Am I A Superman?

~: The Daksad War: An Introduction to the C

First, let's explain the causes of the Dakside War.

The anti-monitors forcibly incorporated the anti-life equation, because they could not control this power, so they were cursed by this power, and their minds were full of ideas to destroy the world. If you want to get rid of this curse, you must kill Dakside, and use the Omega effect of Dakside, to unbind yourself from the anti-life equation.

As it is, Duckside's daughter, Greer, went to the multiverse, found the anti-monitor, and invited him to this universe to kill her father, Duckside.

As for why Da Shu's daughter wanted to kill her.

This in turn involves Greer's mother, Myrina Black, the assassin of choice on Paradise Island. Before the gods dusk, Zeus sent Milina Black to assassinate Darkside, but she failed. To destroy Darkside, Milina conceived Darkside's child.

This child is Greer.

Greer was born on the same day as Diana, inherited the power of the Amazons and the power of Daxside, and was indoctrinated by Milina to kill Daxside. After gaining the all-seeing eye of the witch, Grey He saw a creature capable of killing Dakside, the anti-watcher, and invited him to the universe to kill her father, Dakside.

Of course, after that, Dakside knew that he had a daughter, so he sent one of Lavana, one of the goddesses of revenge, to the earth, looking for Milina, and wanted to find her daughter through Milina.

This scene is the beginning of the war on Dakside.

The following are the individual characters:

Anti-watcher: Formerly known as Mobius, in order to witness the taboo (anti-life equation), he ran to Kovad and was forcibly integrated with the anti-life equation to become an anti-watcher.

The Mobius chair he built possesses all-knowledge. After he became an anti-monitor, Mobius' chair was snatched by Mitteron.

During the Dakside war, the chair of Mobius was seated by Batman, and Batman became a god.


Mitteron: After Mobius became an anti-watcher, **** his Mobius chair.

The caretaker who claims to be all knowledge of the past and present, the administrator of thought and timeline, the peeper of all universes.


Daxside: Dark Lord of the Apocalypse, the most powerful new **** (not as powerful as his father), the existence of a big boss level, the real body of the Lord's world is extremely powerful, and just standing still will cause time and space to collapse .


Scott (Mr. Miracle): The son of the new creation star Heavenly Father was sent to Apocalypse as a hostage because of Mitteron's intervention. After escaping the apocalypse of Apocalypse, he started the road of resistance, but ... ... all failed.

Come to Earth and join the Justice League during the Dakside War.


Milina Black: God of Paradise Island chose Assassin. When Dakside arrived on Earth for the first time, causing the gods to dusk, she was sent to assassinate Dakside, but failed.

The gods ended at dusk, and Mi Lina suddenly appeared on Paradise Island with a child.

Her child is Duckside's daughter, Greer.


Greer: Duckside's daughter, born on the same day as Diana. Because of her father's relationship, she has had powerful power since she was a child, and she has extremely dark and extreme personality. She was indoctrinated by her mother, Milina, to kill the **** of darkness, Dakside, and was the guide of the Dakside war.

(PS: Some characters will make some changes because of the need of the plot, and for the reader to read more smoothly, some other cosmic characters have been deleted, such as Super Queen, Supermaster, Syndicate, and already have a bento, vowed not to be in Appearance of the God of Apocalypse: Lex Luther ...)