Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 565: Li Jingsi's interview (three more)

After finishing the design concept draft, everyone quickly invested in the development of two new games.

According to Chen Mo's prediction, the development of the "Dark Soul" prequel and "King of the Glory" will be very fast, especially the "Glory of the King", many of which are using the existing mechanism of "League of Legends", some Resources can also be reused, that is, the amount of original paintings and models is relatively large, but as long as there is a design draft, there is no problem for the outsourcing company to do it.

After all, the model accuracy of "Glory of the King" is not bad in the mobile game, but compared with the VR game that Chen Mo is doing now, it is simply a pediatrics.

For Chen Mo, when he is poor, mobile games are a kind of gold weapon, but now it is just the equivalent of playing.

However, in terms of the "golden glory of the king", Chen Mo still has to pay a little attention.

Of course, in the past life of Chen Mo, the game of "Glory of the King" can be said to be a mixed word.

On the one hand, its achievements really make all the gamers stunned, and the number of online people, heat and income are all terrifying. On the other hand, since the birth of "Glory of the King", there has been a lot of negative news.

Including excessive reference to the cottage, the packaging is relatively low, the cultural background is misleading to the primary school students and so on.

Of course, Chen Mo can choose another ip to repackage a MOBA mobile game, but obviously this is not a good choice.

There are two reasons. The first is that the so-called ip is to see the player group. World of Warcraft, Diablo ip is a well-deserved big ip for many **** gamers, but for elementary and teenage players, they really don't know who the Lich King is.

The ip of "Yin Yang Shi" is also the same. The reason why "Yin Yang Shi" is popular is mainly welcomed by the second-yuan players, and then spread to the general player group. The second-yuan players are only a small part of the primary school and sister groups.

Although Netease also used the "Yin Yang Shi" ip to do "Decisive Battle Ping An Jing", but it is clear that this game is still far from the "Glory of the King", all aspects are.

On the contrary, it is a figure in the history of China, which has a higher reputation in this group. A girl who never plays games will also know Jing Jin, Han Xin, Yu Ji, Cao Cao, Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang.

Another point is that for Chen Mo, "Glory of the King" is a relatively potent game. It is a sure thing to do this kind of game, just like "My name is mt" and "Yin and Yang".

Since it is a sheet metal game, then don't think about what to do with word of mouth... Isn't that another time to stand up again?

Brain fill, use the world of Warcraft to view a MOBA game, and then a sheet metal system, diamonds to win the Lich King?

It is estimated that many loyal players of World of Warcraft will be mad...

Chen Mo’s goal is very simple. The sheet metal game is a honest gold sheet. The players can fill the money and fill the money.

And some boutique games, it is necessary to do a good conscience in all aspects, and even lose money to eat and drink.

Obviously, "Glory of the King" is a sheet metal game, there is no need to use it to go to other Huo ip. Moreover, the use of traditional characters can also allow primary school students to learn about traditional cultural knowledge, and to make a reply to buy a hero, isn’t it beautiful?

Besides, doing other ip, how come out of Fengmei and phoenix this beautiful Chinese style skin? Isn't this hindering players from paying for gold?

Since it is a game for primary school students, it is necessary to serve the primary school students wholeheartedly. If you want the primary school students to think about it, it is an urgent need for the primary school students. This is a responsible designer!

As for the gameplay, although many of the gameplays of "Glory of the King" have been criticized for plagiarism, it has to be acknowledged that many of the designs of "Glory of the King" are the best and most mature designs.

Including the operation mode, automatic replenishment, skill release double rocker, sheet metal system, etc., basically represent the highest level of mobile game MOBA.

And in terms of sheet metal alone, "Glory of the King" is indeed the peak. Chen Mo has not let the players feel "creating happiness with salary" for a long time, and it is time for players to relive the fear of being dominated by sheet metal games!


In the experience store, Li Jingsi is turning over the book bored.

I saw no two pages and experienced a tall girl outside the store.

This girl looks like twenty-seven years old and has a long hair in the middle. From the posture of walking, it is very strong, and the proper sister-in-law. It is very formal to wear, and it is a type of strong woman from the gas field.

Li Jingsi looked up at her and said, "Sister, are you here?"

The younger sister is Li Jingwei, the cousin of Li Jingsi.

Li Jingxi sat down opposite Li Jingsi and said in a very determined tone: "I have arranged an interview for you, just as there is a senior designer in the emperor's mutual entertainment. I have been on the business trip for a few days. You are going to interview the designer's post. Don't you just like to play games? It's good to be a designer."

Li Jingsi looked awkward: "You are really my sister... How do you arrange for me? I am looking for you today to do this for me, haven’t told me before?"

Li Jingyan Xiumei picks up: "Is you still able to go with you? You grew up together, I don't know you? If you want to force you to submit, you can only play it first!"

Li Jingsi said without a word: "I like to play games, but playing games and playing games is not the same thing! Who is the designer?"

Li Jingxi said: "Then you are looking for a job yourself? You have already graduated. Your classmates have already fixed their work before graduation. You are good, graduated and played games all day, and there is no business. Uncle. Auntie is embarrassed to say more about you on the surface. Actually, he can’t do it, and he doesn’t complain to me.”

Li Jingsi’s support: “Well, sister... you should have no effort to contact God for mutual entertainment.”

Li Jingxuan said: "It is not too hard, and I have contacted several layers of relationships before I go. Try it, your game is so good, maybe there will be a game company that will catch up."

Li Jingsi said without a word: "Okay, okay, then I will go and see, you send the information to my mobile phone. But... I don't have a resume."

Li Jingxi said: "Nothing, you are willing to go, you don't need any resume. When you go to the casual chat, it is not appropriate to report your game segment by the way?"

Li Jingsi squinted: "You are thinking about it for me, right?"

Li Jingxiao smiled and said: "Of course. I originally wanted to find other jobs for you, but after thinking about it, you seem to have no interest, just like to play games, so I found a way to find a game company for you. Interview."

Li Jingsi said: "You didn't give me an interview for the game anchor. Thank you very much..."

Li Jing is happy: "The game anchor? That doesn't require an interview. Besides, the game designer is a serious job. When the game anchors, the uncle and aunt can't agree, right?"

"In short, let me think about it, let me save some peace of mind, can't you find a job?"

Li Jingsi waved his hand a little impatiently: "I have done it, sister, I know. I will go see it later."