Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 532: Is this a mowing game? (three more)

This time, the Chinese and English dubbing is used, and then the multi-language version is integrated in the game.

It is quite strange to say that in the past life, it was clearly the work of the Japanese factory, but there was no Japanese dubbing at all.

Of course, the reason for this is actually quite simple, because Miyazaki Hideo is very fond of games in Europe and the Middle Ages. Instead, he is very disgusted with some Japanese traditional old-age otaku games, so in the development, all the details of the game are It is close to American rpg.

That is to say, when the soul series was born, it was a game for European and American players. It was not very eager to take care of the mud bombers.

It is also true that at the beginning of the sale, the sales in the mud-bogg area were bleak, and Miyazaki’s high-end was also exhausted after it was released in Europe and the United States. The results were well received and the sales were gratifying.

After the launch of Miyazaki Hideo, and the destruction of the land with extremely high quality, it has created countless topics in Europe and America, and it has been blown up by European and American players.

The idea of ​​Miyazaki's old thief was also: this is the normal response, mud bombing players, you have to eat it, but also a Japanese voice over the wool?

Of course, later, because it was a cooperation with Sony, so I went out to the son of the voice, and I was too lazy to engage in Japanese dubbing...

Of course, Chen Mo did not have such an idea, and there was no dissatisfaction with the domestic players, so it was natural to have a Chinese dubbing.

For Chen Mo, there is no difference in Chinese dubbing, because it is aimed at **** players who like Western fantasy and are keen to suffer. These players don't care too much about whether the game has Chinese dubbing.

However, there is no work anyway, nothing more than just a few seiyuu, so Chen Mo also did the Chinese dubbing.

Not to mention, the lines in it are quite sensational in Chinese, and there is no translation.

As for English speech, it is for other considerations.

Chen Mo’s goal this time is very clear, the main battlefield will be in the European and American markets, and will be just positive.

Therefore, the response of players in Europe and America is also very important.

Although these two games are both Western fantasy, it is exactly the same, the difference can be seen.


Frank, who is also the head of the ga project and one of the ace's ace designers, also noticed the news.

After seeing the promotional video, Frank instinctively produced a hint of vigilance.

In the competition between cog and ga, ga has a local advantage, but was slammed.

The most irritating thing is that it is a western fantasy background...

Thunder's mutual entertainment is also well-known overseas, and it has almost become one of the most famous overseas Chinese companies.

Although the emperor's mutual entertainment and Zen mutual entertainment also have many good works, after all, their games are mainly popular in China, and their influence abroad is limited.

On the contrary, Chen Mo's Thunder is entertaining, because several boutique games have a high reputation in China.

Frank naturally did not dare to take a nap. After all, there is not much information flowing out now, and it is not an exaggeration to pay attention to it.


Subsequently, the two games suddenly entered a state of silent competition.

Today, you exposed an original painting, and tomorrow I broke some information. If you give me a little, I will make a point. Anyway, I must cover the other side of the topic!

At the beginning, Chen Mo was mainly in the scenes of the original paintings, weapon concept maps, monster original paintings, etc., and finally some game real-life videos appeared!

This video is a clip of the player fighting the Loserrick Knight.

In order to better produce the effect of the program, the player wears the Desperate Knight Set, the Little Round Shield and the Straight Sword. The overall combat process is not too long. It is nothing more than showing the weapon combat skills and play style.

In the end, the player defeated the Los Cyk Knight without injury.

The perspective of the entire video is God's perspective, not the player's first-person perspective, in order to allow the audience to observe some details of the battle more closely.

In the battle, everyone can clearly see that the long swords of both the player and the monster will have the physical effect of the collision when the cross is hit. When the player’s long sword is cut to the armor of the Losrik Knight, the cut is not the same. The results are different!

In the end, the player bounced off the attack of the Los Cyk Knight through the shield, and the latter sword smashed through the gap of the Cavaliers' chest, and let the players who saw this video make a burst of exclamation.

In this video, Chen Mo actually only showed some of the skills, including rollover avoidance, shield counter, execution, etc. The other weapons and equipment did not show, nor did they show the boss, just took one of the most common elite monsters. Make a background board.

This is mainly because I don't want to divulge too much information.

But just such a video has already made players feel amazed.

"The trough, is this the real scene of the game? It feels like it!"

"Yeah, and the accuracy of the model of the scene or the character is very high. I really think that this is the feeling of watching cg, but obviously it should not be cg!"

"This physics engine is really good, is this the Pangu system? I feel that I don't lose to origin at all! On the hardware level, I can say that I have a split and fall, don't fall at all?"

"But I think it seems that the combat system is more abundant, tumbling, shield blocking, and the positive ones are directly smashed. In the battle, it seems that I have never seen it!"

"Yes, what should I say? It seems that the battle is more exciting, and it is more dramatic and game-like. As for it, it seems to be a bit too close to reality?"

"Chen Mo really did a mowing game! Just in vr mode, mowing is like cutting off!"

"Yeah, you see that the character has been rolling, the Cavaliers have not touched it and gged it, and a sword will die directly!"

"Wow, I am already hungry and thirsty. Think about the vr mode mowing game, I feel it!"

Obviously, in the picture, the player's victory over the Losrikic Knight is too easy, which gives many players some illusion, as if it is the same as the Diablo brush and mowing game.

Of course, they will soon know that this is actually a beautiful misunderstanding.

For some masters, it is indeed a mowing game; but for most newcomers, I am afraid I can only be cut off...

However, Chen Mo did not explain the idea at all. In fact, this video has some intentional misleading players.

Oh, it is not to collect the value of resentment.