Amazing Doctor With Super Vision

Chapter 2180: It is everyone’s responsibility to lov

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The other ants are all listening intently, just like the pupils are giving lectures at the strict teacher. ┏X4399┛

They all feel that the voice of the ancestors is so kind.

What makes them incredible is that this man is so young, it seems that he is only in his twenties, and he is actually the ‘brother’ of their ancestors, or the benefactor of their ancestors.

They immediately worshipped and respected Li Yong.

When I heard the last, the second ancestor ant, excitedly shouted: "This is my father's voice, it is my father, my father is still alive, we must work hard to improve, so as to break through the realm as soon as possible, reunion with Dad ""

"Work hard to cultivate, reunite with the ancestors..." Many ants are fine and shouted in unison.

In particular, the ants of the three emperors are small, and the shouts are the loudest.

The sound waves spread out, and the calm sea surface swayed with layers of ripples.

When their voices fell, the three empire's ants were fine, and they sent the map to the ancestors. The second ancestor squinted the hair in front of her eyes and looked at the map.

Just a look, she was shocked: "This is my father painted with his own blood."

"Yes, it is these blood that reveals the ancestors' scent." One of the emperors Xiaocheng ants seduce.

The second ancestor ant continued to look at the map. Not long after, he said again: "Dad also misses us, and Dad wants to come back. This painting is full of thoughts about my hometown and nostalgia for my loved ones..."

The meaning of the map that the second ancestor ant also understood, the tears fell again.

Li Yong is very admired for these ant fines, both for more than a million years, and still miss each other.

This emotion is really earth-moving!

Like humans, there is such a long-lasting emotion.

Don't say a million years, it is more than a hundred years, you will forget your loved ones and old people.

In my heart, humans are not as good as ants.

If someone suddenly came to Li Yongfu and said that he was Li Yong’s ancestor, Li Yong would not blame him for slamming him. These ants are so convinced that they can recognize the appearance and voice of the old patriarch.

This is really thousands of times stronger than humans!

However, Li Yong does not come to see them miss their loved ones and tears.

Is it dangerous to come to life early, isn’t it for the release?

After waiting for a while, watching the situation of the ants, they gradually calm down. Li Yong reminded me faintly: "You also heard, your ancestors, let you help me find the sword."

The second ancestor ant took the map and took it out of the space magic weapon. He handed it over: "I only have one."

Li Yong hurriedly took it in his hand and sensed it. It really was a hand.

There are some regrets in my heart. Isn’t it the interpretation of the five-in-one?

This is four less than expected!

Although I found one, Li Yong’s heart was a little lost.

The idea is a move, and this is combined with the previous one.

The interpretation of the twenty-fourth one immediately became twenty-five.

"You can help me find it again. I have to find enough one hundred. Now I only find twenty-six. I am still a lot worse. I am your benefactor, and your ancestors have also spoken, let you help me find it, let us help." !"

After listening to Li Yong's words, the second ancestor ant replied: "Respected benefactors, we also want to help you find, but in this space, really no, to find, can only go out to find, but we still can not go out. ”

"We really want to help you, but we are powerless."

"Yeah, we can't go out."

"It's like a cage, holding us up."

"Please come back as soon as possible, break the enchantment and let us out."

Some of the gods and sacred ants have a pitiful look, and they dream of going out. For many, many years, they have been unable to go out, and some ants can't stand it and choose to commit suicide.

Otherwise, there will be more ants here.

When they are a god, I feel that it is very big.

After the holy world, I feel very small.

Once in the royal world, I feel that this is a room and they are imprisoned.

One hundred thousand years ago, an ant from the emperor had committed suicide.

After the ant was natural, there were many sacred and ant-like ants who committed suicide.

In the past 100,000 years, although many ants have come in, they have not committed much suicide that year.

In order to let the ants live well, the second ancestors ant will talk about Tan every year, teach everyone to live a positive life, and tell everyone that one day they can leave here and travel to a bigger world.

With hope, the suicide rate of ants has dropped a lot.

In recent years, ants have come out of loneliness, and no one has ever committed suicide.

Because they have hope in their hearts.

That hope is the return of the old patriarchs, taking them out of enchantment and going to the world outside.

Li Yong can't help them either. There is no way for them to leave here. They can only encourage: "If you cheer and cultivate, you will be able to leave here and reunite with your ancestors..."

They regard this as a cage. In fact, their ancestors are on the planet of brave, and they are not in a cage.

In Li Yong's view, a home is a cage, a city is a cage, and a country is also a cage.

Too big to say that the earth is a prison, imprisoned countless lives, including humans.

The galaxy is also a cage.

To be bigger, the universe is also a cage.

It’s just that many people can’t stand at that height and can’t see the essence.

Those who have no dreams are the happiest. If they don't see the cage, they will not give birth to ideas and ideas that are out of the cage.

I will not realize that my strength is not enough, and there will be no distress that cannot be separated from the cage.

Li Yong’s encouragement did not play much role, because it was too difficult to cultivate into the Tao.

Their ancestors practiced for millions of years before they reached the peak of the royal family. It is not known how long it will take to reach the Tao.

"Go back to cultivation."

The second ancestor ants spoke, and the ants quickly returned to the sea.

After all the ants have returned to the sea, the seawater will return to the sand and the space will become desert again.

The head of the second ancestor ant is still exposed, thankful: "Thank you for bringing back my father's news."

"You're welcome." Li Yong said faintly.

"Where is my father?" This question she had long wanted to ask, has been tolerating the present. Because she didn't know her father's situation, she was afraid that this was a bad news. She didn't want to bring despair to future generations.

"On the No. 1 planet of Yongge, he lives very well, don't worry." Li Yong comforted.

The second ancestor was very pleased and then asked: "When will he come back?"

"This...he didn't say it." Li Yong laughed.

"Well, please bring a message to my dad and say that I am still alive, especially thinking about him."

"Good." Li Yong promised.

"Thank you." The second ancestor ant fine expressed gratitude again.

The next step is silence.

Seeing that the second ancestor had no words, Li Yong said: "Can you send me out?"

Li Yong couldn't use the interpretation to pierce the enchantment, only to find the help of ants.

The second ancestor swayed and shook his head: "We can't go out, we don't know how to get you out."

"Well, don't bother, I think about it myself." Li Yong said faintly.

The head of the second ancestor ant finely sank into the sand and disappeared quickly.

Although Li Yong still sees the sand that does not wear the ground, now he knows that there is sea water below, and there are many ants in the sea. Ants can actually live in the water, Li Yong feels very strange.

Can ants a million years ago, like fish, swim in the water?

Maybe, who knows? Anyway, a million years ago, there were no humans on the planet.

This is finally nothing, I found a release!

Next, I am leaving.

After thinking about it, Li Yong drilled into the medicine Wang Shi, injecting a thousand drops of star liquid into the interpretation of the twenty-five in one, and then immediately came out, lifting the release and stabbing the enchantment.

A silent cockroach spread out around, the enchantment was pierced, and a hole appeared.

Li Yong rushed out and saw Gu Siyi flying in the air.

Also wrapped arms around his chest, squeezed his chest into a ball, a proud look.

This girl is really waiting for herself outside.

Li Yong wants to get back, but it is too late.

Because Gu Siyi raised his hand to signal, Zhu Kaining and Lu He had surrounded Li Yong from both sides.

"Give me the space bracelet." Gu Siyi said coldly.

Zhu Kaining and Lu Heyang raised the big knife in their hands and said: "There is also our space ring."


Li Yong has not had time to release the seal of these space magic weapons. They still don't know what is in these space magic weapons. They have to feed Wang Shi directly, but they have not had time.

Now, is it necessary to go back?

The treasures that are in hand, how can you still go back?

Therefore, Li Yong directly refused: "No."

Gu Siyi did not hesitate and directly ordered: "Kill him and find out our space magic."

"court death."

Zhu Kaining and Lu He immediately raised a broad knife and slashed to Li Yong.

In their eyes, Li Yong is only the peak of the Holy Land, and they cannot afford to strike.

Even dare to say no, this is to find death.

Of course, Li Yong is taking the initiative to give them the magic of freehand, and only one dead end.

If you dare to rob Gu Shiyi's warrior, no matter what comes to it, there is only one dead end.

In the past there was an unopened star stalker member. When Gu Siyi’s panda toy was not returned, he was stalked by the head of the starry stalker and hand-cut his head to Wei Yuezong to accompany Gu Siyi. crime.

Otherwise, the star keeper of the team of more than 100 people will be buried.

"Want to kill me? Not so easy."

Seeing that the big knife is going to be cut on himself, Li Yong jumped into the air and flew high.

Here is the earth, Li Yong does not want to destroy the grass and trees here.

Everyone is responsible for protecting the earth.

Only when he reached the sky, Li Yong had no scruples and killed them.

"Chasing." Gu Siyi ordered a voice and also flew high.

Zhu Kaining and Lu He hurriedly followed up, and soon surpassed Gu Siyi, lifting a broad knife and cutting it toward Li Yong.

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