American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 354: Thor Returns

After returning home, taking a shower and changing his clothes, Gao Fei had to buy a new phone again.

Although the Extremis Virus is perfectly compatible with Goofy, the threat of non-lethal damage to him has been repaired, and the newly added self-destruction skill is also very powerful, helping him defeat the electric light and the ice behemoth in a row, but this thing self-detonates once. The loss is too great, in addition to destroying a suit of clothing, it has to blow up a mobile phone.

Although Goofy now has a large income from Ravencraft Prison, he is considered a new tyrant in New York, but it is not a problem to waste things like this.

"You have to put your phone in the car before you blow yourself up..." Gao Fei pondered gloomily.

Carrie and Skye had dinner together, and left five pizzas and a plate of fried chicken for Goofy on the table. The little sisters went upstairs to watch TV after dinner. They have been crazy about the Internet recently. An episode of the Vampire series that flew.

Goofy called Reed while he was eating.

"Hello, Reed, the big stray dog ​​is done."

"Understood, Steve told the specific situation, can you judge how this monster appeared?" Reed asked, "Is it an experimental product on Earth, or an alien creature?"

"It should be an alien creature. Its body structure is completely different from that of earth creatures. In addition, this guy can spew frost from his mouth, but it is a bit like the ice giant in Jotunheim in the Nine Realms." Goofy said.

"Jotunheim? Ice behemoth?" Reed didn't expect Gao Fei, who didn't like to read, to be quite knowledgeable. "When did you know so much about the Nine Realms and Jotunheim?"

"Ahem, when Thor was serving his sentence in Ravencraft, we had a few conversations, and I heard him say it." Goofy said with a smile.

In a blink of an eye Thor has been out of prison for several months, and he's done a great job with Ravencraft.

At first Thor still felt aggrieved, why should he go to prison for doing good deeds, but since the Asgardians came to visit him, let him know that Odin, the father of the gods, deliberately left him on earth After serving his sentence, Thor realized that he did have a problem, so he humbly reviewed it.

As Steve said: Super power should be a tool for the hero, not the other way around, let the hero become a means of showing off super power.

It took Thor a few days to figure this out, and he finally understood why Odin had stripped him of his Thor power and threw him on Earth.

The previous Thor always put the cart before the horse and used the wrong power, but after these few incidents, he finally became mature.

Later, he and Dr. Banner worked diligently to reform and repair the state highway that he had destroyed.

Because of his outstanding performance in labor, the original 6-month sentence was also shortened to 1 week.

After serving his sentence, Thor got his hammer, and Goofy and Carrie personally saw him off. He proposed to stay one more night on Earth to pay homage to the innocent citizens who had tragically died in his fight with the Hulk by the side of Route 95. .

At this point, Thor finally went from youth to maturity, and was finally brought back to Asgard by Heimdall's rainbow bridge.

Looking back now, Goofy hasn't heard from this Asgardian friend in a long time.

"But if this large stray dog ​​really came from Jotunheim, how did it come to New York? Is there a wormhole between Jotunheim and New York? Where is the wormhole?"

Reed threw a barrage of questions that Goofy couldn't answer for the time being.

"We still need to continue to study this matter, maybe some kind of cosmic phenomenon that we have not yet discovered." Goofy speculated.

Hanging up Reed's phone, Goofy quietly called out the system.

The backstage worship value is enough to open the treasure chest again. This is the sixth time that the "Terminator Treasure Box" has been opened.

"Come on, let me see what good things can come out this time..."

Goofy couldn't wait to look into the treasure chest, and the result had already been expected - it was a bottle of strength potion.

Take the medicine, the data is updated.


Constitution: 160—200

Strength: 200—20

Agility: 120-10

Spirit: 270—270


The strength is increased by three points, which is quite satisfactory.

Goofy logged out of the system, got up and put the dishes in the dishwasher, tossed a dishwasher block, turned on the switch, and the dishwasher ran immediately.

After stretching, he was about to go back to his room to sleep, but at this moment, a thick cloud suddenly gathered outside the window.

Thunder streaks across the night sky, lighting up the streets of Canarsie.

Goofy frowned: "Tor Tor is coming?"

Sure enough, a figure appeared from the corridor, followed by a knock on the door.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk…”

Goofy walked over to open the door, and Thor stood leisurely at the door with a hammer.

Since the last time he "lived" on Earth for more than three months, Thor has been nurtured by the culture on Earth, and now he is wearing no different from ordinary Earth people, no longer that exaggerated battle uniform.

"Why did you move? Are you worried that I will take revenge on you?"

Thor tilted his head and made a not very funny joke, while looking at Goofy's new home curiously.

"Didn't you still come here? Is it useful for me to move?" Goofy shrugged, "Come in, how's Asgard doing?"

"It's still the same, nothing has changed." Thor said, "It's just that Odin and Frigga were very unhappy because of Loki, and they quarreled every day..."

"Oh?" Gao Fei asked knowingly, "Why?"

"Why else..." Thor said depressedly, "Frigga has always felt sorry for Loki, and wants me to take Loki back to Asgard to take care of her, she always worries that he will be imprisoned in Ravencraft prison. Endure hardship... Odin thinks that Loki brought it on himself, and he deserves it for enduring hardship."

"A loving mother is a failure... Fortunately, Odin is a sensible person." Gao Fei said with emotion, "Everything that Loki has now is his own. Since he chose to provoke a war, he should stand up and take responsibility now. the result of this."

"But he is my brother after all, the son of Frigga... By the way, can we visit the prison?" Thor asked tentatively.

"You?" Gao Fei looked puzzled, "Who else is there besides you?"

"And I."

A gentle female voice came from outside the door, and then Gao Fei saw a mature and charming middle-aged woman.

"Hello, I'm Frigga, Odin's wife, Thor and Loki's mother, and the kind mother in the 'mother and more depraved' you just said..."

Frigga was very self-disciplined and was not angry because of Goofy's comments.

Gao Fei was a little embarrassed and coughed: "Cough, welcome to Earth."

"Thank you." Frigga nodded and said straight to the point, "I know that Loki is trying to start a war on Earth, and he has dozens of lives in his hands. His crime is not something that my mother can wash away. Take it off, and I don't want to exonerate Loki..."

"Just can I go see him? See my poor child? Even if he is a war criminal now, I want to blame him myself..."

Goofy didn't agree to her directly, because Ravencraft's visitation conditions were very harsh.

"This requires a special application, and it is not something I can decide alone. Of course, I can go through the process to apply."

"Thank you very much..." Frigga nodded.

Gao Fei smiled and then said: "You two will stay with me tonight? I'll clean up the guest room for you."

Squeezing Carrie and Skye into one room would make room for Thor and Frigga each.

Unexpectedly, Thor shook his head and said: "Don't bother, Goofy, Frigga and I just came over to say hello to you first, and we have to go to London soon."

"Going to London? Going to London for what?" Goofy asked.

"Go to Jane..." Thor was a little shy, "Jane has an accident... Heimdall had been able to see Jane but from today, he suddenly can't see Jane..."

"Ah..." Gao Fei suddenly realized.

It is indeed the plot of Thor 2.

The gathering of celestial bodies began, and the nine realms overlapped each other. Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster strayed into the intersection of the nine realms and ran into the space where Odin's father had hidden the ether particles, and even Heimdall couldn't see it.

And Jane Foster, who strayed into the restricted area, not only found the ether particle hidden by Odin's father, Bol, but also successfully activated it. The reactivated ether particle ran into Jane Foster's body and merged with her. …

At the same time, an ancient race in the universe, the dark elves, awakened with the activation of ether particles.

They once nearly destroyed the entire universe, converting the entire universe's matter into a dark matter state.

It was Odin's father, Thor's grandfather Bor, who led the Asgardians to stop the dark elves' conspiracy and banished them to the edge of the universe, putting them into a deep sleep, but with the reactivation of the etheric particles, the dark elves It's starting to get cranky again...