Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 463: Real artificial intelligence (three more

The first game ended.

Originally, Starlight took advantage of the previous luck problem, but after a mid-term decision mistake, the opportunity was seized by origin, and the situation slowly got out of control. Finally, after a positive team battle defeat, Starlight hit gg.

In the second game, the points on both sides are more unfavorable for starlight, and the far point of the big map!

Far from it means that both sides have more time for development, and it is difficult to use the toerrush tactic to hit the origin one by surprise.

This time everyone can clearly see that although the speed of the two sides in the leveling is not too much, but in some details, obviously the origin is better, in the early stage has a certain blood volume advantage.

Moreover, origin did not develop with starlight, but was always actively harassing, attacking, playing very aggressive, and let starlight mentality explode.

In the end, in the second game, origin rolled up the snowball faster, and the population gap between the two sides quickly opened. Starlight reluctantly shot gg.

The opening battle of this man-machine battle, origin even gave a human 2:0!

In the experience store, the people watching the battle sighed.

" Lost! Nothing more suspense than you think!"

"Oh, it's a pity. In fact, the first game is a chance, but starlight didn't catch it."

"What chance? In the first game, even if starlight has a small advantage for a while, the population gap has not been opened at all. If you let origin hold it, it is a chronic death, because every wave of its battle is better than Hello there!"

"Really, you have to kill a wave of hits. It is different from human players. You can expect the next wave of mistakes with human players, but the origin? There is almost no mistake!"

"How do you play this special? How do you feel that the origin of this offline version is more abnormal than the original hanbok ladder?"

All the major live broadcast sites are filled with a desperate mood.

The barrage has been swiped by a lot of "gg", which is not to express the praise of origin, just a mourning for human players!


After the meeting, the organizers held a press conference, and the whole state of starlight was not very good and languid.

In the face of the audience's questions, starlight first stunned: "Sorry, let's live up to everyone's expectations!"

And then, he expressed his despair in the online game against origin.

"In fact, I used to hand over the origin on the ladder. The feeling of that time was that its operation was very bad, but it did not feel the obvious difference with human beings in tactics and decision-making, so it was once mistakenly thought that it was actually human."

"But after today's live play, I really realized the horror of origin. The most terrible thing about it is not that it completely crushes human micro-manipulation, although it is also terrible, but after all, apm has been restricted, just more than human players. Slightly better."

"The really terrible thing about it is that it is an artificial intelligence that never makes mistakes. As long as it can get enough information, its judgment on the situation is absolutely correct or very high probability. The probability of incorrectness is even low. appear."

"And it doesn't have any mood swings. That is, you know that you are facing an opponent who will never make a mistake."

"When you see only a silver cylinder in front of the empty seat opposite, this feeling of powerlessness is particularly strong. To be honest, by the time I got to the second game, I knew that I couldn't win. Origin, because it seems that every little friction is earning it. This chronic death makes me feel extremely depressed."

This passage also caused a lot of spectators and professional players to shudder. Obviously, as the first professional player to play online with origin, starlight can feel more than these bystanders.

As starlight said, this is the biggest horror of artificial intelligence. It will not make mistakes, nor will it be impulsive. It always makes a very accurate judgment of the situation on the scene.

When it avoids war, it doesn't necessarily mean it can't beat you, but it has some better options.

When it's a battle with you, then... maybe you can already play gg.

The feeling that this fate is completely mastered is also one of the important reasons for the starlight mentality explosion, otherwise he will not be defeated so quickly in the second game.

Of course, even if you stick to it for a while, you can't change the outcome of the defeat.

... The news of the tarlight defeat has spread all over the world, and this news has attracted more attention!

It can be said that this news makes people who think that artificial intelligence is still not a weather clear the reality.

In the past, artificial intelligence wants to defeat humans in the rts game, and can only rely on the operation of the sky, such as all the arms to go all the way, completely crushing humans in operation.

But obviously, this is not a victory at all, because this kind of anti-day operation is completely bullying, rts should be called real-time strategy games, not real-time games, artificial intelligence has not strategically won humans.

Moreover, in the past, many "artificial intelligences" that created gimmicks, including the crazy computers that come with Warcraft, are actually different in their way of operation than artificial intelligence. Because these ai are directly obtained from the game code, just like opening a full picture, of course, you can accurately determine the current situation.

In other words, this is actually cheating, and true artificial intelligence cannot do this.

True artificial intelligence must, like humans, read game data “visually” and judge the current situation based on limited information to make decisions (including short-term decisions and long-term decisions). Otherwise, there is no point in defeating mankind.

It is precisely because of this that many people feel that as long as they limit the artificial intelligence apm and restrict it to read in-game data, it can't be compared with humans because it has many things that can't be done at all.

For example, in the case of the fog of war, how to understand all the intentions of the other party and accurately judge the current situation? How to judge whether the other party is harassing or decisive, or is it a tiger? The operation of artificial intelligence is no better, I will play with you directly to the toerrush and kill it. What is the use of your operation?

But after origin defeated starlight, people were surprised to find that the origin of these problems was all done! Tarlight itself is the top "Warcraft" player, he will not know toerrush? He won't know how to make a hole? Can you win him why not win?

Obviously, there is only one reason for starlight's defeat, that is, it can't be beaten!

Many people think that artificial intelligence can't play rts games. Just like many people think that artificial intelligence can't play Go, it is regarded as a crazy computer in the game. It is not really artificial artificial intelligence. .

Real artificial intelligence, know how to explore the road in the rts game, know how to judge the other party's intention through local information, and understand a variety of methods to prevent toerrush and all kinds of strange tactics.

Just like artificial intelligence conquers Go, eating all the game pieces in the world, and then practicing with yourself, what tactics can't be tried? If it finds that the toerrush is the best solution to win the game, it will definitely reverse the striker human player.

That is to say, this origin is not a full-frame hanging a strange, but a real artificial intelligence, is a machine that will play "Warcraft".

After all, after five years of research and development, the world's technological level has been reached.

After understanding this point, many of the "Warcraft" professional players feel a desperation that has never been seen, because they can read his despair from the starlight game video and the expression after the game, this Despair is very empathetic.

This is also the desperation of all the previous players, that is, no matter how hard they try, they can't win!

Moreover, everyone knows that the emergence of origin will never let "Warcraft" develop better, only Warcraft and all other games of the same type will die faster.

Because in the past everyone mentioned "Warcraft" professional players, know that this is the top of the game in a small group of people; after the emergence of origin, these professional players are not the top of the list of people, because in There is only one left in the top of the field, the artificial intelligence origin.

Who is willing to play a game dominated by artificial intelligence?