Am I A Superman?

Chapter 220: ,the Avengers

Li Ya covered with silver light, across the sky.

Wherever he went, a thunderstorm appeared, and the Zeta Swiss soldiers were wiped out by the ashes of the rolling thunder.

I only heard another sound burst, Li Ya appeared on top of the starry beast.

The cloak hunted behind him, and his body sank, and he lifted his feet and stepped on the head of the star monster.


A shock wave with lightning ions spread out.

As if smashed by a planet, the starry beast sent out a mournful mourning, as if drunk, the huge body shivered and fell from the sky shaking.

"哞 ..."

The wailing wailed through the sky, and the starry beast smashed into the head with a stick, and the first half of the body was dropped. The huge inertia shook the second half of the body high and crashed the surrounding high-rise buildings.

Captain America and Black Widow stood on the ground, watching a miraculous blow.

The giant beast with a star shape of hundreds of meters in length, Li Ya even suppressed it with only one kick!

嘿 "Hey, Steve, do you think Hulk can do this?" The black widow asked.

队 Captain America waved his shield and knocked down two Zetaray invaders and said, "Maybe it can, but ... Hulk can't fly!"

"Yeah, Hulk can't fly!"

The swarthy widow gave a sound and continued to fight with the invaders.

There was a roar of the portal in mid-air, and several star monsters swam into New York.

Iron Man turned on the firepower of the head of a giant beast.

Boom! boom! boom!

The powerful firepower blasted the head armor of the starry beast, and the last micro anti-tank bomb penetrated the brain of the starry beast and exploded.

星 The starry beast failed to send out its mourning, and its body fell tumbling, crashing numerous buildings along the way.

However, there are still several star monsters in the sky. They are flying in all directions. Countless Zeta Swiss soldiers are flying the aircraft, like a horse honeycomb, and rushing toward Iron Man.


Tony yelled in the steel suit and immediately turned to escape, while continuing to attack backwards.

"Sir, we have run out of airborne weapons ..."

Jarvis's voice sounded again.

Tony glanced at the condition of the steel suit, and it turned out that his weapons were exhausted and his energy was consumed by a third.

With a large area of ​​Zitarui's army behind him, Tony had a headache.

"Damn! Call Li Ya, there are giant monsters with seven or eight heads in the portal, and ask for support ... Also, who can come to help me, there are a lot of enemies on my side!"

At this time, the shortcomings of Iron Man's suit became apparent.

Limited by the current earth technology, Tony has been focusing on solving the problem of carrying steel armor.

And what he is wearing now is just undeveloped, Mark 7.

最大 Mark 7's biggest feature is not as far as fighting, but can be called remotely. This technology was later used for the automatic assembly and wear function of Mark 42.

So, as far as weapon systems are concerned, the Mark 7 does not have the ability to sustain operations.

I heard Tony's call for help, and Li Ya and Thor's voices rang in the communication channel at the same time.

"Roger that!"

"I'll be right there!"


雷 Two thunders sounded in the sky.

The first stout giant thunder shot into the sky, like a towering tree. Even if the whole sky is the background, it can give people a shocking feeling.

This thunder-like thunder pierced the sky and struck the body of a starry beast.


Suddenly, the body of the star beast burst open, the metal armor shattered, and the flesh shattered like a pouring rain.

After the Shenyang electric spear penetrated the body of the first starry beast, it remained unabated, spanning a distance of several kilometers, and shattering the body of another beast.

The second Thunder is much smaller.

It seems like a branch of a towering tree, heading towards Iron Man.

Howl ...

Iron Man suddenly turned Ninety degrees when he saw Thor's swinging the hammer. The huge Zitaari army behind him was even stabbed by the Thunder summoned by Thor.


The blockbuster Zetaru army was destroyed.

"Thanks, Hammer God!"

Iron Man flew into the sky, and waved to Thor by the way.

Xun Zheng said that there is no harm without comparison. If there is no Li Ya, then Thor still hopes to compete for the best mvp in the field.


After Li Ya instantaneously killed two starry giants, his divine power finally showed signs of exhaustion.

So he changed the fighting style, rushed into the huge Zetaru army, hot vision spurted out, sweeping thousands of troops!

Even if he is a starry beast, Li Ya's hot vision can only escape.

Once was swept, its huge body would be cut in half!

Iron Man didn't pay attention before. Now when he sees Li Ya exerting his hot vision, he suddenly feels a strange sense of familiarity.

"Hey brothers, do you think Li Ya's ability is very similar to a superhero in a comic?"

队 Captain America and Black Widow never read any comics, let alone Thor. r />

In the communication channel, Director Fury's voice suddenly inserted.

"Are you talking about the Avengers in dc comics?"


Iron Man Tony Stark finally returned to his mind, "That is a superhero I liked many years ago. Look at Li Ya, the same can fly, can't penetrate the gun, can release lightning and ... as hot as Superman Vision! The most important point ~ ~ Didn't you find that the signs on his chest are the same? "

"Because this hero comes from dc's expanding universe, it only came out in the final battle against Dakside!"

Director Fran Fury also had a rare interest, explaining: "When the Avengers Squad was formed, he borrowed his name ..."

Li Yazheng punched through the body of the starry beast and suddenly heard the conversation in the communication channel.

Marvel Universe has dc comics, which everyone knows.

But what they said of the Avengers ... wouldn't it be themselves!

Oh my god! I became a comic character?

Once upon a time, the people around were just characters in the comics, but now they have become the superheroes in their comics.

"All the starry beasts were killed by me, but everyone, if we do n’t close the portal, we will be futile!"

Li Ya also spoke on the communication channel, "Cosmic Cubes and Mind Cubes have energy waves of the same frequency, and Mind Cubes can penetrate the position created by Cosmic Cubes."

After hearing this, Director Fran Fury was silent, "I know what to do, Coulson, and the soul gem will be sent to the front line by you."

"Yes, sir!" Coleson was expressionless, indicating that this kind of thing was used to it.