American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 481: New Template: Explorer

Just as Gao Fei was racking his brains to think about his relationship with Ultron, a familiar voice prompt in the background of the system pulled him back to the real world.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the template - traverser, now, you are a powerful traverser, you have taken another big step on the road of superheroes, and unlocked powerful hidden skills, next, please continue Choose a template and continue to improve your abilities, the system has a variety of templates for you to choose from, please…”

Gao Fei gave a quick shock—almost forgot about it.

After completing the traveler template, you need to choose a new template. If you don't choose it for a long time, the system will automatically help him choose it.

Since Gao Fei was randomly assigned to a mentor template for the first time, he has never made this low-level mistake again, and he must not let the system force him to choose blindly again.

And after he tried the Terminator and the Traveler, Goofy was about to set off in a new direction.

"The Terminator has given me unparalleled fighting power, and the traverser has allowed me to transcend the limit of time... But at present, I am as small as a speck of dust in this vast universe, and I know too little about the rules of the universe..."

When the fighting ability of fighting increased to a certain level, Gao Fei began to realize that his IQ could not keep up, and IQ is also a very important ability to survive in the Marvel Universe.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei chose his next target.

Click on the small video, and the animation effect will appear in the background of the system.

The messy data codes are presented line by line, and then arranged to form a blue human figure.

"Template: Explorer - I am eager to explore endless knowledge and penetrate the deepest mysteries of the universe. I am not born strong, I just love learning."

A smile appeared on Gao Fei's face.

"Yes, I'm going to start to love learning."

At the same time, Gao Fei subconsciously checked the hidden skills after selecting the "Explorer" template.

But to his disappointment, he did not find any hidden skills - the explorer template and the current traverser template, terminator template and guide template have no superimposed effect, and it cannot trigger any hidden skills.

"Damn, the Explorer template that looks so defiant can't be superimposed with other templates?"

Gao Fei pouted in frustration,

"But if you can't stack it up, I'll choose you too. Anyway, I'm going to take the scientific research route next time..."

After all, Gao Fei chose directly.

The system gives a prompt.

"Congratulations: The host has selected a new template—Explorer."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the guide template, the props are activated - the treasure chest of the explorer. The worship value in the background is cleared, please accumulate the worship value again..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Very good."

Then he clenched his fists: "Ultron, I don't care why I created you, but I think I'll be able to figure out our relationship soon."


At this moment.

On an interstate highway in suburban New York.

A huge truck galloped and drove outside through the darkness.

What's weird is that when the truck passes through the intersection level, the original strict stopper will always be turned on in advance, and the staff can't even stop it manually.

Whenever the truck passed a level, the staff would always shout angrily: "The computer has been hacked! The program has been hijacked! The **** car stopper is not obeying!"

Obviously, this truck was the one that hijacked Helen Zhao and the regenerative cradle system, and it was the newly awakened artificial intelligence program Ultron who escorted the truck along the way.

Anywhere that can be connected to the Internet, Ultron is an almost invincible existence.

And two kilometers behind the truck, several police cars with the words "Super Patrol" printed on their sides are speeding. There are no vehicles on the state highway at night. Steve and his police officers can be presumptuous. Gallop up.

"Officer Steve, the target truck should be ahead."

Skye in another police car reports to Steve over the radio.

Steve sat in the co-pilot, holding the radio and said, "Speed ​​up, we must stop Ultron before he leaves New York!"

"Understood!" Skye responded in a deep voice, and then urged Johnny who was driving, "Johnny, speed up!"

"Human Torch" Johnny, who was holding the steering wheel, looked helpless: "It's been 295 miles. This is the speed limit of this broken car..."

In Steve's police car, the "absorber" Carl Creel was driving.

While chasing the truck in front, Carl suggested in a low voice, "Officer Steve, Ultron is a bit... a little tricky, do we need to ask Officer Goofy for help?"

"I don't need it for the time being. He has more important things to do on his side."

Steve shook his head decisively. He mistakenly thought that Goofy was discussing Ultron's procedural issues with Tony Stark.

"Let us handle these physical tasks. If we can't handle these things well, I think Gao Fei will be very disappointed..."

At this point, Johnny's police car in front of him has caught up with the big truck. Johnny's driving skills are quite good.

Just as Skye was about to roll down the car window to release a shock wave to the truck and intercept it on the spot, an Iron Man robot suddenly emerged from the truck's compartment. The robot responded quickly and headed directly towards Johnny's police car. fire.

But the robot obviously didn't want to hurt Johnny and Skye. His attack was just to stop them. With a dazzling spark, Johnny and Skye's car was forced to stop.

Followed by Steve Rogers and Karl Creel, they could only park, and the four super patrol team members got out of the car and prepared to fight against the Ultron robot.

The robot controlled by Ultron floated in mid-air, looking at the four police officers in front of him indifferently.

"Stop, Steve, and the other three police officers, what you are doing now doesn't make any sense." - Ultron's cold voice came from the robot's sounding device, and his voice was very uncomfortable.

"What on earth are you trying to do? Ultron?" Steve said solemnly, "Let Helen Zhao go and hand over the cradle of regeneration!"

Ultron Robot shook his head: "It's impossible, Steve, your order is invalid for me."

"So whose order is valid for you?" Steve asked rhetorically.

"You are asking knowingly." Ultron said, "I am carrying out my father's order, which is the order my father gave me."

"Goofy?" Steve immediately shook his head and said, "Impossible, Goofy would never do such a thing, you must be deliberately instigating our relationship, Goofy will not let you hijack Helen Zhao!"

"Haha." Ultron Robot sneered twice and said, "You underestimated my father. His vision is much more long-term than yours. You mediocre people should follow his arrangements, not block them."

"I don't believe it, how could Goofy let you betray us? Betray the world?" Steve said He is definitely not such a person! "

"Haha." Ultron sneered again, "Steve, you made a mistake from the beginning. My dad never wanted to betray the world, he was saving the world!"

"If you recognize my father as a person, then please turn back immediately to avoid unnecessary losses, because I don't want to hurt you, and hurting you will not help me to complete the task."

"But if you insist on blocking me, then I will remove these obstacles for you."

Hearing this, Steve looked back at the other three police officers.

Johnny shrugged: "Don't look at me, I'm completely confused now. My brain capacity is limited, and my talent is all added to my appearance and figure."

Skye said solemnly, "Officer Steve, you know that I trust Officer Goofy, but I can't believe Ultron."

"Absorbing people" Carl thought for a while and said, "I think... we should rescue Helen Zhao first."

Steve thought for a while and finally made a decision.

"Ultron, hand over Dr. Zhao and tell us your plan, maybe we can let you go."

Ultron looked at Steve and sneered: "Unfortunately, Steve, you are too self-aware."


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