American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 483: Eddie's Choice

The next morning.

10:30 minutes.

Chuck, the editor-in-chief of Global Daily, hurried into Eddie's office.

"Eddie, Eddie Bullock, look at what you've done!"

Editor-in-chief Chuck angrily roared with a newspaper in his hand,

"That's how you broke the news? That's how you broke the news for me?!"

After shouting loudly, the editor-in-chief Chuck slapped Eddie Bullock's face with the newspaper in his hand, but Eddie's reaction was very sensitive, and he skillfully avoided the attack from the editor-in-chief.

He lowered his head and glanced at the newspaper on the table. It was today's "Global Daily". The headline on the page that Eddie was in charge of was a revelation related to Gao Fei, which was similar to the headlines of other major newspapers today.

It's just that all other newspapers' revelations about Gao Fei are negative news—for example:

"Shocked! New York hero Gao Fei actually hides a space-class battleship!"

"Behind the national hero there may be a careerist hidden - be careful of this man!"

"The real purpose of Gao Fei's establishment of the Super Academy!"

"He let several underage children go to the battlefield just to satisfy his ambitions!"

"Reversal! The insidious true face of the hero who saved the world!"

"After earning enough credibility, this hypocritical liar finally revealed his sinister intentions!"

You don't need to read the content carefully, you can tell what the news is about from the title alone. Overnight, all the media industries are flooding with criticism, and the topics surrounding it are nothing more than two points.

First, Gao Fei hid a cosmic-class warship in space without the knowledge of the relevant departments and the masses;

Second, Gao Fei had impure motives for starting the super academy. He just wanted to train these children with super powers to be his personal falcon dogs.

In fact, last night Eddie submitted an article to the editor-in-chief Chuck with a similar content to other newspapers, and the title of the article was - "The Careerist Who Finally Shows His Fox's Tail".

The content was written by Eddie Bullock himself, and the article was full of Eddie's doubts about Goofy.

After reading this article, editor-in-chief Chuck was so happy that many people knew about the relationship between Goofy and Eddie, so if Eddie stood up and stabbed Goofy, then the knife must be accurate and ruthless.

But when this edition of the newspaper was released this morning, the content on Eddie's page actually changed.

The original "The Ambitioner Who Finally Shows the Fox's Tail" is gone! In its place is a new article "He'd rather be misunderstood by everyone than do the right thing"!

In it, Eddie details two things he's been accused of, in the name of Goofy's friend.

One thing is the Kree battleship, the other is the Super Academy.

Eddie recounted that when alien bounty hunters invaded the earth and when the Kree army was overwhelmed, it was Gao Fei who came forward and called the warriors to form the Earth **** team, rushing out of the atmosphere to stop the Kree attack...

And when Goofy annihilated the Cree fleet, he left the "Dark Star" in space for only one purpose - to better defend the earth.

He hopes that the earth can build its own space-class warship as soon as possible to resist the attack of the invaders.

As for the Super Academy, Eddie described Goofy's original intention in detail.

In his article, he revealed the attitude of the relevant departments towards the inhumans and mutants at the beginning, and revealed that the ATCU even attempted to kill all the inhumans and mutants to maintain world peace.

Later, Gao Fei was the first to take the initiative to set up a school to guide the superpowers to get on the right track.

It was Gao Fei's initiative that allowed the relevant departments to see the good results of the establishment of the Super Academy, which led ATCU to abandon the absurd plan to slaughter the Inhumans and mutants.

As for the so-called "Goofy uses underage superpowers as a murder tool to satisfy his aggressive ambitions", it is even more unsustainable.

Eddie tells the story of the flame lord Surtur's attempt to invade the Nine Realms. It was Gao Fei and Lei Shen who joined forces with the students of the Super Academy to defend the peace of the Nine Realms.

And there is no doubt that each of these children who came forward voluntarily participated in the war. At the end of the article, Eddie also attached a photocopy of the joint letter of these students petitioning to fight and defend the peace of the Nine Realms.

As a result, the Global Daily, which should have followed the mainstream media to criticize Goofy, has become a unique case, openly contradicting other newspapers, and the editor-in-chief Chuck has been instructed by others to discredit Goofy on today's page. The task given to him by others!

Because of Eddie's stealing, Chuck's plan fell through!

"Damn, Eddie, do you know what you're doing?!"

Editor-in-Chief Chuck patted the table and shouted loudly,

"Don't you want this job? Don't forget how hard you worked to get to the position of editor-in-chief!"

In the past, when faced with an angry editor-in-chief, Eddie would always act as submissive as a little sheep. There was no way. He was the editor-in-chief and the head of all editors.

But today, when he looked at Chuck again, Eddie didn't choose to swallow it.

He smiled lightly, put his feet up on the desk, lit the half of the cigar he had smoked, and said, "Chuck, of course I know what I'm doing, otherwise how could I have written something like this? A brilliant, logical article?"

Speaking of this, Eddie's tone suddenly became serious, and he asked sharply, "But Chuck, do you know what you are doing?"

"I..." Chuck's face became darker and darker, and he said solemnly, "Eddie, what are you smoking?"

"I don't have a convulsion, I'm pretty normal." Eddie sneered, "Answer my question, do you know what you're doing?"

Chuck didn't answer Eddie's question, he just pointed to the newspaper on the table and said, "Eddie, I figured it out, you really don't want this job, I know you're Goofy's friend, you Choose to stand up for your friend in this situation, but…”

Before Chuck could finish speaking, Eddie cut him off sharply.

"God, Chuck, you're such an idiot! You still think I'm just doing this to support my friend? You're so stupid!"

"What did you say? Eddie? What did you say?" Chuck was so angry that his eyes had turned scarlet.

Eddie shook his head again and again and said in a deep voice, "Chuck, can't you see it? This is an organized and planned operation to smear Goofy. Whether you know who is behind the scenes or not, the purpose of these people is to make Gao Fei is ruined!"

"But who is Goofy? Is he just my friend? Damn, Chuck, you idiot, use your dog's brain! Goofy has countless identities, and my friend is just his most inconspicuous one. …”

"He is a hero, a hero of New York, a hero of the people, and he has saved the world more times than those useless trophies in your office!"

"But now there are people who want to smear him, slander him, and want him to be betrayed by the people and the world he saved with his own hands! Chuck, can you realize what a terrible thing this is?"

"If a hero who saves the world is betrayed by the world, what will happen to him? What will happen to him next?"

"And if Gao Fei, our first superhero, our pride in New York, ends up being spurned by thousands of people, then who would dare to stand up and be a superhero in the future?"

"Chuck, use your dog's head to think about it, think about what Goofy has done for everyone over the years!"

"Do you remember how he sacrificed his life to save the hostages, forced the truck to stop, and drove bombs into the East River?"

"For us, he can take his life, not fear danger, work without sleep, and even rush into space to fight some colorful aliens... But when he is about to be Maybe when you lose your reputation from now on, Chuck, you bastard, it's fine if you don't choose to clarify for him, even if you look at it coldly, it's not too much, but what about you? You even have to stab Goofy in the opposite direction..."

Having said that, Eddie suddenly retracted his legs and stood up from his seat.

He raised his hand and smashed half of the cigar in his hand towards Chuck's brain.

Eddie picked up the newspaper from the table, rolled it up and put it in his jacket pocket.

"Chuck, I don't need you to do anything, I will resign on my own initiative."

"This is the last newspaper I published in Global Daily, and it has the proudest article I've ever written in my life."

After speaking, Eddie picked up the briefcase he had already arranged, and left the editor-in-chief of Global Daily without looking back.

He knew that he didn't have the ability to save the world. After all, he was not a superhero, but even if he was just an unknown editor-in-chief, he had to live in the sky. ...


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