Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 802: Controversy over privacy violations (thr

Faced with the turmoil in the world, it is impossible for him to remain silent. The person in charge of the hise smart glasses personally voiced and explained the problem.

"We believe that as hise glasses gradually enter people's daily lives and become part of people's daily lives, everyone's concerns about privacy issues will certainly gradually decrease, and it will not become a big problem. I think in the near future, People don't feel uncomfortable with someone using a hise glasses in their bathroom, just as they don't feel uncomfortable because someone else uses a smartphone in the bathroom."

"As for whether or not to install a led light on the camera, because this design is a design problem for the entire product, the internal structure of the hise glasses is relatively compact, and it is always a benefit to the consumer. The hise glasses support the camera function is a kind of user Convenience measures, this is the inevitable result of the development of science and technology, and we hope that our concepts can progress with technology and create a better high-tech life together."

The voice of the person in charge of hise smart glasses did not quell the dispute, but the debate on the Internet was even more intense.

Although from a technical point of view, the function of a smart glasses is more and more good, but in terms of privacy, things are not as simple as the person in charge of the Hise.

The tech media tehcrunh quickly responded to the comments of the person in charge of the hise glasses: "It’s a good idea to compare the hise glasses to the smartphone, but that doesn’t work. Although it looks like both devices are equipped with camera functions, when you When taking pictures with a smartphone, everyone can see that you are taking pictures, and everyone will be very resistant. Moreover, in some countries, when using a smartphone to take pictures, you can't even close the shutter sound. This is to ensure the privacy of citizens. Not infringed."

"Even, even if a led light is added, it is not necessary to eliminate this hidden danger, because the led light is not so obvious during the day, and the user has the intention to deface or block the possibility of the led light. At least the led light is artificially Destroyed, there is no technical difficulty. As long as the manufacturer provides users with camera and live broadcast capabilities, we can't guarantee where these features will be used."

Many technology websites have investigated the issue of whether “hise glasses invade privacy”. People with different positions have had a heated discussion about this, but no matter how the results are, it is very clear that there are indeed many people who are on the hise glasses. There are concerns.

At least when I see people wearing glasses, many people will have a feeling of being uncomfortable. I want to stay away from it, because no one knows if he is in the camera or not, will he send his face to some Go to the website.

In foreign countries, even a new vocabulary has been created: “glasshole” (glasses), which is used to describe people who have hise glasses and are annoying because of improper use.

Not only the ordinary people, but also on some special occasions, the ban on hise glasses was issued.

First of all, the film associations in many countries have announced the ban on smart glasses, not just hise glasses, all glasses with camera function must be closed during the viewing. Even cinemas in some areas are strictly forbidden to enter the audience with smart glasses. If they suspect that they are recording movies, they can even report on the spot.

Obviously, this is the inevitable result of the anti-piracy policy.

In addition, there are many other occasions where it is strictly forbidden to use smart glasses with camera functions, such as casinos, legal color clubs abroad, casinos, some bars and commercial venues, gym locker rooms, doctor's offices, government buildings...

In addition to these “forbidden” places, there are many other places that are very unclear to those who wear hise glasses. Even many people have a natural prejudice against people who use hise glasses, as if they used this glasses. Not a good person...

The script is developing in an unexpected direction. Perhaps even the developers of the Hise glasses project have not thought that such a function that is taken for granted has caused such a big trouble.

Of course, they are not stupid enough to do more mentally handicapped things, such as specializing in a live broadcast site for users of hise glasses to broadcast live, or secretly open the camera of the hise glasses to collect, upload data and so on.

However, just a camera function, the development team of the hise glasses has been burned.

Simply because of the camera function, it does not cause any consequences of blocking or subpoena. After all, Chen Mo’s previous Google glasses have always been with cameras, although the debate about “invasion of privacy” has always existed, but at most it is some occasions. The ban, some officials jointly asked Google to respond, etc., Google Glass's failure is mainly because the cost of this thing is too low, no one really wants to buy.

In the parallel world, the question about whether smart glasses invade privacy is still in a heated debate. It is impossible to kill a stick of such a big intelligent hardware company just because the glasses are equipped with a camera. But in any case, the privacy storm has greatly affected the reputation of Hise, and the sales of Hise glasses have been blocked.

After all, I bought the hise glasses and spent nearly 10,000 blocks of ocean. Everyone is also a decent person who wants to face. Who wants people to swear "glasses bastard", and when they go, they encounter white eyes?

Many people buy smart glasses with a little bit of demand. As a result, they wear this thing to pick up beautiful women. If people directly face their faces, they will go away without any reason. This is too embarrassing...

Many people who bought hise glasses feel inexplicable and arrogant.

You said that you don't need a camera function, who believes?


Those who bought Le Hui glasses are watching the fire on the other side of the gloating mood.

It’s not too big to watch the bustle, even if the world disables the glasses. Matrix glasses do not have a camera function, so we have nothing to do.

Until this time, many people understand the good intentions of matrix glasses without camera function.

"I said why the matrix glasses don't have a camera function. It turned out to be intentional! It's really far-sighted, it's awesome!"

"You don't have to be yelled at the 'glasses hooligans'! I am so sad that those who buy hise glasses, and spend more money..."

"Distressed? No, I don't feel bad at all, but I can't help but laugh out loud..."

"In fact, ordinary people can use several camera functions? Occasionally take a photo, take a mobile phone to shoot, and the lens on the head is still shaking, it is not very practical. Even some anchors, extreme fans have this demand. But after all, it’s a few people. Besides, I really need this feature. It’s the same to buy a camera.”

"I feel that the sales of his glasses in China must be seriously frustrated. I am strong in my big matrix glasses! Hurry to produce Nima, I haven't grab it yet!"