Always with the Old Attack

Chapter 83: . And the Prince

Feng Jiu'ao died because of mistrusting others. After waking up again, her heart completely became a cold, hard stone. Since these men are interested in her, Feng Jiu'ao who is happy in time can not refuse.

However, due to the first impression, Feng Jiu'ao was very disgusted with the great prince.

Seeing the few boys next to him attracted the attention of Feng Jiu'ao, and even settled for life with Feng Jiu'ao privately, with a happy look all day long, except that she was indifferent to her. Make every effort to please Feng Jiujiao.

Even when Feng Jiu was in the limelight and was among the most valuable sons in the capital, the great prince also admired her and tried her best. A man who suddenly appeared at a banquet of the Empress's Longevity Festival attracted all the attention of the unruly Feng Jiu'ao.

That man is the third son of the empress.

The emperor's father and concubine were named Chen, jade metallurgy, magnificent temperament, and amazing talent. It was the empress's favorite concubine. Died of illness.

Before the concubine's death, because the emperor's three sons were carved with pink jade, bright and lovely, and because of her love for Chen Fei, the emperor's affection for the three sons was extraordinary, and she could almost be called a crowned son.

However, all this ended abruptly when the concubine died at the age of three.

Because there are rumors gradually inside and outside the palace: the third son of the emperor's life is dangerous, lonely star, father, mother, wife, son.

The emperor is suspicious, and the empress is no exception. Regardless of whether the rumor is true or not, the concubine really became ill after the emperor gave birth to the third son.

In horror, the queen quickly summoned her trusted minister to ask about it.

Waiting for that long finger to count, his expression suddenly changed, his face bowed to the queen with embarrassment, and he restlessly said, "The three princes are indeed the destiny of Tiansha Lone Star. The offender ... "

Father and mother? Has my father been defeated, is this mother still far away? The Emperor's eyes shone as she thought that her condition would worsen every day and eventually let go.

Although it was born in October with a childbirth, the empress did not only have this child. If you count carefully, the two princes before the three princes plus the other princesses are slaps. Countless. With so many sons and daughters, the three princes can be favored because their sons are expensive. Now the favored father and concubine have died, and he has been detained with the reputation of being a father and mother. How can he win half the favor of the queen? ?

The queen confessed to being a lover, and really disdain to do the **** thing of killing her lover's son. In order to restrain the life of the three princes, she sought many ways in private.

Until the Taoist advised her: If the three princes can stay with the ancient lantern of the ancient Buddha, they may be able to wash off their own life.

The empress was overjoyed when she got this method. She was busy sending someone to pick up a remote little Buddhist temple and sent the three princes in. However, this method alone is not enough for the empress to dispel her anxiety. Because the ancestors' etiquette preceded, the empress could not change the prince Yudie at will, but gave the three princes his father's "Xu" surname in private for security.

The three-year-old three princes kneeled in front of the statue every day, knocked on the wooden fish, read the Buddhist scriptures, and grew to fifteen years old.

Until the 40th birthday of the Empress, the world was pardoned, and the whole world celebrated. Even the three princes, who had been forgotten by everyone, were allowed to attend.

The three princes have spent more than ten years in the small Buddha hall. They are indifferent and indisputable. They sit quietly in their place and occasionally reach for the vegetarian food in front of them.

Such a low-key person hidden among the crowd can attract Feng Jiuao, who is extremely magnificent in recent days, to stand on the spot.

For a long time, Feng Jiu'ao has been obsessed with her, and even some fierce sons who have been playing hot with her secretly watched her sweetheart all the time. After seeing her sweetheart for a few seconds, she stayed abnormally for a few seconds. The three princes looked in that direction, and they were not thinking, they broke their silver teeth.

In their eyes, Feng Jiauo, who is romantic by nature, looks at another man again, and this absent-minded situation can be completely different from the disregard of Feng Jiauo to them in the past. Obviously, even for the first time, the three princes' position in Feng Jiu'ao's heart has risen above all of them ...

In the world of women's respect, men's bodies are weak and sensitive, and they only care about spring flowers and snowy moons. The end of jealousy can compete with women in men's respect.

Therefore, when looking at Feng Jiujiao's mood, a few people were jealous and hated. They couldn't wait to pick up a dagger and draw a thousand beautiful faces similar to the concubine who was once worthy of being the first beauty in the world. Hundreds of knives, just add hundreds of ugly scars with deep bones to that beautiful face!

These people did not know that Feng Jiu'ao was not so thoughtful, not tempted by beauty, but was restless.

Because the features of the three princes are very similar to those of Xu Jinyi in modern times!

How much love once was, how ruthless after betrayal! Feng Jiudao ended with hate, and only because of his monstrous hatred could he get this opportunity to be born again.

Such a strong hatred swelled in the chest, and over a long period of time, it gradually became a negative psychological suggestion. From time to time, Feng Jiu'ao's mind flashed out the face of Xu Jinyi.

When she saw the third prince for a second, because her face was very similar, Feng Jiu'ao suddenly felt that Xu Jinyi had also come to Qi Fengguo!

Although Feng Jiuhao has killed countless people, she has suffered a lot, but she has never tried the taste of death. Because of Xu Jinyi, for the first time in her life, she was so helpless that she could n’t reach out, could n’t speak, or even breathe. Passive Weakly waiting for death to come.

The profound imprint in her soul made her feel terrified and panic, so she saw this culprit, which caused her pain so much. Even though Feng Jiu's heart was so hateful, she also rose up. A little timid.

Therefore, those few moments of stasis were not the result of being shocked at first sight, but the result of a sudden surge of emotions such as horror and panic.

Frequent strabismus, not to mention beauty.

Gain Feng Jiu Ao found the differences between the three princes and Xu Jinyi.

The three princes are similar to Xu Jinyi only in three points. Xu Jinyi's five senses are handsome and tough. The three princes are weak because they are women. They are ten times more delicate than Xu Jinyi. .

Not only are the five senses different, the temperament of the three princes is also very different from Xu Jinyi. When Xu Jinyi lied to her, she was gentle, kind, pure and clean, and when she killed her, she was cruel and insidious. At this time, the three princes were sitting in an inconspicuous position, as indifferent and peaceful as an old monk who had been settled in, and his eyes were indifferent.

Is this three princes Xu Jinyi?

Whether it is or not, only three thousand can be killed by mistake, and Feng Jiu'ao, who can't let go of one, has killed the three princes!

She can come through from the modern age.

After all, growing up together from a young age, Xuemei Fengjiu's true nature is clear enough. She is turbulent and sexually active, and she especially likes tall and majestic black macho men ... How can Xu Jinyi ’s body shape meet the **** charm?

And Xue Mei is very strong and nervous, Xu Jinyi helped Xue Mei kill her, she was just digging her own grave! It won't take long for Xuemei to think that Xu Jinyi, who was able to kill his three-year-old girlfriend with a smile, is a wolf beside her. At that time, the two will doubt each other and reject each other. Whether Xu Jinyi can survive from Xuemei's hands can say but two.

If Xu Jinyi is dead, reborn to the three princes?

Feng Jiu'ao's cold light flashed, Xu Jinyi fell in love with her for three years, and even a small detail was not revealed, showing his acting skills! If Xu Jinyi was born again to the three princes, with his superb acting skills, it would be impossible to pretend to be indifferent!

She has lost one time in Xu Jinyi's hands, and has lost her life for this, she can never lose one more time in his hands!

At this time, Feng Jiu's brain flashed, remembering the name of the three princes.

The name of the three princes is Jinyi, which is the name of the empress to kiss him shortly after his birth. It takes Jinrong's sense of ease as a favorite. But shortly after the concubine's death, the empress privately gave the three princes a "Xu" surname, which is no secret in the palace.

Xu? Jinyi? Xu Jinyi?

Feng Jiu'ao's pupils shrank. Although Xu Jinyi and Xu Jinyi had different glyphs, they had the same pronunciation!

Looks similar, and the names are so similar. How could it be a coincidence!

Feng Jiu'ao's eyes narrowed, and his intentions were revealed. He must be killed!

While Feng Jiuao was thinking about how to deal with Xu Jinyi who had been residing in the palace all year round, the great prince over there bit his teeth, and the high-quality parcels in his hands were pierced by his nails.

The prince's father is the empress's husband, and the prince is often proud that he is the empress's sister-in-law, and he is very picky about the wife and master he chose for him. Picky and picky, the eldest prince is now twenty years old.

In Wu Fengguo, men were mostly married at the age of fifteen and sixteen, and it was very rare for a man like twenty to not marry.

The prince is in such an embarrassing situation, and he already hates marrying in his heart, but those extremely women in central Beijing can't let him stay half-gaze. Somehow, after Feng Jiu'ao's stupidity was cured, he fell in love with her!

He is also very clear about Feng Jiu'ao's relationship with several other men, but although the prince is jealous, he is not willing to give up Feng Jiu'ao in vain. Besides, he is the most noble man in Fengfeng Kingdom. How could she be her husband?

The eldest prince at this time completely forgot that he and Feng Jiuao were cousins ​​who were the same.

Seeing other men and Feng Jiu Ao Qingqing me and me, but he still could not get a smiling face of Feng Jiu Ao, just when the great prince was jealous of anxiety, he found that the sweetheart whom he could not help was actually out of order.

For a man who has been disgusted by his mother-in-law for more than ten years, he is disgusted!

The prince's eyes were red, and the resentment in his heart was burning.

It wasn't until seeing the ambassador who wished for the empress, that the great prince finally came up with an excellent idea. 2k novel reading network