mo stepped down, thunderous applause sounded immediately.

"It's amazing! It's a big deal, it's a good analysis!"

"That is, "Watching Pioneer" is not yet complete? We still have a chance?"

"Yes, there must be a chance! Now that "Watching Pioneer" has just been in existence for a long time, it is still in the development stage. If we are also working in this field, it is still possible to catch up!"

"I think Lin is definitely very optimistic about this game mode. We don't have confidence in the pc side. The vr end of "Watching Pioneer" must be sure!"

"I will write a design concept draft and send it to Lin to see!"

"The harvest of this exchange today is too big!"

Chen Mo’s remarks say that many designers are full of blood, especially the designers of the two big companies, Emperor Chao and Zen.

Many independent game designers are also screaming, but obviously, even if they know it, they can't do it, because according to Chen Mo's routine, this kind of competitive game must adopt the free mode, and the independent game designer can afford to do the money. Free vr game?

If you do it, you can't get back the cost, isn't it worth the loss?

However, the two companies, the Dijia mutual entertainment and the Zen mutual entertainment, are different. Like the emperor's mutual entertainment, as long as the designer's design draft can get Lin Xiaoxu's nod, then the research and development funds, promotion costs, etc. are all from the emperor and the mutual entertainment, the designers themselves do not have to save money.

What if it is done? Think about the current popularity of League of Legends, it can be said that it is a step into the sky!

Therefore, the designers of these two big companies are very excited, and they began to conceive the competitive games of the vr side, hoping to get the appreciation of the company's top management.

Originally, these people still have some doubts in their hearts. They still want to wait and see the follow-up performance of "Watching Pioneer". But today, when they heard Chen Mo’s remarks, everyone’s doubts were all dispelled.

Obviously, the mode of "Watching Pioneer" represents the development direction of future vr competitive games!

It’s not too late to start now, but if it’s delayed, the market share will all be eaten up by Watching Pioneer!