
Chapter 589: Dead!

The star formation shocked the world, like a **** fetish landing outside the territory, all kinds of terror artifacts manifested, and they wanted to split the day.

This is the greatest magical effect of the star array. The seven-star orbit of the stars can continuously activate the seven artifacts and play incredible powers.

The colored glaze magic lamp and the diamond carving, infecting the breath of the gods, are also extremely vigorous, and Duan Yue is not a problem.

"Death!" Someone intervened, trying to suppress him. The black-clothed boy was furious, his eyes were dazzling golden light, and the war spear in his hand trembled, trying to dig out this fancy formation.

With a buzzing sound, the ancient jade amulet was born, hitting a dense sea of ​​magic runes, densely covered in void, and a crystal bead was turning, like a net of heaven and earth to suppress the emptiness.

A feather floats up and down the void, trembling gently, and thousands of flames fall, burning the void.

The war spear is invincible, powerful and domineering, tearing open the sea of ​​runes, exhaling from the tip of the spear, and shaking off the flames of the Suzaku!

"Shock!" The fat man yelled, his god's eyes shook rumblingly, a star and Tianhe came across the sky, and a magic rune hit the tip of the spear, the two touched each other, and the world suddenly rang.

"Fuck!" The black-clothed boy was fearless, the divine power in his body was as shocking as the ocean, and the yin and yang runes were suddenly shaken, but the power of the war spear was greatly reduced.

With a buzzing sound, a strange flower grows in the star array, the branches and leaves are shaking, light and soft, and when they tremble lightly, it shakes the golden light from the attack.

Being blocked one after another, the black-clothed boy rushed into the sky with anger, and he shouted like thunder. The battle spear bloomed with great brilliance, stabbing it on the star formation, as long as it broke through this weird **** map, because all the people around it could be shaken to death.

"Bring me down!" The **** bird's breath suddenly became terrifying, and a terrifying king's might erupted. His body was like a black sun burning, filled with fearful fluctuations.

With a bang, he stretched out his big claws, and the void landed like a big hand in the sky, illusory but not terrifying, and he squeezed out a war spear!

"So courageous!" The black-clothed boy was furious, the divine spear was blocked, and the ocean of divine power burst out of his body, shattering the imaginary **** claws in the void.

"Motherland..." The **** bird coughed up blood after being shaken, and the breath all over his body suddenly dimmed.

However, the 10,000-spirit sacred furnace that had been suppressing Baihu and Qingluan, Huo shaking, the black-clothed teenager's energy to suppress them both dropped sharply, and the two of them roared together, and the sacred furnace was opened.

"Brother Tiger, I'll save you!" Yang Tian drank, looking at the somewhat embarrassed White Tiger, and said without blushing or breathing.

"It's you!" Seeing the people around, Bai Hu's eyes were touched. He didn't expect Yang Tian to come to rescue him.

"Thank you for your help!" Qing Luan is grateful to Lin Ti. If the black-clothed youth hadn't used too much strength against them just now, the two of them would probably be refined into blood!

"It's you again!" The black-clothed boy solemnly shouted when he saw the people who took the shot. A dazzling light broke out all over his body, sweeping across all directions, wanting to smash them all.

Seeing the black-clothed boy, Bai Hu and Qingluan were very angry, and the two roared and shook the sky, turbulent power erupted from their bodies, enraging the sky.

The black-clothed boy swept with a war spear, but when he first moved, his eyes stopped moving for an instant. He slowly turned his head, looked at a fat white porcelain doll, and even picked up the golden core.

"Oh..." The black-clothed boy was about to spout a mouthful of old blood. He really couldn't figure it out. He had been standing in front of Jindan. How did this white and fat porcelain doll sneak in?

Being stared at by the black-clothed boy, Xiao Bai's two big eyes opened wide, and the hairs all over his body exploded.

"Puff..." Xiao Bai's speed was very fast, opened and sprayed, a milky white mist split into the void in an instant, and he slipped into it.

"So strong!" When Bai Hu and Qingluan saw this, they were shocked. The void fortress inside was very hard, but now it was easily split by a hole, which is really shocking.

Yang Tian was in ecstasy, and when he was about to leave here, the void not far away suddenly trembled. The void was like a broken mirror with divine brilliance.

With a loud bang, the void exploded, and a **** body was beaten out of it.

"Xiao Bai!" Upon seeing this, Yang Tian's eyes stood up. He was angry, his black hair danced wildly, and the breath all over his body was extremely strong.

Xiao Bai was stained with blood, and encountered a terrifying lore in it. If Xiao Bai's body were not strong, he would probably be crushed.

"Oh... it hurts me..." Xiao Bai was trembling with pain, but his big eyes were still fierce and terrifying, his two little hands covered the golden core in his stomach, but the back was dripping with blood.

"Get out of here!" Xiaoqing was furious, and the king's divine might revealed. His big golden eyes burst out of the thunder domain and attacked the cracked hole in the void.

"Huh..." A sneer came out, and a bright glow broke out from the cracked opening, sweeping across all directions, like a **** shot, filled with monstrous fluctuations.

Xiaoqing was coughing up blood from the shock, Yang Tian's eyes suddenly became cold, he looked at the demon youth, full of anger.

The sudden young man was extremely holy, and a hint of surprise appeared on the stern face of the black-clothed boy. At the same time, a monstrous fighting spirit emerged.

"Why don't we join hands and kill them!" Perceiving this war intent, the demon youth turned his head and smiled at the black-clothed youth, looking extremely kind.

When the words fell, Baihu and Qingluan changed colors. They couldn't see through these two outstanding figures. They were very scary. If they really joined forces, they might be unlucky.

"Not interested..." Hearing this, the black-clothed boy looked undiminished, revealing an arrogance. Let him join forces with others to shake down the opponent, he can't do it, because his will is destined to be the only one!

Direct rejection, a haze appeared in the eyes of the Demon Clan youth, very furious, he was the **** son of the Demon Clan, he was rejected? Still something that has never happened before.

"Elder, it's inside!" Wu, there was a scream from the outside world, this is a strange species with a bright blue flame. It went to the family elder just now, and it has come over now.

With a buzzing sound, a powerful and astonishing fluctuation spread out. This is a huge and incomparable Qingluan, whose huge body fills the entire alchemy room, revealing monstrous fluctuations.

"Damn it!" Seeing Qingluan coming, the black-clothed boy's face sank. The strength of this Qingluan is similar to him, and it is extremely terrifying. If he fights alone, he is naturally not afraid, but the current situation is reversed.

This terrible Qingluan had just arrived, and a large number of powerful men came in from the outside world. The news of the birth of Jindan has now spread!

Yang Tian's heart was awe-inspiring, and the powerhouses who came were stronger than the other, and the alchemy room was surrounded by powerful powerhouses, which blocked the inside.

"Trouble now..." The fat man took his hair and saw many enemies, and he had already found them.

"It's you!" A three-legged golden crow swayed into the void, and his icy eyes shot out a divine flame. He saw Yang Tian, ​​the three-legged golden crow was very powerful, and the big golden claws squeezed directly into Yang Tian's head.

"Get off!" However, Bai Hu's footsteps slammed, and the entire ground was shaking, and his body was white, as if a big wave rolled away, directly cutting off the offensive of the three-legged Golden Crow.

"You're looking for death!" The three-legged Golden Crow was furious and shouted coldly. Yang Tian took away his two golden feet. This was a terrible hatred. The golden feet he grew up now were not as powerful as before.

"It's this little bastard!" Jianying recognized Yang Tian. They had suffered a big loss in Shenchao in the past, and they still remember it still.

"Tweet!" Suddenly, there was a terrifying cry, and the terrifying hearts and souls and the trembling of the heroes all fled. A terrifying Tianpeng blasted over from a distance, and the huge body filled the sky and the earth.

This is a Tianpeng divine bird with a cultivation base that can reach the sky. He was so furious that the Tianpeng clan was shocked and killed three! The entire Tianpeng clan didn't have many creatures, and the price was too high for them to bear.

It is extremely difficult for every Tianpeng to be born, and the number of their clan is even rarer. For the sake of the Taoist Mountain, many people suppressed the cultivation base, just to come in and plan for the great opportunity, and now they can't afford the price of loss.

"Little beast!" The Tianpeng divine bird roared, with eyes like a magic lamp, staring at Xiaoqing, it was about to burn, and the terrifying power pressed down on Xiaoqing's head.

Even though Xiaoqing's talent is high and he understands the king's will, but the grudge is too deep and difficult to resolve. It is a foolish dream to want Pengzhe to return to the Tianpeng clan.

"How come together..." The shocking reversal made the fat man's heart tremble. There are too many enemies, and it is almost impossible to break through.