American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 534: captain reinvigorated

When Gao Fei saw the face of the Asian man who was suspected to be his father, Gao Fei was completely shocked.

Because this guy's face is so similar to Goofy's, it's almost like it was carved out of a mold.

"He's my father!"

"He really is my father!"

Gao Fei roared in his heart. The almost identical appearance of the two men is enough to explain everything, but after the shock, he felt that this man was a little familiar. points are similar.

"Is it him? Could it be Mr. Manchu?"

Gao Fei frowned.

"Tony Stark also said before that my appearance is very similar to that of Manchu... Could it be that my father is Manchu?"

Gao Fei wanted to rush to the Asian man to question him, who he was and what he planned.

It's a pity that Goofy's reason tells him not to do this. Such a violent collision with the current world will completely change the world and cause immeasurable damage to it.

At this time, Tony Stark asked anxiously: "Hey, Goofy, are you okay? The quantum channel can't last for so long, you should be back, do you hear?"

"Got it, Tony, I'll be right back." Gao Fei whispered, then pressed the home button on the quantum suit.

Goofy's body rapidly shrank and became subatomic, he quickly collapsed into the quantum realm, and then returned to Manhattan in the current world through the quantum tunnel in New York.


As Gao Fei's body returned to normal, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Guys, we made it, we built a time machine." Goofy said.


Tony, Reed, and Dr. Banner shouted excitedly and gave each other high fives.

The invisible female Susan asked Goofy curiously: "Goofy, what era did Tony send you to?"

"1988." Goofy said, "Tony sent me to Brooklyn in 1988, and it turns out that I can live normally on another timeline, and communicate with people on that timeline. question."

Reid said: "So, our plan to save Steve can be carried out normally?"

"Yes," Goofy said. "I think I can pass the good news to Steve tonight."

Tony pointed to the time machine: "Then I will debug the time and place of the next action to make sure that the time point of the crossing is correct. If all goes well, tomorrow we can return to the World War II period and have a good fight with Hydra. It's over."

Gao Fei said with a smile, "Great, I can't wait."


Goofy walked briskly to Steve's house.

After knocking on the door, Gao Fei pushed the door directly and walked in.

At this time, Steve was still lying on the sofa in the same posture as the last time we met. At first glance, Goofy thought that Steve had never left the sofa since the last time he left.

"Hey, Goofy, why are you here?"

Steve said without looking up while holding the tablet, he was playing an exciting parkour game Temple Run.

"Come here and tell you some good news." Goofy said, looking at Steve as he spoke.

Reed and the others are right, Steve's body is indeed getting bloated. Although he hasn't seen him for more than a week, Steve's stomach has visibly swelled.

Not to mention the long-disappeared eight-pack abs, even his large abdominal muscles have become rounded, not to mention the double chin that he squeezed out of the sofa, if it wasn't for his beard to block him, he would I'm afraid it will be more difficult to accept.

"What's the good news? Are Ubisoft's games discounted?" Steve asked casually while using his chubby hands to skillfully manipulate the little man running around on the tablet.

Goofy simply stood quietly behind Steve and watched him play Temple Escape, and let him tell him the exciting news after he finished the game.

Goofy didn't say anything, and Steve didn't ask, mainly because the villain in the tablet was already exhausting enough energy, and Steve didn't have the time to question Goofy.

Seeing the villain jumping around in the primitive jungle with agility, Gao Fei couldn't help but admire Steve: "Oh, your little fat hands are quite flexible!"

After a thrilling chase, the villain in Steve's tablet is finally led away.

Then he slowly put down the tablet in his hand, looked up at Gao Fei and asked, "Tell me, what's the good news?"

Goofy held Steve's shoulders, looked into his eyes, silent for a while, and said solemnly: "Look at you, your face is round again..."

Steve pushed Goofi's hand away angrily: "Fuck you, you came all the way to find me just to complain about my current body shape?"

"Of course not." Goofy said, "Steve, if I told you that I have a way to save your good friend Bucky, and even stop Hydra from harming him, would you take this chance? "

"What?" Steve looked up at Goofy in surprise, then shook his head again, "Don't talk nonsense, Goofy, Bucky is dead, his body has been cremated and buried, and I even attended the funeral that day. Now, how could you possibly save him again?"

Goofy smiled and said, "Steve, what if I told you that Tony and I joined forces to build a time machine, and this time machine can take us back in time?"

Remember "→" in one second on the mobile phone to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

"A time machine?" Steve was shocked again. "This kind of thing... was actually created?"

"Of course." Goofy said, "I actually just finished the experiment. I used a time machine to travel back to Brooklyn 25 years ago. Steve, we really have a way to save Bucky... Not only that, we also There is hope to stop Hydra's persecution of him!"

"If we travel back to the valley where Bucky save Bucky before Hydra, then Bucky will not be brainwashed by Hydra, and he will not end up like this. already."

After listening to Goofy's words, Steve began to think about this question.

If given the chance to go back into that snowy valley and save his living and dead brother lying alone in the snow, would Steve do it?

Of course the answer is yes!

Bucky is one of the two biggest regrets in his life, if he could do it all over again, I'd pick Lee... No, of course he's going to save his poor Bucky!

"When do we act?"

Steve dropped the tablet in his hand and stood up suddenly and asked.

But because he had been lying on the sofa for the past few days, he suddenly stood up and the oxygen supply to his brain was insufficient, and he almost fell after a dizziness.

Gao Fei quickly supported him and asked in a low voice, "Steve, are you alright?"

"'s fine." Steve squeezed his forehead and said, "Maybe these few days...the lack of exercise these days, the physical fitness is a little bit unable to keep up."

"Yeah, it's time for you to exercise." Gao Fei said helplessly, "In addition, we will act tomorrow, I hope you can adjust your state well tonight, although our plan this time is to go back to the valley and bring back Bucky, Try not to interfere with other things on that timeline, but after all, it was a time of war, and we would inevitably encounter enemies..."

Having said that, Gao Fei pointed to Steve's belly,

"If there is a fight then, don't hold me back!"

"Don't worry, I won't!"

Steve suddenly stretched out his hand towards the bedroom, and the vibrating gold shield flew back to his forearm with a burst of air.


"Although I'm getting fat, I can still beat Hydra!"