American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 426: Fight! Dark asterisks in space!

Ronan said one sentence countless times, but he never finished it successfully. The hapless Kree commander was about to collapse, gasping for breath in despair.


Reed is a kind person, and said bluntly: "Uh... Mr. Ronan, we are all present now, so there will be no more sudden appearances like just now, and then interrupting you, so if you are persistent I want to finish what I just said, so please start now..."

When Ronan heard this, my chance finally came.

As a perfectionist and a terminally obsessive-compulsive disorder patient, if Ronan doesn't finish what he just said, it will be difficult for him to maintain a good state in the next battle.

"I see." Ronan nodded towards Reed, then took a deep breath and said his words again.

"No matter how many of you stand up to stop me, I'll crush you like a bedbug, you damned, lowly, lowly earthlings, your delusions and the most powerful, noble, and best in the universe The Kree against you? Hahaha... You guys are overestimating your own strength, dying at my hands will be the most glorious thing in your humble life!!"

"Huh... I finally said it!"

After Ronan finished speaking, he felt relieved, just like the feeling of constipation after using Kaisailu for several days.

Ronan, who finished his lines smoothly, raised his warhammer and stared at the audience, as if he were an emperor floating in the universe.

However, Gao Fei and his friends looked at Ronan like two fools, and everyone whispered and complained about Ronan's speech just now.

"This guy has been holding back for a long time, and then he said such a piece of bullshit?" Johnny Torch raised his eyebrows, "I thought the aliens would definitely be more cultural, and their words and sentences would be more literary than our earthlings... Now It seems that I overestimated him."

Steve also nodded and said: "Yes, he keeps saying that the Cree are higher and better than the Earth people, but I don't think so, his speech is not even as shocking as my old comrades during World War II. ...and my old comrades were blacksmiths, fishermen or dockworkers."

Skye covered his mouth and chuckled: "He just spoke like a drunk in a bar in Los Angeles. After they get drunk, they like to give speeches that don't make sense, or blow some completely illogical bullshit."

The invisible female Susan shook her head and said, "It's too middle-of-the-road, this line is too middle-of-the-road, I have to start re-examining the Cree people."

Rocket shook his head with an rpg in his arms and said, "What kind of **** speech, this kind of **** speech is worth saying so many times? In my opinion, even saying it once is redundant!"

Groot also expressed puzzled: "I am Groot..."

Star-Lord took a step forward and said loudly: "Ronan, you **** executioner, you murderous butcher! Today I, Peter Quill, the famous Star-Lord, will join hands with me. Earth friends avenge those innocent souls who died tragically at your hands! I want you to…”

Before Star-Lord could finish speaking, Gamora dragged him and forcibly interrupted him.

"Idiot, are you trying to imitate Ronan and give a speech too?" Gamora whispered, "Please, Ronan's speech is shameful enough, do you want to be as shameful as him?"

"What? Shame?" Star-Lord shook his head, "I don't feel ashamed? I think before the two armies go to war, the commanders of both sides should give a speech, which can explain why the two sides want to fight and boost morale, right? ?"

Gamora's face was black: "Who told you that both sides must speak before the war?"

"It's the established rule!" Star-Lord said, turning to ask Rocket, "Hey, little raccoon, don't you think?"

"Uh... I recalled it carefully. When the two sides encountered a conflict before, the leaders on both sides seemed to say a few words before the war..."

"Well, even if there is such a rule... but shouldn't the leader on our side be Gao Fei? Why can't it be your Star-Lord's turn to speak?" Gamora asked in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Star-Lord was stunned when he heard the words, and then realized that it seemed to be the case.

Looking back at Gao Fei, I saw that Gao Fei was staring at him with a serious expression, as if saying, "Boy, you stole my lines.

Star-Lord was frightened on the spot!


Finally, he worked diligently as a dog licker, and at the risk of being eaten by Yongdu, he negotiated the business of predators for Gao Fei...

Seeing that he is finally going to be punished lightly and forgive the crime of stealing the cube of the universe, this last trembling must not cause a problem!

"Officer Goofy! Boss! Boss! Boss!" Star-Lord said all the words he could think of, and then bowed respectfully, "I'm sorry, I was talking too much, I shouldn't have robbed you. The limelight, please speak! Please speak!"

Gao Fei can't laugh or cry, is this funny enough?

But as the organizer and promoter of Earthguard, he really should have something to say.

Taking a step forward, Goofy looked at Ronan.

"Ronan, I think we should stop talking nonsense between us. Since you are here, you will not let it go without invading the earth..."

"And I just need to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, and give a warning to other coveted people in the universe..."

"So there must be a battle between you and me!"

After listening to Gao Fei's words, Ronan said that he didn't quite understand the phrase "killing chickens to warn monkeys".

"Killing chickens... warning what? What do you mean?"

Ronan is a real person, just ask if he doesn't understand.

"Uh..." Gao Fei explained quickly, "It's killing people to establish their power. First, kill the first person who dares to invade the earth, so that other people who try to invade the earth will feel deterred and dare not act rashly."

"Huh?" Ronan finally understood what Gao Fei meant, and then his face changed greatly, "Do you think you can kill me?"

"That's for sure, otherwise why would I come to your Dark Star?" Gao Fei shrugged, "In addition, I am going to confiscate this Dark Star. Earth just lacks space battleship technology right now. Just take advantage of your Kree technology."

"In this case, if there are aliens who dare to come to the earth to offend us in the future, we earthlings will have our own warships to fight against them, ahem, there is an old saying in my hometown, that is to master the skills of the barbarians to control the barbarians... "

Ronan can still understand the first half, but the second half is completely dumbfounded.

"Teacher's skills... Aunt questioned? What kind of bullshit?"

Gao Fei pouted: "Don't worry about it, you only need to know that we are here for two purposes, the first is to kill you, and the second is to confiscate your dark asterisk, that's enough."

After some unsuccessful exchanges, Ronan finally got to the point.

Just now, this Earth Policeman was chatting for a long time, with only one central idea - provocation!

He is provocative!

Provoking the mighty accusers, provoking the noble and excellent Kree race!

"Stupid earthlings, I won't waste time with you anymore!" Ronan said in a deep voice, "Now I announce that your time of death has come!"

After that, Ronan suddenly raised his warhammer, pointed at the Earth Guard, and shouted angrily, "Fire!!"

The Kerry soldiers in the command room were already ready to move. In fact, their hands with guns were a little numb. They originally thought that when the earthlings had just invaded the command room, Ronan would order them to fight back. People bb for such a long time.

Finally, after they finished bbq, the soldiers opened fire as soon as they heard the order.

Procrastinate any longer and their arms will probably cramp...

So the artillery fire of Kerry's weapon blazed towards the Earth Guard, and all of a sudden the entire command room was filled with the sound of guns.

Of course, the Earth Guard will not be defeated by the first wave of Kree counterattacks, and they are well prepared for this.

The three meat shields of the Earth Guards - "Absorber" Carl, "Stone Man" Ben and Groot stepped forward and protected the rest of the members behind them.

The absorber presses the metal floor of the battleship with both hands, and transforms his body into a metal material, so as to carry bullets.

The stone man itself is a stone, and is not afraid of such physical attacks at all.

And Groot opened his arms, with lush vines growing on them to resist bullets, lasers and various rays...

The first wave of Kree soldiers passed quickly, but the Earth Guard came unscathed.

The accuser Ronan narrowed his eyes angrily: " It seems that you backward earthlings still have some skills..."

Gao Fei smiled: "This is just the beginning."

Ronan also sneered: "Yes, this is just the beginning..."

With that, he slammed the floor with his warhammer, and another new batch of Kree soldiers poured in immediately outside the command room.

"There are tens of thousands of Kree warriors on my battleship, and I want to see how long you can last!"

Having said that, the second wave of Kree soldiers raised their barrels again to aim at the three big meat shields, and they planned to continue to consume them with the three big meat shields.

However, Gao Fei didn't intend to give them this chance, he liked a quick decision.

"Ronan, I think I have to teach you a truth... In the face of absolute strength, quantity is meaningless."

Before he finished speaking, he had already rushed out like lightning...