American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 101: The right way to eat chicken

While Carrie was taking a bath, Aunt Wang had already brought dinner to the table. Seeing Ole and Carrie visiting, Aunt Wang specially added two more dishes.

"I was worried about preparing too many ingredients, but now it seems that I am overthinking it." Aunt Wang said with a smile, "But I prepared Chinese food. I don't know if you are used to it..."

Ole smiled: "I'm very satisfied with being able to fill my stomach."

Auntie Wang pointed at the dining table: "Then hurry up and eat, the food will be cold in a while. Baby Carrie, let's go... Huh? Where's Carrie?"

Carrie, who was still standing at Aunt Wang's feet, suddenly disappeared, and the little girl disappeared.

Gao Fei pointed to the dining table: "She's already prepared."

Everyone looked back, only to find that Carrie could not wait to climb on the dining chair, but Little Loli was too small. After sitting on the dining chair, most of her body was blocked by the back of the chair. The back is exposed, and it looks like the chair has sprouted from a distance.

Ole didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Carrie, are you moving too fast?"

Carrie stuck her head out from the back of the chair and said plausibly, "I'll help everyone keep an eye on the dinner so that the mice won't eat it."

"Carrie, there are no mice in Boss Goofy's apartment. This is not our street. Don't worry." Ole said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it..." Little Loli nodded, "Then I can rest assured."

Although Carrie didn't say it clearly, everyone could see the eager desire for food in her eyes, so everyone hurriedly sat down and started together.

Carrie looked east and west, she had never seen such a sumptuous dinner before, and she was so fascinated with flowers that she didn't know where to start.

"Baby Carrie, which one do you want to eat? Grandma will help you." Auntie Wang looked at Carrie dotingly. She dreamed of having such a cute little granddaughter.

Carrie was quite sensible. She shook her head and said humbly, "Don't worry about me, you eat first, and I will eat when you are finished..."

Aunt Wang didn't agree, how could the little angel go hungry, so she took out half of the black-bone chicken from the plate and handed it to Carrie, and said softly, "Come on, try the black-bone chicken."

In fact, Carrie has coveted black-bone chicken for a long time. This chicken looks pitch-black and has neat bones. At first glance, it is not an ordinary chicken!

"Thank you grandma!"

Carrie smiled sweetly, grabbed the black-bone chicken and started nibbling it. Before she could say "You're welcome" from Aunt Wang, half of the black-bone chicken was swallowed directly by Carrie with the flesh and bones.

Aunt Wang was dumbfounded on the spot, and Jie Qian, who was next to her, was also stunned.

It's just that this little girl has an amazing appetite, but she eats too fast, right? And this is nothing, the key is how can you eat chicken without spitting up the bones? How are chicken bones swallowed?

Aunt Wang's mouth twitched, and she whispered, "Carrie... Carrie, you're spitting up your bones when you eat chicken..."

"What?" At this moment, Carrie sucked her fingers contentedly, somewhat unfinished. She didn't notice that her eating method was different from that of normal people.

Auntie Wang just urinated. Nima, a loli, is really not easy!

When she's not eating, she's soft and cute, as delicate and cute as a little angel. When she eats, she devours her food without spitting out her bones.

Cheng Jieqian looked at Gao Fei with a look of shock - what is this special situation?

The way this loli eats is too scary, isn't it?

Gao Fei saw Jie Qian's doubts, smiled awkwardly, and forcibly explained, "The child is too hungry, hehe, too hungry..."

Cheng Jieqian has a black line on her face, I believe in you!

If this loli just had a bigger appetite, it would be fine to eat faster. This is indeed the normal state of a homeless child who can't get enough to eat, but what happened to Nima swallowing half a black chicken with a belt bone? The plot is too scary!

So Jie Qian got up and left the table, and gave Gao Fei a wink.

Gao Fei immediately understood and followed Jie Qian to the living room.

"Gao Fei, what the **** is going on? What's the origin of this child?" Jie Qian asked in a low voice, "Don't tell me she's just too hungry, she's obviously not an ordinary person."

"This..." Gao Fei looked embarrassed, and he couldn't explain it. Although he is in the Marvel Universe, the big event in the Marvel Universe has not yet erupted, and New York City is still peaceful and peaceful. There are neither the Hulk, the Green Goblin, the Lizard Professor and other people making waves, nor the Qitarui people. Invasion, so Carrie's appearance will inevitably make ordinary people like Jie Qian and Aunt Wang unacceptable.

"Is she an alien?" - I didn't expect that Jie Qian had a clear idea, and she felt the right direction in an instant.

"It's possible." Gao Fei nodded seriously, "It's also possible that a genetic mutation has occurred, and it belongs to a mutated human being."

"Is that so..." Jie Qian's face was full of sympathy, "Poor little guy, no wonder people say she is a freak, and the adopted people don't want her. By the way, does anyone else know about this? ?"

"At the moment, only we know." Goofy said, "I suspect that Carrie's supernatural powers are gradually manifested according to her age. When she was adopted before, she should have been overeating, not so exaggerated as she is now. , so that people can see the problem at a glance, so no one doubts her identity, otherwise she would have been arrested by the special department for research."

"We must not let her be taken away by the special department, she is still a child." Ji Qian became worried when she heard this, and whispered, "Gao Find a way to help her ."

"I will." Goofy nodded.

After whispering, the two turned around and returned to the dining table. Carrie had already eaten a whole black chicken. Of course, when she ate the second half, under the guidance of Aunt Wang, Carrie spit out the bones.

Now Little Lolita has started to eat soft-shelled turtles for making soup. Little Budian will not refuse these weird ingredients that foreigners don't like to eat.

Without Gao Fei's explanation, Aunt Wang could guess that Carrie was definitely not an ordinary child, but she still liked this cute little doll very much, and did not reject her because of her specialness.

Carrie was completely immersed in the food cooked by Aunt Wang, and all other things were left behind. Originally, she also promised that Ole and Goofy would eat less in the future, but can you believe what the children say? !

After dinner, Gao Fei first escorted Aunt Wang and Jie Qian home. The three of them couldn't help but talk about Carrie's problem on the way. This little girl's situation is very complicated.

"Gao Fei, Carrie is a child after all, isn't it bad to be wandering the streets with Ole?" Auntie Wang said worriedly.

"This is indeed a problem." Goofy frowned.

Although the New York police do not pay much attention to homeless people, homeless children have always attracted attention. Once Carrie is encountered by the NYPD, she will definitely be forcibly sent to the shelter, and then arranged to be adopted by families in other areas.

And this is what the little girl hates the most.

In addition, Carrie has become more and more different as she grows older. At present, she only has an amazing appetite and an extraordinary digestive function, but who knows what other strange functions she can mutate in the future?

As a power user, Carrie will be targeted by special departments sooner or later, or even transformed into a tool for murder and evil by people with ulterior motives. This is what Goofy is most worried about.