Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 651: Courier (two more)

Soon, there were players coming out of the game cabin. Most of these people were forced by their faces, and they didn't know much about what happened.

"What happened? I haven't found a gun yet and I was killed! It's not fair!"

"Me too, I just opened the umbrella when I jumped off the plane. When I floated to the ground, people had already been waiting for me with a gun..."

"Mom, I was touched by the back from the back and killed by a pan!"

"How is the game now, we want to see it!"

The players in the entire vr game experience area are very curious, what is the game like?

Those who have been eliminated have not yet figured out the mechanics of the game, and the players who have not played the game at all are even more confused. They don’t know how the game is played.

At this time, Qian Hao came to the vr game experience area and took a clap: "Let's pay attention to it. In the vr game cabin, you can continue to pay attention to the battle through the watch function. Other players can watch the battle in the holographic projection view."

"Oh? Holographic projection is on? Go see!"

The players immediately followed the money and went to the second-level holographic projection theater.

There are also a lot of people here, the players behind come over and even fill the entire holographic projection theater. This kind of grand occasion has only appeared in the past when there is a big game in lol.

Qian Qian went to debug the equipment and connected the current battlefield data of "Jerg Survival" to the holographic projection device. The big screen also appeared in the game.

Chen Mo has already considered the future events and the spectator system when making the game, so he also made a full set of functions. Although the game system of "Jesus Survival" is not as easy to promote as League of Legends, professionalism is one of the directions of this game.

"Oh, it’s amazing, you can watch the war!"

"Holographic projection...this is a little small, this little person can't see clearly."

"Look at the big screen. Um? Is this circle a poison circle? It is already shrinking."

"There are only fifty people left, and it’s really fast."

Players are all surrounded by holographic projections. If you can't see the holographic projection, you can only watch the big screen.

On the big screen, the traditional ob method is adopted, and the third person follows the perspective. The main reason is that ob is currently killing more players. The holographic projection is constantly shrinking according to the poison circle. If it is reduced to the final circle, then It should be very cool, but when the first circle was poisoned, it seemed that the people above were too small, and the viewing was affected.

"Wow, it’s awesome, it’s playing! Kill one!”

"But there are people next to me. This person was killed when he went to search for the box! This is the oriole behind!"

"The trough, this person has a wave of fat, just a garbage, and now all kinds of good equipment are put on, and the guns are all replaced!"

The players all watched the big screen and talked about it. After watching the game, they really put themselves into the game.

From the perspective of holographic projection, players are basically concentrated in several towns, each of whom is carefully searching, for fear that they are exposed to others' horizons.

There are several players who have poor equipment, but they are still moving on the second floor of the house, and the position of the muzzle against the stairs has also lived to the present.

Obviously, those players who don't understand the mechanics of the game, their impulsiveness, and their bad marksmanship have already become boxes. The best way to survive is to shoot well, or to be lucky or to be awkward.


The old p waited cautiously on the second floor, observing the outside through the window, but did not see other players.

Two fierce gunshots broke out before, and the killing information appeared in the lower left corner of the first field of view. The second time was the simultaneous refreshing of two. I don’t know if it was the death of the city or the other areas.

Old p would like to go out and look at the submachine gun, but still hold back.

Looking at the poisonous circle, the second poison circle has come out, and the city is still in a safe area.

The old p is a bit tangled, because the equipment on his body is not very good, and there are not many medicines.

Just when he hesitated to go out and search again, suddenly, footsteps came downstairs, and then "Oh," the door opened.

The old p was in a state of mind. He had specifically closed the door before going upstairs and disguised the house as a no one. Of course, everything has been searched, but now everyone is a novice, and the buddy should not pay attention to this detail.

The footsteps are very clear, and the old p can even feel the exact location of the person coming in. It should be the first floor.

The old p went straight to the stairs and exchanged the s686, then rushed straight out!

The buddies on the first floor are well equipped and look very good. They are carrying akm behind them, and they are carrying scar on their hands. They are wandering on the first floor. Maybe they are still wondering how much material in this room is less?

Hearing the movement behind him, this buddy was obviously shocked, and quickly turned back, but the old p has come to the first floor, s686 is directly two shots!


Very short two gunshots, almost no interval in the middle, two people are on the first floor, which is three or four meters apart. The s686's bullets directly sprayed the opposite buddy to the volley, wearing the second The level bulletproof vest did not save him. He slammed into the wall and gave the debris on the table next to him.

The old p heard a sudden buzz in a vr game compartment next to it: "The trough!!!"

Obviously this buddy was scared.

The old p sneaked a sneak peek while changing bullets while observing the surrounding environment. There should be no other people. The melee ability of the 686 was really fierce, and the two guns were taken away directly.

The old p came to the left of the box: "I am going, so many things!"

Two-stage, two-level, three-level bags, two guns are scar and akm, as well as accessories, sights, bandages, medical kits, drinks, etc...

Old p is happy, this is a courier! It’s so hard to find so many good things, and then I can’t wait to send them all.

I don't know if this buddy is very angry. The equipment is so good, and the result is overcast.

Put on a full set of equipment, the old p's three-level package is almost full. There are a lot of things that are useless here, such as submachine guns, shotgun bullets, etc., and the old p sorted out the backpack and threw it all.

There was no place to put the fuel, and the old p was entangled and thrown.

The car in the old p hand is almost full, and there is still a clip, the impact is not big. That is, the bullets are a little less, only less than 90 rounds.

"Go out and go around."