Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 534: Feel this game is very simple! (two more

This boss battle is a battle with the giant Yum. In the video, the onion brother and the player hold a storm control beam, and the giant Yum is crazy output.

This video is different from the previous God's perspective video, which was released in the first-person perspective. At this time, everyone felt the shock under the first-person perspective.

Although the angle of view that everyone sees now is a 90-degree angle of view, it is relatively limited. However, from the oppressive feeling given by the giant Yum on the screen, I can feel that the game has a strong sense of substitution.

The giant who burned the embers, Yum, wielded a machete and slammed the ground. Under the influence of the Pangu engine, every swing would cause the screen to oscillate and leave a deep crack on the ground.

During the game, the player accidentally got a knife from the giant Yum, and the result was cut down on the spot, and everyone can clearly feel the power of the giant Yum, obviously this is also the merit of the Pangu engine.

However, under the combined output of the two storm control bundles, the giant Yum was quickly fell to the ground, and the huge body was turned into a salary.

After watching the video, everyone has the same question, is it so simple?

In the video, the player does not have any special and complicated operation, because the onion brother has attracted most of the attention of the giant Yum, the player is only using the storm to join the fat giant Jum.

Yum occasionally converts the target, but the player just rolls over twice to avoid the machete. He doesn't feel any difficulty, and he is more realistic about the mowing characteristics of the game.

However, it is just the overall atmosphere in the game. This epic feeling and oppression has already shocked many people.

Aside from the difficulty of the game, at least in terms of scenes, music, sound effects and other boss battle atmosphere creation are all good works. And the experience in the vr game console mode should be more exciting.

Chen Mo explained: "Well, this is strictly a plot killing. There is not much spoiler about this. I hope everyone can experience it in the game. In short, this onion head np is the boss giant Yum. A good friend, after the giant Yum lost his mind, and the two weapons in the player's hand are called the storm band, and the giant Yum personally created a weapon for himself, so this battle seems to be relatively simple."

Oh I got it!

Many people suddenly realized that this battle seems so simple, it turned out to be a plot.

It seems that as long as you use this weapon to fight the giants, you will win without any suspense.

Even some players doubt that this game will be too simple?

However, the background of Chen Mo’s slightly revealed story has also attracted some players’ interest. Because the giant Yum is the salary king that appeared in the cg in the cutoff, that is to say, the player must defeat all the salary kings?

Chen Mo said: "Well, then let's ask questions freely. If you have any questions about this game, you can ask, I will answer as appropriate."

Obviously, at this conference, Chen Mo will only release these two new videos. More game content is better for players to experience in the game.

This time two new videos, one about the game scene, one about the boss battle, plus the game information disclosed previously, basically some of the features of this game have also been introduced.

Only about the difficulty of the game, Chen Mo did not mention the word.

As soon as I heard that I entered the questioning session, the reporters at the bottom came to the spirit and asked questions.

A reporter couldn't wait to stand up and took the microphone: "I would like to ask Mr. Chen Mo, most people on the Internet now guess that this is a mowing game similar to Diablo, and you have never positively acknowledged this. Is this a mowing game?"

Chen Mo smiled and explained: "I don't particularly like the name of mowing game. In fact, "Diablo" is not a mowing game, depending on the numerical difficulty of the game. If the player comes up, they will go to torture. If it is difficult, it is also impossible to cut grass."

"Back to "The Soul of Darkness", I think it has this trait to some extent. If it is a very skilled veteran, it can definitely be cut. But in this game, I Still hope that it will give the player some challenges, not a brainless brush."

The reporter felt a little bit circling, Chen Mo seems to admit that the game can cut grass, but with a qualification, only very skilled veterans can cut grass.

But think about "Diablo" as it seems, even if the mowing game is also difficult, so everyone did not care.

Someone asked: "Mr. Chen Mo, what is the difficulty of the boss battle in this work? Before the "Diablo" boss battle was generally criticized, the late boss is not as good as some elite mobs. For this point Is there any improvement in The Soul of the Dark?"

Chen replied: "Diablo and Dark Soul are both dark games, but in my design, they are two completely different works, so don't always use Diablo. God's solidification idea to consider the game "Dark Soul"."

"It can be said that I feel that the mobs and bosses of "Dark Soul" are basically in a very balanced state. The boss is definitely harder than the mobs. This is for sure, but the mobs will not be without challenges. So, the Black Soul level design should be the design benchmark for the current gaming industry."

The reporters in the audience were slightly shocked.

Chen Mo’s expression is very serious, and he can’t see if he is bragging, but from his point of view, this time he should be very satisfied with his difficulty design.

A better level design than Diablo?

Well, whether it is true or not, let everyone feel a lot in their hearts.

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Chen Mo, can you give some concrete examples about your so-called 'very good level design'?"

Chen Mo said: "This is best to let the players know for themselves. I said too much, and it seems that it is self-selling. But it can be slightly revealed that many specific strong enemies in the game can use terrain killing to solve ""

The reporters are all a glimpse. Many powerful enemies can be solved with terrain killing. Does that mean that the difficulty of this game is further reduced?

It seems that this is a kindly design made by Chen Mo in an official capacity, encouraging players to win in a variety of ways.

Well, this is quite good. After all, no one will think that it is not good to reduce the difficulty. It is also a refreshing game to brush.

Another reporter asked: "Hello Mr. Chen Mo, I am a reporter of Skynet Game Channel, and also a **** player. I also played your "Diablo", I like it very much, the only regret is that I think Diablo is a mowing game, and it's a bit too difficult."

"When playing Diablo, it's hard to show the whole game like "League of Legends" and "Watching Pioneer", so it won't be interesting to play for a long time. I don't know if I have a show in this new game. What about the opportunity?"

Chen Mo looked at him: "Well, you will have a lot of opportunities in the new game, or you can show it all the time. I think the new game will become a frequent visitor to major video sites and live broadcast platforms, those The masters will get a very real sense of accomplishment in this game."