American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 298: Tahiti Project

Maria Hill did not hesitate in decision-making. She made a decisive decision and decided to show the level-9 secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Enter your own permission password, and the screen displays - "Authorization Successful".

The ninth-level secret slowly unfolded, and everyone in the conference room saw the title.

Project.. (Project Tahiti).

The full name is:

ProjectTerrestrializedAlienHostIntegrativeTissueInitiative. (Alien Body Tissue Terrain Application Project).

"Alien body tissue... terraforming application?" Steve stared blankly at this line of headlines and asked speculatively, "Using alien body tissue to revive Earthlings?"

Hill nodded: "Yes, Constable Steve, you are right. Due to an alien invasion twenty years ago, S.H.I.E.L.D. acquired an alien, to be exact, a gram. The corpses of Aliens, and through research on alien corpses, it is known that the Kree body fluids can effectively heal the wounds of the human body..."

Speaking of which, Hill clicked on the project file, and a photo appeared on the screen of an alien corpse.

This alien has a blue complexion and looks similar to humans, but his body structure is different from humans, and his organs are also very strange.

"After unremitting research by S.H.I.E.L.D., we successfully used the corpse of this alien to create a potion—GH-325, which could not help but save dying humans, and even reach the level of GH-325 within a certain period of time. The effect of bringing back the dead..." Hill continued.

"So S.H.I.E.L.D. has mastered the technology to bring the dead back to life?" Steve asked.

Hill shook his head: "It's not that simple. The GH-325 has a limited ability to bring back the dead and can only work when the organs of the deceased are not severely damaged and the time of death is short. In addition, since we only have one gram Liren's corpse, so the total number of GH-325 we have developed is very rare..."

Steve suddenly realized: "This drug is non-renewable, it's gone after use."

"Yes." Hill nodded, "Originally, Director Fury planned to form a team of superheroes on Earth called the Avengers, and GH-325 was developed by Director Fury to prevent the Avengers from dying..."

Having said this, Hill was a little sighed.

"But then for various reasons, this team was not established, and the Tahiti plan and GH-325 naturally failed to come in handy."

Both Goofy and Steve shrug their shoulders regretfully, not keeping up with the changes.

At this time, Hill suddenly looked at Gao Fei and revealed a surprising piece of information.

"Officer Goofy, we S.H.I.E.L.D. have also injected you with GH-325. When you were rescuing Tony Stark in Manhattan a year ago, you drove out of the East River. You were injured in the explosion. Very serious injury, it is SHIELD's GH-325 to help you recover quickly."

"Huh?" Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, then immediately remembered the incident.

When he was lying in a coma in the hospital, it was indeed a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who gave him an injection.

Then his body recovered at an astonishing speed, and even the doctor who examined him later expressed his shock. Gao Fei didn't know it at the time, but now he realizes that GH-325 played a role.

"Looks like I owe you SHIELD a favor?" Goofy said with a smile.

At that time, he wanted to die, but everyone stopped him from doing it, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was no exception, and they also joined in the fun.

Chief Hill shook his head and said, "Officer Goofy, don't be polite, this is what we should do."

After speaking, the conversation changed: "But Officer Goofy, after you were injected with GH-325 by us, didn't you leave any sequelae?"

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "What? Should I leave some sequelae?"

Hill immediately explained: "That's right, GH-325 is a very unstable medicine. Although it can treat dying people and even bring them back to life, it has very troublesome sequelae - after resurrection Drug users experience great pain, along with aphasia, amnesia, bipolar disorder, etc... So artificial rewriting of memory is necessary to treat this sequelae..."

Gao Fei became anxious after hearing this.

"Knowing that this drug has so many torturous sequelae, you still gave me the injection? What's your peace of mind!?"

Hill quickly apologized: "Sorry, we just wanted to save you back then and didn't think too much about it..."

"Forget it, for the sake of your kindness, I don't care. Fortunately, I don't have any sequelae. After I woke up, I was alive and kicking." Gao Fei waved his hand and said.

Hill frowned: "It's amazing, you haven't been affected in any way, unless your will is very firm and you have overcome the pain caused by the injection of drugs at that time, so there are no sequelae..."

"But after the injection of this drug, there is still a sequela, that is, uncontrolled writing of alien words like Coulson. Don't you have this sequela? Don't you look familiar with these alien words?"

Gao Fei glanced at the picture of Coulson on the screen, and carefully observed the strange alien words.





After a long time, Gao Fei said seriously: "It does look familiar, like deja vu, but I..."

He wanted to say, "But I don't know if it's familiar because of my identity as a traveler, or because of the sequelae of the injection of GH-325." Of course, he couldn't say that, so he only stopped halfway.

"Stop talking about me, let's talk about Coulson and the case first." Goofy said, "So we can basically conclude that the alien texts written by Coulson and other agents are derived from the Kree blood system. GH-325, right? You resurrected them with this potion, right?"

Hill nodded and said, "Yes, after Loki slaughtered the Cosmic Rubik's Cube team, Director Fury and I urgently used the reserved drugs, and resurrected a total of 6 agents who were allowed to be resurrected. After resurrecting these agents, we Rewriting their memories, giving them a new identity, I hope they can return to normal life and stop being agents of SHIELD..."

"Of course, except for Agent Coulson, who is indispensable to S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson is a core member of S.H.I.E.L.D., and his face is already well known by many departments and characters, so he can't go into hiding and can only continue Do agents."

"As for his memory, we rewrote it into a fluke, traveled to Tahiti for a few days to recuperate, and finally successfully returned to the S.H.I.E.L.D. team..."

"But I didn't expect that these agents still left behind sequelae, and wrote some strange alien characters on the wall, and I don't know who found these clues, and tortured them to extract confessions, and even murdered these agents~www. Hill said solemnly.

"This means that someone has already read these alien words." Goofy said, "They are searching for the source of these alien words."

Steve has a different opinion: "I think the murderer didn't understand the alien language, otherwise why would he torture the deceased to extract a confession? He must be asking something he doesn't know."

After listening, Gao Fei nodded: "Yes, your inference is indeed more reasonable."

"But who is the murderer? Who will find the information about these agents?" Hill frowned, "After the memory was rewritten, these agents didn't know they had been agents, and they didn't even know their own. Identity, who will stare at them?"

Goofy offered the only possibility.

"Since the resurrected agents themselves don't know their identities, there is only one way for their identities to be revealed - SHIELD. The murderer who hunted them down should have come from SHIELD."