Am I A Superman?

Chapter 281: I will come back

Li Ya rushed into the portal and her body disappeared.

The etheric particles shot out and flew into the air. Malakis blushed because he mobilized all the etheric particles to resist Li Ya's attack.

Just then.

A portal appeared again behind Malkis.


The dazzling Thunder Lance pierced from the rear, and flashed electricity and pierced Malakis' head.

The power of the psychic gem exploded again, the endless energy destroying Malikis' will, his thinking.

The riots of the etheric particles gradually subsided.

As if the wind had stopped, hovering in midair, condensing into a ball of fluid floating.


Malakis knelt down, knelt down, his eyes stared blankly forward, and gradually lost his vitality.

"Quick, lift the mirror dimension!"

Gu Yi reminded him that Li Ya immediately waved his hand, the mirroring dimension flashed away, and the three returned to reality.

The wind blew up again, and everyone on the battlefield was still still.

At this moment, he was killed again.

Captain America was pressed to the ground by a mad cursed warrior. The black widow's face was bloodstained behind him. He took the weapon of the dark elf and shot a headshot at the cursed warrior's head.

Iron Man energy cannons are constantly firing, and Green Fat and Thor are back to back, coping with the siege of six or seven cursed soldiers.

"Your king is dead, let's cease the war!"

Li Ya hit the ground heavily with a silver gun, and the energy of the psychic gems rippled, and everyone on the battlefield stopped attacking.

The etheric particles floating in mid-air were captured by Gu Yi and cast a magic spell.

The particles scattered in other places gathered one after another, causing the cursed soldiers to lose their source of strength, their bodies dried up and incinerated and disappeared.

As soon as the cursed soldiers died, the remaining dark elves in twos and twos seemed extremely lonely.

Celestial convergence continues.

The nine kingdoms lined up at this instant, and Thor's hammer flew from a space.

Time passed quietly.

The celestial body gathered only for a short period of time, and soon separated again and disappeared into the sky.


Captain America gasped, his body wet with sweat.

Fighting with warriors of alien civilization is really not an easy task.

"Yes, it's over!" Gu Yi printed his hands and closed the eyes of Agomo.

This magic weapon was originally owned by Kama Taj, so it is now the owner.

Iron Man fell from the sky, the nano-steel on his body disappeared, Lu Chuan calmed down, and his body kept shrinking, turning back to Dr. Banner.

"Heimdal, turn on the Rainbow Bridge and pick me up!"

Thor ordered the remaining Dark Elves captives to stand up together, and he was ready to take the spaceship with him to Asgard.


There is nothing in heaven.

"That ... Heimdal was convicted of treason and locked up!" Li Ya reminded Thor.

"Father, take me back! ... My omnipotent my father Odin ..."

Thor held up his hammer and shouted head up into the sky.

The scene quieted again, not only Tony them, but also some bold civilians in Greenwich.

Seeing a man wearing a red cape suspected of being Thor, facing the sky, he didn't know what to do.

"Tor, congratulations you may be on the front page of the rotten country tomorrow ... Well, your father and mother should be discussing vacation plans, and most of the time you have no time to deal with you." Li Ya continued to make up the knife, explaining.

"Then what should I do……"

Thor's face was dark at the time, and Tony smiled indifferently.

After thinking for a moment, Thor raised his hammer again and yelled at the sky: "Rocky, I know you're watching, and teleport me right away, otherwise I'll see you once and hit you once!"

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a colorful light fell from the sky, engulfing Thor and the Dark Elves prisoners of war.

In the light, Thor waved his hand at Li Ya and others. "Li Ya, wait a few days for me. After I handle Asgard, I will return with the Rubik's Cube and send you home. "

Li Ya's current power cannot break the walls of cosmic space, and can only rely on the space gems in cosmic magic.

"Thank you, Thor!" Li Ya thanked.

The words did not fall, and the colorful light in the sky disappeared.


Two days later, Tony's villa base was courtyard.

Captain America, Black Widow, they all came and talked to Li Ya, while Tony fiddled with a Walkman-like metal box, pulled out the antenna above, and started debugging various data.

"Li Ya, I copied a space-time signal on the basis of your space-time ripple recorder, and I can use this to contact you later."

"Then we can email each other often?" Li Ya asked.

"The simpler the data flow across space is, the better, because once it is complicated, the flow of data is very serious, I believe that you are clearer than me!" Tony explained seriously.

Li Ya waved her hand, "I'm kidding you!"

"Oh, that's a coincidence, because I'm joking with you too!" Tony's face had a smile on his face.

In the courtyard, the colorful light fell, and Thor appeared in the courtyard with a container containing a cosmic cube, and Dr. Banner was rushed to remove an instrument from the room.

"Fine, Thor is here, and he also brought the Cosmic Cube, and can begin to travel through the universe!"

"Thor, give Dr. Banner the Rubik's Cube!"

Li Ya pointed at Dr. Banner and the instrument he introduced, and Thor smiled and passed the Rubik's cube in his hand.

"My father and mother went to Norway, where they are going to spend their old age there. I really don't know if I should be happy or frustrated." Thor's eyebrows grew a little stunned.

From the moment Odin was about to unload the throne, Thor's shoulders were heavy.

"What about Rocky?"

"He became what my father looked like ~ ~ and continued to sit on the throne of the sun, so I could leave Asgard unscrupulously."

While Thor was talking, he took a bottle of whiskey from the room and sipped his head.

"That ... Thor, the Supreme Master told me that in the near future, the world will fall into an endless catastrophe ..."

"I know, I understand, I will cut off all threats before this catastrophe comes!"

"Well, one more thing, Thor, remember my word of advice, meet your taller opponent and remember to hit him!"

"Oh, Li Ya, haven't you forgotten to curse the soldiers ... hahaha, I remember!"

The two said, Tony activated the Rubik's Cube, and the courtyard suddenly opened a martyrdom.

"I should be going!"

Li Ya stood up and walked under the martyrdom. Tony returned Li Ya's space-time ripple recorder to him. The others gathered around and watched silently.

"Say well, if we encounter something, you will come back at any time!" Tony asked.

Li Ya nodded solemnly, "I promise!"


"Goodbye, everyone!"

After saying goodbye, Li Ya flew out and rushed into the martyrdom.

With the last experience of marching through space and time, this time has been much smoother.

(PS: Li Ya took away a jewel of the heart. When purple sweet potato essence collected the infinite gem, he found that one was missing, or that the infinite gem could not cross the universe, even if it was taken away, it would return File, please leave a message to discuss.)

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