American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 133: S.H.I.E.L.D. conspiracy

Gao Fei soon saw through the conspiracy of SHIELD. They came here for only one purpose, and that was to delay time!

This time, the goal of SHIELD is not Goofy, and research on Goofy is no longer the first task of SHIELD. Their real target is likely to be the magical loli-Carrie hidden by Goofy!

Wanting to understand this, Gao Fei quickly put on his clothes and turned to leave, but of course the surrounding SHIELD agents would not let him leave easily, and immediately surrounded him vigilantly.

"Officer Goofy, where are you going?"

"I haven't finished the medical examination yet, Officer Gao Fei, please stay."

"Police, please cooperate with our work."

Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents said with a tough attitude.

Gao Fei smiled coldly and looked up at them.

"Cooperating with your work? I'm sorry, but I don't have this obligation."

One of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents was too deeply involved in the play, and was still earnestly imitating the tone of the NYPD: "Police Gao Fei, this medical report is very important for your promotion, please be sure to complete all the inspections, otherwise we will also Not good to explain."

"It's hard to explain?" Gao Fei was too lazy to act with them, and exposed their identities on the spot, "I'm afraid you can't explain it to Agent Coulson, right?"

Several agents were spotted on the spot, the fake smiles on their faces finally faded, several people looked at each other in dismay, and then immediately attacked Gao Fei.

Two of them took out their pistols from their waists and prepared to shoot without saying a word, but Gao Fei didn't give them a chance at all, and pressed his feet directly to them.

Gao Fei's body was like a heavy truck, and it overturned several agents with a light bump. The two armed agents fell on the wall and fainted on the spot. The guns in their hands also slipped to the ground. The other two agents resisted. Ability, got up and was about to fight back, but was swept to the ground by Gao Fei.

He also fainted on the spot and instantly lost consciousness.

Gao Fei turned around and went downstairs, driving quickly to the apartment.

Going fast along the way, Gao Fei drove the car very fast. When he arrived downstairs in the apartment, Gao Fei saw a large black off-road vehicle on the street that had never been seen in the block before.

SHIELD really came.

But luckily they haven't left yet.

Gao Fei turned off the engine and got out of the car, turned and ran upstairs. When he rushed to the corridor, there were indeed two armed agents guarding the door of the apartment.

Seeing Gao Fei, the two agents immediately picked up their guns.

"Stop, don't interfere with our official duties!"

Gao Fei sneered: "Performing official duties? You guys are clearly trespassing!"

One of the agents said solemnly: "Police Gao Fei, please clarify our identity, we are the homeland strategic defense attack and logistics..."

Before the agent could finish speaking, Goofy had already pulled out the Glock from his waist.

"Stop talking nonsense to Lao Tzu, even if you are the president, you are not qualified to break into my house!"

When the two agents saw Goofy drawing his gun, they immediately chose to shoot back.

Different from the agents in the medical examination department, the two agents obviously had the intention to kill. The superhero system immediately sensed that Gao Fei was threatened with his life, and lifted the restriction on Gao Fei's killing at the same time.

If the agents did not have the intention to kill, the system would never allow Gao Fei to kill people, but once they were malicious, Gao Fei was completely liberated.

"Nice job guys, you really did a good job."

Glock fired instantly, and two consecutive bullets went into the eyebrows of the two agents.



The agent fell on his back and died before he could pull the trigger. Gao Fei quickly rushed to the apartment, kicked open the door and broke in.


Gao Fei broke through the door and saw the poor little loli at first sight.

At this time, Carrie was hiding in the corner of the living room, shivering, while three agents were surrounding her with guns.

Goofy recognizes that the leader of the three agents is Grant Ward, a level 7 field agent of SHIELD, who is also one of the top experts in SHIELD's mid-tech tactics. SHIELD sent him to capture Carrie, It shows that Carrie has attracted special attention from SHIELD.

It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. has been paying attention to Carrie for a long time, and this arrest plan is obviously planned for a long time.

Seeing Goofy coming back, the fear on Carrie's face disappeared immediately.

"Father Goofy!"

Little Loli cried pitifully, tears welling up in her big eyes.

Gao Fei saw that his heart was broken, and his anger suddenly rose.

My daughter is bullied like this, and she has to work hard to be a father!

"Don't be afraid girl, Dad is here." Gao Fei comforted softly.

Little Loli nodded obediently, wiped away her tears and said, "Carrie is not afraid of them!"

Gao Fei was ready to clean up these agents, and when he heard this, he suddenly reacted.


Girl, you really shouldn't be afraid of them!

Not to mention several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, you can even beat up Professor Lizard, and now you are surrounded by several agents with guns. This plot is not quite right.

Why are you so cowardly? Hit it up and it's over!

So Gao Fei asked curiously, "No, Carrie, what are you doing hiding in the corner? These people are bullying you, you slap them!"

Unexpectedly, Little Loli said with a grieved face: "But Dad Goofy said, let me disguise as an ordinary child, without the permission of Dad Goofy, I can't reveal my abilities..."

Hearing this, Gao Fei felt deeply relieved.

It turns out that Carrie has always remembered what her father said.

"Oh, she's really my good girl..."

Gao Fei suddenly showed his old father's smile.

"Carrie is such an obedient little cutie."

Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents nearby were all stunned.

Why are these two great enemies of father and daughter still acting in a warm family sitcom?

It's almost enough to be accompanied by a lyrical BGM and cry!

Grant Ward's eyes were and said in a deep voice: "Officer Goofy, right? I advise you not to fight against us. This girl's identity is very difficult. We must take her away and deal with it, please..."

Before Ward could finish speaking, Gao Fei turned his head and scolded: "Can you have some eyesight! Didn't you see our grandfather talking! Shut me up!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Carrie, and Gao Fei said softly, "Carrie, if you encounter such a situation in the future, you don't have to wait for Dad's instructions. As long as someone wants to bully you, you can go back and be done."

Carrie nodded obediently, and then asked: "But Dad, what if I make a big mess and cause you trouble?"

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Don't be afraid, your father will bear it for you if something goes wrong!"

When the little girl heard this, a smile appeared on her face immediately.


Then he glanced at the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents: "Then these three..."

Gao Fei smiled and said, "I'll leave it to you."

Carrie laughed when she heard it, pinched her chubby little hands, and her short, soft knuckles could still make a "crackling" sound, which sounded quite scary.

Grant Ward was stunned on the spot: "What? You still want to resist?"

In the end, before the sentence was finished, Carrie had already charged towards him like a cannonball.

Booooom! !

It seemed as if a thunder had exploded in the house, and Grant Ward was directly knocked into the wall and slapped on the wall. The other two agents were just about to start, but Little Loli had already taken action before them.

"Wash you guys!!"

With a roar, Carrie jumped up and slammed the knees of the agents. The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't stand the rampaging attack of this strange force, and screamed on the spot...