Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 664: Plug-in list (four more)

This gimmick is really good, and a large audience on the live fish platform is attracted.

"Wow, eat four times under the chicken? The anchor is careful to die!"

"It's amazing. The other anchors have to show off their chickens for a long time. As a result, Haimi has to eat four times a night? Not afraid to die!"

"And kill at least 10 people in each game? Brother, bragging and screaming!"

"Oh, look at the new audience at a glance? Who doesn't know that Haimi is playing this game with 10 kills?"

The old audience expressed "Hemi 666", while the new audience said that "expanded anchors are concerned", and the live broadcast is a happy scene.

Games start.

Haimi is still the same as the previous idea, jumping at the airport!

If you simply consider from the perspective of eating chicken, jumping to the airport is not the best choice because the risk is too great. But Haimi is more confident about herself, and the program that jumps at the airport works best!

Some of the more powerful anchors will choose to jump to the airport or school. They will be thrilled. When they fall to the end, they will be happy from the beginning to the end. The audience will be more happy, and the gifts will be more diligent.

Floor m16!

There were eight or nine people who landed at the airport with Haimi. He lifted m16 and solved the three people on the top of the building.

There are two people in the plane who are shooting, and the other person just got a spray, but the distance is too far, not too much threat to Haimi.

"3/10 has been completed, come and continue to kill!"

Haimi quickly searched all the equipment on the roof and began to search for other players in the various buildings of the military base.

But as he ran to the building, there was a burst of gunfire next to him!

Just around the corner of the stairs, a very wretched player was there, and when he was just out of the head, he was caught off guard by akm. Only the first-level head had no armor, he didn’t have much reaction time. Gg.

dried shrimps:"……"

"Oh, no way, there is nothing wrong with this kind of old yin. After all, eating chicken is much more, and the segmentation rises very quickly. This segmented player has good marksmanship and has a brain to play with."

Haimi and the audience forcibly explained a wave, then the speed of light exited and began the next game.

This episode did not attract the attention of Haimi. After all, this is an fps game, even if it is a master, it is inevitable that there will be a miss.

In the second game, Haimi still chose to jump to the airport!

This time, it was much smoother than the previous game. Hemi killed four or five people at the airport, but when he was about to drive away from the airport, he encountered a bridge and the gunman was very good. Two people have been deadlocked for a long time, and Hemi took three first aid kits to kill him!

Hemi did not speak, just continued to drive forward.

From the airport, the medicine on his body was not much, but now there is not much left, and the medicine on the other side is not much left!

This led to the search of the other's box, but did not get much useful supplies.

Haimi is driving, and the gunfire is ringing again!

The m4 intensive bullet hit the Jeep in the sea, and several streams of ammunition hit him. Haimi is also a temper, direct parking, and the opposite hard!

But what Haimi didn't think was that the opposite shot was actually very good. Two people were hiding in the bunker and shot, and they were deadlocked!

The medicine on Haimi was not much. It is now a state of residual blood. He turned and wanted to run, but a grenade flew from the sky very accurately and then rolled down to his feet.


The whole person of Haimi was directly bombarded by the grenade, and the bloodline was instantly returned to zero.


Haimi couldn't help but swear.

This time, Haimi did not have the mood to explain, and directly ranked the next game.

In the barrage, many players are sorry for him.

"Hey, I feel that the two games of Haimi are bad luck, and the one is yin; this is a small amount of medicine from the military base. As a result, I have met two masters?"

"Maybe because the score of Haimi has risen fast, so start to match the stronger players."

"Dining the sea, don't you want to jump off the airport?"

Haimi did not speak, still chose the airport, but this time the luck was even worse, only a small pistol was found on the landing, and the player next to him got the s686 directly, and two shots were killed.

dried shrimps:"……"

He was silent for a few seconds in the picture of death, and then said: "Forget it, next time we jump in the city, the luck of jumping to the airport today is a bit bad."

The old audience did not say anything, but many new audiences with ulterior motives are already taking the opportunity to take the rhythm.

"The anchor is still thinking about eating this chicken four times a night at this level? It’s just laughing!"

"Every time you kill at least 10? You are landing in a box, big brother!"

"Laugh me, don't eat 4 times, the chicken will not be broadcast, is the anchor ready to broadcast live?"

The barrage instantly became smoky and smoldering. Several house pipes were sealing people. Hemi still did not speak, but it was already a fire.

The result is not known to be evil or what is going on, the more impatient the sea is, the worse it is played!

There are a few in the middle, and Haimi is almost super-god. It is misunderstood that he will block people and kill Buddhas. All kinds of strange nerve guns show that his current state is very explosive, but that is Can't eat chicken!

The best result is nothing more than the top ten, but there will always be some very good players who shoot from unexpected places and end him!

If it is Haimi's own play, it has already been mad at the game, but now it is different, he is on the live broadcast, and the big words have already blown out!

It is said that a good chicken can be broadcasted four times. So many viewers have witnessed it. Once a chicken has not been eaten, it will be abused and broadcasted. Is this not a dead person?

Haimi bites his teeth: "The audience is assured that even today, even if it is live, I must have eaten chicken four times!"


Experience the store.

Qian Qian gave a report to Chen Mo.

"The store manager, this is the list of external accounts that have been banned in recent days, and there are still a group of people who have been assigned to the outerwear, and the list is also below." Qian Wei explained.

Chen Mo took the report and nodded.

The list is quite long. The first two pages are the banned lists. The latter pages are divided into the outer clothes, which is the list of gods.

Since running the game requires testing the entire vr game bay, the low-end plug-in is basically extinct. But there are still a lot of high-end plug-ins that can fool the detection process.

The banned list is all about the very bad plug-ins, such as see-through, through the wall, teleport, etc. Basically, like the lock-up, these directly change the hanging of the game data, once the eye of God is found to be the second seal.

As for the handling of micro-self-pointing, it is a little troublesome.

First of all, the eye of God will determine the player's data according to the player's average performance. Once the player has abnormal data, he will randomly select an artificial intelligence in the game to raise his combat power to the highest level and perform the player's combat power. Sanctions.

If the player re-arranges, it will be assigned to the goddess.

Entering the fairy costume does not mean confirming the opening. If the player has normal data in the next ten games, it will be released.

However, there are other plug-in players in the fairy costume, and there is also a strong artificial intelligence. These open players will continue to consciously continue to hang in order to win...

Once he continues to hang in the goddess, the data continues to be abnormal, then his account will be locked as an open player, and will always be left in the gods.