Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)

Chapter 822: The unprecedented heat brought by the wo

Shortly after the dust of the Little Death Wings settled, the Thunder Mutual Entertainment official announced some basic settings for the world boss.

The move was mainly to appease foreign players who expressed strong protests.

It’s normal to think about it, so awesome activities, such a precious world boss, the result is exclusive to the national service players, can this be irritating?

Many foreign players have expressed strong protests. Why are we not? Why can't we participate in the arrest of the Little Deathwing, which is not fair! This is discrimination! Outcry!

In this regard, Thunder's mutual entertainment released an announcement, which is simply the following:

The reason why the first world boss small wing of death did not advance in advance was because it was a surprise for everyone. The future world bosses will not be announced, to give everyone enough surprises.

World boss events are not unique to national costumes and can be enjoyed by all players around the world. The specific mechanism is: the world boss will be refreshed by region, such as Europe, North America, South America and Australia, Korea and Japan, and Southeast Asia and India. The division will take into account factors such as the number of players in the area and the level of activity.

When the world boss refreshes, it will refresh the landmark buildings of specific regions and specific cities. It will also adopt the combination of mr technology and realistic special effects. Every battle of the world boss will adopt different combat modes, bringing you complete Different visual effects.

After the players successfully defeat the world boss, the boss will randomly escape to a city in the area, and only one player can capture.

After seeing this announcement, foreign players are also relieved.

It turns out that we also have a share!

Moreover, many foreign players have already opened their minds in madness. Will the Eiffel Tower brush the world boss? For example, the empty seat? Will Times Square brush the world boss? For example, super dream? Little Ragnaros brush in Rio de Janeiro? Xiao Xinda 苟sa brush in the red square?

Foreign players are thinking about it, especially in some big cities, they are eager to experience the epic battles that challenge the world boss.

The capture action of the Little Death Wing is the first in the world. Many of the Emperor's players are coming over after receiving the mission. Many people have missed it. They can only squat and regret.

However, if there is a new world boss refreshed in the future, after the warm-up of this event, the enthusiasm of the players will definitely be higher, the scale will certainly be greater, and the topic effect will be stronger at that time.

Moreover, the activity of this world boss, although it seems to be simple to play, is a good way to continue the life of Elf World.

Every once in a while, put a world boss in a place around the world, re-energize the enthusiasm of the players, create hot topics around the world, and also motivate players to have more elves in the usual, more Props.

Then, by controlling the number of rare elves to protect their value, many liver emperors can get the benefits in the game, and make the player interaction as much as possible through the transformation of the two attributes of the liver and the liver, making "Elves World" an evergreen tree. The mr game even makes "catch the elf" a part of people's social activities and even life.

Once the popularity of Elf World comes to this level, the game of other gameplays will be reduced to a crude copy, and it is impossible to pose any threat to Elf World.


After 18 days of the Little Deathwing event, the second world boss appeared!

The Super Dream appeared in Times Square in New York, and the appearance was equally cool. The blue light ball thrown out by hand not only shattered a display screen, but even caused a micro explosion on the building next to it.

Of course, it’s all pre-arranged program effects, but it’s still exciting for the players on the spot!

Although New York players have already made careful preparations for this, most players have hoarded a lot of resurrection stones in advance, and the elf's combat power has already been significantly improved, but this ultra-dream capture battle is still dangerous and global. Players are all too worried.

However, fortunately, after the players' concerted efforts, they successfully completed the capture of the super dream at the last minute, and the whole world was full of joy.

The defeated super dream was captured by a female player in Los Angeles, and the female player also refused to sell.

After this period of hot speculation, the local tyrants are getting higher and lower prices for the Little Death Wings and Super Dreams, but they are useless. This thing is not available for money. Many people have also understood, who sells who sb, these world boss-level elves over time, the value has not not declined, but continues to appreciate!

At the beginning, the highest price of the Little Death Wing was only 200,000 US dollars, but after two weeks, the price of the Little Death Wing and Super Dream has risen to 460,000 US dollars.

Moreover, people still do not sell, obviously this offer still has to continue to rise, it is hard to say how high, but it is certainly impossible to fall.

Is this price high? It's not high at all... You know, in Chen Mo's past life, the local tyrants in many domestic games are buying knives for millions of dollars, only 460,000 knives. Where is this?

When a game is hot, virtual items are equally valuable, and it's more than just a bunch of simple code. It is foreseeable that in the future, with the continued popularity of Elf World, these elves with permanent collection value will certainly become more and more expensive.



These two world boss capture battles, for the "Elves World" have swept a wave of popularity around the world.

Especially during the boss battle, live broadcast websites and video websites at home and abroad were almost all screened by Elf World. This kind of crowded scene can be said to have played the best advertising effect, even some that were not completely interested. Players, can not help but join the enthusiasm of the whole people to capture the elf.

Of course, the motivations of new players are diverse, such as:

I think this is a phenomenal game, everyone is playing, so I also play.

I heard that the rare elf can sell money, so I also want to try my luck.

During social gatherings, many people are talking about each other's elves, and even playing the elves on the spot, and even without matrix glasses, they don't even know what others are doing. In order to meet my social needs, I also started playing Elf World.

Especially for many young people, they value the experience of technology products rather than the price. Many young people who bought hise glasses simply sent their glasses to their parents, sent friends, or simply used second-hand, and then bought a pair of matrix glasses, because this glasses can play "Elves World."

At the same time that the popularity of "Elves World" is rising, the sales volume and market share of matrix glasses in overseas markets are also rising, gradually moving from a niche brand to the majority of consumers.