American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 221: getting trickier

Hearing Claire say this, Goofy basically concluded that she was the nurse who injected the three lizardmen with serum last night.

I just didn't expect things to be so coincidental, and finding this little nurse is much easier than expected.

"So then you injected a serum into three middle-aged men in the basement, right?" Goofy asked. "The three men were two white and one black."

"Three people? Oh no, Officer Goofy, I've been in the basement all night, how can I only give three people the serum?" Claire shook her head, "I can't count how many people show up in the basement. , but the amount of serum I inject must be at least ten doses."


Unexpectedly, Gao Fei took a deep breath.

"You said... you injected more than ten people with lizard serum?"

"Yes." Claire nodded lightly, "My mental state was not very good at the time, and everyone was a little confused, but I vaguely remember that the serum on the table was arranged in rows of five doses, and I injected more than two rows. ...that is, I've had at least ten doses..."


Gao Fei, who knew the truth, was in bad shape. The three lizardmen arrested by him were just the tip of the iceberg.

Claire injected far more lizard serum last night than that!

After thinking about it again, when Steve went to the crime scene to investigate, he seemed to have mentioned that there were many basements downstairs in the old apartment, and the three lizardmen described only one of them.

"By the way, Claire, what are the characteristics of your basement? Is there a ceiling lamp, a desk lamp, and a bed, a chair, and a workbench after entering the door?"

"Yes, it seems so." Claire nodded.

It seems that the basement where Claire is in is the same basement that the three lizardmen entered.

But just to be on the safe side, Gao Fei asked again: "By the way, does the door of your basement open in the direction of the corridor or against the direction of the corridor?"

"Well..." Claire tried to recall, and then said firmly: "In the opposite direction, the direction of the door is opposite to the direction of the corridor, I remember this very clearly."

Hearing this, Gao Fei's heart groaned.

Because according to the confessions of the three lizardmen—the basement they were in, the direction of the door and the corridor were in the same direction. This is a memory point that is easy to impress, so even if the three were under hypnosis, right The memory of this incident is also very clear.

That way, things got a lot more serious.

The basement where Claire lives and the basement where the three lizardmen were injected were not the same basement at all.

This probably means one thing - the entire basement of the apartment was requisitioned last night, and Claire was not the only nurse who injected the lizard serum, because there are too many nurses behind the scenes to hypnotize, so Claire will "just" become One of the hypnotized nurses.

Everything is not a coincidence of small probability, but the inevitable result of the large-scale casting of the net behind the scenes!

There is a hypnotized nurse in every basement of the apartment, and every nurse has been injected with more than ten doses of serum...

The lizardmen that were created overnight were far more than the three arrested by Goofy, the real number was much larger...

Thinking of this, Gao Fei's expression has frozen.

Kristin saw that Goofy was in a wrong state and asked nervously, "What's wrong with Goofy? What happened?"

Gao Fei stood up and said, "I have to call the bureau first, and now the situation has become more serious..."

With that, he picked up his phone and walked to the corridor outside the apartment.

Just as he was about to call Hank, Steve's call came in.

Gao Fei frowned and answered the phone.

"Hello, Steve."

"Goofy, something happened." Steve's voice was anxious.

"Are there other lizardmen wandering outside? I already know about this." Goofy said, "The three people we arrested are just the tip of the iceberg. There were far more mutated lizardmen last night than we thought..."

"'s not about this." Steve interrupted Goofy, his voice quite low, "Goofy, the three lizardmen we arrested...they committed suicide."

"What?" Gao Fei was stunned for a second. "It's impossible. They didn't make any big mistakes at all, and they didn't even need to be imprisoned. It's just a problem that can be solved by fines. Why did they kill themselves?"

Steve sighed: "You come back and see, anyway, the situation is more difficult than you think..."

Goofy's head was about to grow big. He hung up the phone and greeted Christine and Claire before heading back to the bureau.

As soon as he left the house, he suddenly realized a problem—since the three lizardmen did not die for their crimes, and they had no reason to fear their crimes, could it be that someone controlled all this?

Since the mastermind behind the scenes can hypnotize others, isn't it a matter of hand to hypnotize others?

"Damn, this sinister guy..."

Gao Fei gritted his teeth with hatred, but he had nothing to do with him.

Back at the police station, Gao Fei saw the corpses of three lizardmen. They used the wall to smash their heads, and the death was terrible.

Due to the presence of lizard serum in their bodies, even if they are not mutated, their fighting ability is better than ordinary people, so each of them collided many times before they successfully died.

One of the lizardmen wrote a line of blood on the wall with the blood of his companions before he died - "Superpowers would rather die than shame".

Seeing this line of words, Gao Fei was even more sure that everything was the conspiracy of the mastermind behind the scenes. This guy hid in the dark and manipulated everything, including the self-destruction of the three lizardmen.

Hank stood aside holding his forehead, his brows furrowed to the point of squeezing flies.

"Damn, just a week after the "Superpower Registration Act" was passed, this kind of thing happened in our hands... The contradiction between superpowers and ordinary people has become increasingly Now the situation can only be gets trickier."

Roger is also worried: "I also saw the news this morning that some superpowers are firmly opposed to the implementation of the bill. Relevant experts suggested that the relevant departments should avoid pushing the bill in an excessive prevent the intensification of conflicts between the two sides...Now three superpowers are dead in In our bureau, this is not very good..."

"The most important point now is to block the news and not let public opinion ferment." Hank said solemnly, "In this sensitive period, any untrue report may become the fuse of intensifying contradictions!"

However, before Hank finished speaking, Anna hurried over.

"Guys, something is bad, our 109th bureau... is on the news..."

Saying that, Anna handed over the phone, and saw a news broadcast on it.

"NYPD 109 sub-station arrested three superhumans, and the relevant police officers were suspected of using violent means to cause three deaths."

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