Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 1474: Start treatment

Wang Zi said a lot in one breath, but these people were all shocked. At this time, some people exclaimed: "Is that the old chief broadcasted in the news? He was dying in the 256 Military Region Hospital and was killed by a Is the young doctor cured? "

Wang Zhi glanced at the man in the seat, but just nodded slightly, but still glanced at Lu Shan secretly, because he heard the teacher said that the young man always had a low-key situation.

However, Lu Shan did not pay attention to him, which made him breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, the captain was still shocked, and at the same time, he was a little excited, because about the magical and mysterious young man, the super high She also heard her uncle talk about her medical skills.

He even said to his uncle that he wanted to meet this young man and have a good relationship with such a doctor, so in the future, for his family, there will only be benefits and no harm.

His uncle did not have any opinion on such a proposal, but Lu Shan only consulted 256 hospitals and did not often go to work on time. Among the 256 hospitals, it is estimated that Lu Shan alone has such privileges.

Therefore, his uncle did not know when Lu Shan would go to work, so this matter has been dragged on, and in the end, it is gone, I really did not expect to be able to see it with my own eyes today.

There was a look of jealousy in the young doctor's eyes. Also in the medical profession, he had heard of young people like this, but he didn't care about it. He thought those rumors were some rumors. How could there be so powerful in the world? Doctor.

"I think you're exaggerating. The other person just took out his credentials. Don't you think these credentials will be fake? Let's wait for him to heal the old man!"

The young doctor looked at the middle-aged doctor with a disdainful expression on his face and said, there are many people selling dog meat this year, and it does not rule out the existence of such people.

However, he seems to have forgotten one thing, that is, what Wang Zhi said just now, no one dare to fake the young man known as the divine doctor.

Lu Shan doesn't care how those people look at himself, it is the same for him anyway, he said to Wang Zhi, "Come and help!"

Wang Zi didn't dare to hesitate, so he rushed over to help, in fact, he helped the old man to swing on the chair.

"Divine doctor, is this old man really saved?"

Although he had heard Lu Shan badly, he was still not very confident. After all, this kind of thing was too incredible.

Lu Shan smiled: "As a qualified doctor, we should not give up even at the last minute!"

After saying this, Lu Shan took something out of the backpack above. When Wang Zhi saw this, Wang exclaimed: "Acupuncture ... Do you want to use acupuncture? "

Lu Shan nodded.

"In some limited circumstances, Western medicine is really limited in terms of what it wants to do to save people!

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure inherited by our ancestors since ancient times. Not only can he cure the root cause, but more importantly, he is not restricted by any conditions!

Take off her clothes and leave the last shirt! "

Since acupuncture needs to be performed, it is naturally impossible to wear a coat, but if you change to traditional Chinese medicine, you may want to get your coat clean, but for Lu Shan, it is not necessary at all.

Other TCMs unbutton their clothes, mainly to check where the acupuncture points are located, but Lu Shan basically uses the Tianyantong skill when he is showing 9 needles and checking the condition.

The biggest effect of Tianyantong is to be able to see the essence of some things. In fact, it is a perspective function, especially after his skill upgrade, the effect is more useful than before.


Seeing that there was the last layer of clothes, Lu Shan said to Wang Zhi.

"This ... is this all right?"

Wang Zhi looked at Lu Shan with an unbelievable face and asked.

"There is nothing wrong, as long as you know where the acupuncture points are, there will be no problems!"

After saying this, Lu Shan didn't care what the other person's expression was, and the eyes of the people around him. Then he took out all nine gold needles and sandwiched them side by side between his fingers.

Just when everyone was watching Lu Shan's movement, Lu Shan suddenly got up and manually, in a gesture of thunder and thunder, only a few seconds and minutes, all the nine gold needles were inserted into the acupoint accurately.

This does not end, because in order to achieve the effect of treatment, it is necessary to achieve the resonance of the nine gold needles at the same time, in order to solve the local problems.

At this time, the old man was in a state of false death, and various organs on his body had stopped working, and even without any reaction, it is no wonder that Wang Zhi would be so shocked.

But Lu Shan's heart was very clear that this was not real death, because he found that the main nervous system of the old man's brain still had signs of life.

If we use science to explain it, then it is a state of death or shock. If it takes another two or three hours, I am afraid that the gods will not be able to save themselves.

Even though Lu Shan's life potion is very powerful, as long as he has a breath, he can recover as usual even with multiple injuries, but only if he has a breath.

Of course, there is no other way than this. For example, Lu Shan's soul-recovery card. As long as the person has not done any processing within 24 hours, he can still retrieve his life, but the conditions are very harsh. And it is equivalent to being able to increase the life of 5 years.

However, for an ordinary person, 5 years can solve many things, such as unfulfilled wishes, or some other things, but things like this soul card can be described as difficult to find, even if you have money again , Can't buy it at all.

At this moment, Lu Shan ’s ten fingers were like playing the piano, and they moved each gold needle to make them resonate at the same time, and the speed came to the end, it was dazzling and he could n’t see his hand at all. Orbiting trajectory.

The people around me were stunned, could they still treat the disease like this? At this moment they completely forgot that they were still wondering whether this young man would heal.

Zhang Sijia also looked nervously at the scene at this moment. She never thought that this young man who didn't look very eye-catching turned out to be so powerful.

And from Dr. Wang's mouth, this young doctor went to work in the 256 Military Region Hospital. Even the dean respected him. The dean is the captain's uncle. This is no secret.

"What kind of person are you? Hope to treat the elderly well!"

Zhang Sijia murmured to herself, but her voice was very low.

Xiner didn't care that much. At this time, all his thoughts were on his grandma. No matter what the young man was in front of her, as long as she could heal her grandma, she would be her benefactor.

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