Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 1948: Set a rule

In the afternoon, Li Yong still entered the drug Wang Shi.

Seeing that Sun Xiaomei’s anger against him has not subsided, Li Yong secretly steals away from the stone house and begins to practice.

After returning to life, he has cultivated to the ninth floor. After awakening the supernatural powers that predict the future, it is still far away from the tenth floor. Although he knew that the tenth layer would awaken even more powerful brave, Li Yong did not rush to practice.

Because it is a very long process to cultivate to the tenth floor, the strength must also keep up.

He feels that the resurrection of the tenth floor should correspond to the holy environment, and it can break through when the peak of the gods breaks through.

Now, he is a great god, he must first go to the peak of cultivation, and then he can cultivate and return to life.

If you want to cultivate to the peak of the gods, you must add spiritual fluid and polish your body.

When the mind is moving, Li Yong urges the amount of power to work in the body, that is, to polish himself, and also to absorb the spirit. Although this kind of suction is slow, you can save the best jade, which is to save costs.

As soon as he was motivated, Li Yong was surprised that his Dantian Linghai has become more extensive.

The vastness of the thousands of drops left in the past has become a small part.

In the past, his Dantian Linghai could only store 9,999 drops of spiritual liquid. Now it seems that it can store 99,999, ninety-nine drops of spirit liquid, at least a full tenfold.

The previous Xiaojinlong was just a drop of spiritual fluid, and Li Yong could still tell.

Nowadays, Xiaojinlong can hardly see the figure, and can only sense it before he can sense it.

Li Yong sensed that Xiaojinlong was screaming, and the goods were too sleepy. I don’t know when it was a head.

Because of the enlarged area, there are only a few thousand drops of spiritual liquid in the Dantian Linghai, and now it seems empty.

Li Yong immediately got through the fairy fire and asked: "Can I absorb the spirit now?"

"Yes." The sacred fire responded.

Li Yong immediately took out the jade and put it out of the gathering, and immediately absorbed it.

For him, the spirit is the strength, with the spirit can be invincible!

However, just beginning to absorb, Xianxian fire immediately yelled: "Master, no."

After the consumption of the Gathering Array was completed, this time, after directly taking in five thousand drops of spiritual liquid, I could not help but overjoyed.

The factor is much faster than before!

The same polyling array, which used to consume only one hundred drops of spirit liquid, is now five thousand drops!

Although Li Yong's Dantian Linghai has grown a lot, he can now hold 99,999,999 drops of spirit liquid, but according to the degree of gathering the spirit liquid, it seems that it can be absorbed in a few times.

One-time five thousand drops, Li Yong feels so good!

I really want to come back a few times.

A cool wave of sputum.

However, the immortal fire is still shouting ‘no’, as if it was indecent.

Li Yong suppressed the excitement and wondered, "Why can't you?"

"Master, sleepy for you to absorb too much, I can not think of you is the realm of the gods, it absorbs so many spirits. Now, Yaowang is still recovering, if you are absorbed, my ability is Degraded."

“Degradation?” Li Yong wondered: “Can you still degenerate?”

"Master, lack of strength, my strength will be limited." Xianjie fire explained: "For example, now I can sense the size of a square meter outside, but also put the power outside to protect you. If you overabsorb the power of the drug Wang Shi, I will not be able to protect you next time you are in danger."

Listening to the fairy-class fire, Li Yong suddenly dismissed the idea of ​​continuing to absorb the spirit: "Then I will not absorb the spirits for a while... Can I have it now? I feel empty now, and I need urgent supplements."

The fairy fire type smiled bitterly: "I will wait until I recover for a while, Master, I have tried my best."

"Okay, okay!" Li Yong knew that this matter was too urgent.

Anyway, it has already taken 5,000 drops, plus more than 6,000 drops left before, and there are more than 11,000 drops in the body.

This is more than before, and Li Yong has a sense of security in his heart.

Just seeing that there is still such a large area, there is no spiritual liquid, Li Yong feels empty.

Since he can't replenish the liquid, Li Yong can only cultivate and return to life.

Li Yong gradually immersed himself in the experience of the exercises when he was born and returned to life.

Although the time is unconscious, it never stops losing.

Feeling that the time outside was almost at night, Li Yong stopped practicing and ran to the kitchen in stealth.

Because he arranged Huang Junjie and Wen Zi in advance, these two zombies are good buddies and have already helped him with dinner. Brought with dinner, Li Yong thought of a move, he went back to the drug Wang Shi.

I saw Zhou Feixue wearing a sweater and cooking in the kitchen alone. Now that there is no babysitter at home, she usually does something for herself when she is alone.

In the past, when Yang Cheng and Mu sunset protected her together, Yang Cheng cooked and the three of them ate together.

Now, Yang Cheng and Mu sunset have been replaced by Guan Liang and Zeng Duan. Zhou Feixue naturally does not want to eat with the two old men, and they don’t want to eat what they do. They arrange the tube and the outside to go out with the bodyguards. eat.

Anyway, it is the Ling and Ling rice, which is the same everywhere.

As soon as I had a delicious and delicious dish, Guan Liang and the excited and excited look, suddenly burst into laughter.

"I can't think of it, I really can't think of it." Guan Liang excited.

"Yeah, I thought that there is no hope for improvement. Now I seem to have hope." It was also a joy to face.

"If you can eat this kind of spiritual food every day, I can really break through the holy world. At that time, no longer afraid of the assassination of the lotus, we can kill the lotus." Guan Liang Ledao.

"You still don't forget to take revenge now?" sighed and sighed: "We have a master now, what do the master do? Why don't you dare to leave here without the owner's consent?"

"Don't dare." Guan Liang's willpower was tied, and he could only listen to Li Yong. It was only when he suddenly ate the dishes, he was too excited, and he said what he wanted to do most.

That is to kill the lotus, revenge and hate.

Suddenly I saw that the food in front of me was rushed to be eaten by a group of people. The tube was bright and angry, and a slap in the face of the table, and the table corners were photographed. The sound of this slammed, scared that some other bodyguards did not dare to eat.

Among them, the Yangtze River No. 3 Yangtze River No. 4 is the person who lights them. Naturally, they dare not rush to eat with Guan Liang.

Guan Liang said with a cold face: "We will set a rule in the future. Every day after you have finished the meal, I will eat it first. After we have enough, you can eat it. Have you heard it?"

His eagle-eyed eyes glanced at the ordinary bodyguards: "To tell the truth, it is a waste to eat such delicious food. If you give it to you, it is better to give it to the dog. Get away, don't want to see you when I eat." ""

Several ordinary bodyguards were scared and scared, and hurriedly retired.

Then Guan Liang pointed to the warriors on the Yangtze River No. 1 Changjiang No. 2: "How many of you, stand behind?"

The Yangtze River No. 1 smiled and said: "The owner said, you must listen to me, I am the Yangtze River No. 1, I am the biggest."

If it is on other things, it’s indifferent to Guan Liang and those who have heard them listen to the Yangtze River No.1, but in the face of the good things like Lingcai, Guan Liang’s face is cold: “How did I not hear the owner say this? Your kid is less than the owner to press us, believe it or not, I will slap you to death, still not smashing?"

The Yangtze River No. 1 immediately collapsed, because even he did not believe that Li Yong had said this.

No matter where it is, the world of warriors is the strength of respect. The strength of the weak listening to strong, he is a small spiritual realm Xiaocheng Wu, where dare to touch the water sanctuary Xiaocheng strong!

If it is really in front of the owner, will the master still be the master of a small spiritual warrior?

Don't say that Guan Liang and Zeng did not believe them, even the Yangtze River No. 1 did not believe it.

After the Yangtze River No. 1 was soft, several warriors were very obedient. They hurriedly left the table and stood behind Guan Liang and Zeng Zeng, carrying their hands, like a group of docile beggars.

"When we eat, you eat again." Guan Liang said.

Everyone looks at each other, but no one dares to oppose it.

However, in Guan Liang and the opposite, there are still two people sitting here, one male and one female.

Guan Liang glared at the past: "You two, didn't you hear the rules I just made?"

The man and the woman looked at each other: "We are relatives of Li Li Yong is my brother-in-law."

"Sister?" Guan Liang thought: "Then you have to stand up, the Principal are not qualified to sit with us. When we both eat well, you can eat with these warriors behind us!"

Mei Xiaoyan felt very wronged. She had been eating with the servants. It was already very uncomfortable. Now she was even rushed up. She immediately took Zhou Honghui and said: "Let's go to your sister and let your sister give us the master. ”

Guan Liang immediately served softly. In any case, Li Yong’s relatives still have to give a face. Then changed his mind: "Take a break for you, sit down and eat!"

Zhou Honghui was also afraid of these warriors. He immediately smiled and said: "Thank you."

However, when Zhou Honghui and Mei Xiaoyan re-sit down, Guan Liang and Zeng Cai have already eaten up their meals.

They are small sacred places, and their strengths are stronger than others. They eat rice. If they really disregard the image, they are naturally stronger than others. Ordinary people like Zhou Honghui and Mei Xiaoyan usually eat half an hour for a meal.

Guan Liang and his previous meals were also at least half an hour, and that was high.

At this time, I can't take care of that much, just want to eat more spiritual liquid.

Seeing Guan Liang and having danced two people, I ate a dinner for fourteen people at once, and everyone was shocked.

Fortunately, there are a lot of spirits, Lingmi and Ling noodles stored in the house. When the tube is bright and there are only plates left, they will go to eat again. Among them are Zhou Honghui and Mei Xiaoyan. people.

In the face of a slap in the face of a slap in the face of a horrible tube, they can only endure. "Add a chapter to Nalan Jialu"


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