American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 412: visit atlan

With tetanus as a means of transportation, Goofy's journey to Atlan was quick.

Crystal lightly hugged Gao Fei's waist, and then said softly beside his ear, "Hold me, Officer Gao Fei."

Gao Fei followed the instructions and hugged the crystal gently.

Crystal patted the back of Gao Fei's generous hand: "Hold tighter."

Gao Fei had to use a little more strength to hold the crystal tightly.

The big dog tetanus growled twice, and opened his mouth to bite Goofi's clothes.

A gust of wind sounded, and Goofy took the crystal from Canarsie in Brooklyn to the Blue Area on the moon, inside the royal residence of Atlan.

After landing, Gao Fei looked around keenly, and he was in a magnificent palace. The architectural style here is quite medieval. After all, Atlan had not migrated from the earth to the moon at that time.

Crystal sorted out some messy clothes due to the hurried journey, and introduced with a smile: "Oh, this is the mansion of our royal family, which is often referred to as the palace... But after the last rebellion launched by Maximus, Black Bolt and my sister have decided to abolish the feudal system in Atlan, so it won't be a palace any time soon."

Gao Fei nodded lightly: "So it is."

It seems that Black Bolt has learned a lot during his time on Earth, and he is ready to reform as soon as he comes back.

The abolition of the feudal monarchy is also a sign that Atlan is moving towards freedom and prosperity. Presumably the aliens here will live a better life soon.

At this time, Gao Fei and Crystal were standing in the middle of a hall, and two lightning-like patterns were inlaid on the north wall of the hall.

That is the symbol of Black Bolt, and it also means that this should be the residence of Black Bolt.

Sure enough, without waiting for Crystal to say anything, a door not far away was pushed open, and Black Bolt led Medusa out slowly from the inside of the door.

The two were very happy to see their old friend Gao Fei, with heartfelt smiles on their faces.

"Oh, Officer Goofy, I didn't expect you to come in person, it's such an honor for us," Medusa said with a smile.

Gao Feixin said: I didn't expect that I would come here in person, who told that guy Reed to kill first and then play.

But of course he couldn't say it, he smiled politely and said: "Atlan and the earth are separated by a strip of water, and they are neighbors. Atlan was very concerned about the earth when the celestial bodies converged last time, and this time Atlan is threatened. , we are naturally responsible."

Black Bolt nodded lightly and used sign language diligently.

Medusa is in charge of the translation: "Black Bolt and all Inhumans will remember this kindness."

Gao Fei smiled and waved his hand: "We're all old friends, don't talk about these nonsense words, and quickly talk about the cosmic bounty hunters."

Black Bolt nodded quickly in agreement, and then pointed inward.

"Please." Medusa said softly.

Led by the Atlan royal family, Goofy followed them into the interior of Black Bolt's mansion.

Atlan is actually a survival base built on the surface of the moon, with an artificial gravity system and atmospheric circulation system that simulates the earth's environment.

Therefore, apart from looking up and seeing the magnificent blue earth in the distance, being in Atlanta is not fundamentally different from being in New York, and Goofy quickly adapted to the environment here.

Moving on, the royal family member Karnak was already waiting inside, and there were two young Inhumans beside him, who seemed to be the staff responsible for this cosmic bounty hunter invasion.

Seeing Black Bolt and Goofy coming in, the aliens stood up and saluted.

Black Bolt nodded solemnly, then winked at Karnak.

The latter is not long-winded, straight to the topic.

"The alien warship is only 170,000 kilometers away from the moon. According to the average speed of this warship, they can reach the moon by continuing to travel for two hours, and they can reach the earth by continuing to travel for seven hours..."

Karnak said solemnly,

"Of course, I'm just making an estimate at its current average speed, and if it's going full speed, that time will be drastically reduced."

Black Bolt frowned and raised his hand to sign.

Medusa said, "How did they respond to the message we sent?"

Gao Fei asked curiously, "You also sent messages to them on your own initiative?"

Medusa nodded and said: "Yes. After all, according to their current route, Atlan will definitely be exposed. In order to determine their intentions, we must first communicate with them..."

Goofy asked, "What message did you send them?"

Medusa said: "We asked why they came to the solar system, whether they will land on the moon or the earth, and what is the purpose of their landing."

"This question is very comprehensive..." Gao Fei praised, "How did they answer it?"

Medusa, who has yet to receive a response, turned to Karnak and asked, "Did they answer?"

"Answered." Karnak's expression was a little embarrassed, as if the answers of these cosmic bounty hunters were not particularly decent.

"How did they answer?" Crystal asked curiously.

"This..." Karnak hesitated.

Crystal was a little impatient, and urged: "Just say it!"

Karnak nodded: "Their answer is: Don't mind your business, get out of here!"

Hearing this, Black Bolt's eyes froze, and Medusa's lustrous hair surged like a poisonous snake.

Crystal trembled with anger, gritted her teeth and said, "What a bunch of arrogant guys! Officer Goofy, what is their origin?"

Gao Fei smiled: "They are called predators, they are a group of rabble, they are bounty hunters, they are willing to do anything for the reward."

"Then they came to Earth for..." Medusa asked.

"For those treasures on Earth: Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Mind Scepter, Ether Particles... There is a hateful alien Thanos who spread the news of these treasures on Earth into the universe, so that the Earth became the target of public criticism, and a lot of rewards were given. Golden hunters are thinking about coming to Earth to capture treasures, and predators are one of them." Gao Fei shrugged.

"What?" Medusa's expression became more and more solemn, "In this way, the earth will not be in chaos in the future? I don't know how many bounty hunters there are in the huge universe. If they come to the earth one after another to capture treasures, How can the earth possibly bear it?"

Gao Fei said helplessly: "This is indeed a big problem, but for now we'd better focus on the small problem at the moment - how to solve the group of predators."

Black Bolt's expression was serious and he used sign language.

"How dare they ignore Atlan, I have to teach them a lesson!"

Crystal also nodded and said: "Yes, you dare to let us go away, we should rush to their battleship and kill them without leaving a piece of armor!"

Medusa was not in a hurry to stand in line, but calmly asked Gao Fei's opinion.

"Officer Goofy, it is said that you have arrested several cosmic bounty hunters on Earth. Have they disclosed information about these predators?"

"Well, they did introduce Marauders." Goofy nodded.

"Then what do you think we should do now? Should we continue trying to negotiate with the predators? Or..." Medusa asked.

Gao Fei carefully estimated the combat effectiveness of these predators...

And considering their intentions to invade Earth...

"There is no need to continue We adopt Crystal's suggestion." Goofy said neatly.

"What?" Crystal was startled. "My suggestion? What did I just say?"

Just now, Crystal was angry and said an angry remark that she had no impression of.

She said she was going to rush aboard the Marauders and kill them all.

Although she was speaking in anger, Goofy didn't think so.

"Let's meet them on the battleship and let them see the strength of Atlan and Earth, lest more and more cosmic bounty hunters use Earth as a cash machine and come to Earth one after another to win treasures."

Gao Fei sneered,

"It's time to kill the chicken to warn the monkeys. Unfortunately, the predators are the chicken."