Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 685: No coffin, no tears (one more)

The influence of the “Hai Mi Open Event” is still spreading.

Many people did not think that there would be such a bipolar reversal. The people who eat melons are of course in hot discussion, but what is more interesting is the attitude of the fish live platform.

As a big anchor, Haimi has mainly considered the three aspects of the incident. On the one hand, it is the official. There is no attitude towards Chen Mo, and it is okay to admit it. On the other hand, it is the pressure of the audience and public opinion. This will not have any direct impact on the anchor, but it will definitely affect the decision of the live broadcast platform; The last is the fish live broadcast platform.

Generally speaking, like this kind of open event, the live broadcast platform can choose to protect or choose to sell. Of course, what kind of measures to take depends on the players' reactions.

If the players are indignant, the live platform will only be able to seal the live room, return the gift, and use the most stringent disposal measures and the anchor to draw a line.

If the players are relatively tolerant, and the anchor also has the value of use, the live platform may be relatively more tolerant, help the anchor to do some charity washes, open a press conference and cry to admit mistakes, and return to live happily Make money.

Apparently, Haimi himself admits that the opening of the fish is not expected by the live broadcast platform. Even the executives of the live broadcast platform are wondering. Haimi’s self-certification is good, and it’s successful in whitewashing and more popular. On the first floor, how did you blew it?

One day later, the notice of the fish live broadcast platform came out, and the penalty for Haimi was to return all gifts during the live broadcast and to stop the live broadcast room.

Of course, the fish live broadcast platform is still more tolerant, and did not pursue Haimi’s liability for breach of contract. Moreover, the suspension of the live broadcast room only means that he can’t live on the fish, and it will not be able to go live in other places.

However, even this is severe enough. In this turmoil, which live broadcast platform is willing to sign Haimi, a black history anchor?


After hammering out the sea, the players' eyes are concentrated on the heads of several anchors such as the worm. All the anchors who had entered the fairy costume did not leak, and all were thrown out by the players.

The anchors of the major live broadcast platforms have, of course, the biggest anchor is the worm that touches the live broadcast platform, which is the bar code warrior that everyone has dubbed.

The self-destruction of the sea is almost a deadly knife for these people.

At the beginning, there were the tops of the sea, and the eyes of the players were all focused on the sea. After Hammy himself hammered himself, the eyes of the players were transferred to other people.

"You, Haimi have already admitted, when are you going to be stupid?"

"I feel that these anchors still have a little bit of luck and need a little help."

"I think that Haimi should be the most likely to be unopened. After all, his own technology is so good. Even Haimi has admitted that other people, are you still preparing to die?"

"Oh, I don't see the coffin without tears. Is it estimated that I am waiting for the official hammer?"

The players are soaring, these anchors are making the same choice very tacitly, that is, no snoring!

Some anchors simply don't broadcast live, and some anchors continue to broadcast live, but they turn a blind eye to the full-screen "hanging wall" barrage, and talk about it with a smile.

The players are angry, is this special? If you are stupid, you are going to get away with it. When we are all just eating melons, can’t we sanction you?

Soon, all aspects of the pressure came one after another. First of all, the major live broadcast platforms could not support it, especially the live fish platform.

Many players have said that you want to condone the plug-in? Don't call the fish afterwards, call it a fish!

In fact, there is no reason to kill the insects and other anchors. On the one hand, the fish-touching plate and the old p and other anchors can be held; on the other hand, it is compared with several The reputation of the anchor and live broadcast platform is even more important.

How many actual benefits can these deaths bring to the anchors? Their core fans are not many people. The loss of the reputation of the platform can cause the loss of users, and that is not worth the loss.

Therefore, the fish-fishing live broadcast platform began to exert pressure on all the anchors that had launched micro-targeting, so that they must explain and reverse the public opinion within a limited time, otherwise they must take necessary measures.

For example, significantly reduce the promotion of resources, lock the popularity, terminate the contract and even seal the live broadcast room and so on.

The reason why the fish live broadcast platform is so tough is actually to see the attitude of Chen Mo. According to people at the scene, Chen Mo and Haimi once had a conversation, which should be inextricably linked with Haimi’s acknowledgment.

In other words, Chen Mo obviously does not intend to let go of these anchors, even the obvious technical anchors such as Haimi have been hammered by Chen Mo, let alone other small fish and shrimp?

The fish-lived platform is also afraid that the scene will be too ugly, so make a vaccination with these anchors in advance.

In the end, under the pressure of the public opinion of the players, several major live broadcast platforms jointly issued a statement. All the anchors that are questioned and open will participate in the offline self-certification activities!

This self-certification activity is still in the Imperial Capital, or in the mg e-sports club, all anchors voluntarily participate.

Obviously, this is the last chance for the major broadcast platforms to give these anchors. If they do not participate in this self-certification, it basically means being jointly blocked.


Qin An looked sadly at the instant noodles in front of him, and there were still four barrels left.

He also booked a box of instant noodles online, and some of them feel bad about their bank card balance.

"Oh, poor. I don't know when the major clubs will form a branch."

Qin An, while calculating the livelihood issues of the next month, said to himself.

He feels that his own technology is already quite good, and he can often enter the top ten in the fairy costume. Although I have not eaten chicken yet, it seems to be improving every day.

As for the formal service, he is not clear about himself. But should it be simpler than the gods?

Looking at the news during this time, Qin An feels that it is really an eventful autumn. First, Haimi self-insurance reversal, and admitted that it opened a micro-self-targeting; after that, the major live broadcast platforms jointly launched a self-certification activity, which may be the largest self-certification activity in history, and the number of self-certification may reach 7 .

Relatively speaking, there is not so much news and peace is much more.