American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 575: Wakanda

Goofy's statement made it clear that the vibranium on Earth was all concentrated in Wakanda.

But this made the question even more difficult, how did Tony get the vibranium out of Wakanda?

After all, they were the first country to discover Zhenjin, and they have established their own territory on Zhenjin resources since ancient times. Tony had to negotiate with Wakanda if he wanted to get Zhenjin.

But how to negotiate?

Tell Wakanda that the earth is very dangerous now. Human beings must build their own interstellar fleet, and building a fleet requires vibration gold, so a large amount of vibration gold must be mined...

It sounds like a grandiose reason, but Wakanda will definitely not hand over the vibrato.

The big deal is that their own cats build space battleships on the prairie, anyway, they have resources...

Other than that, it's business.

But there is no doubt that Wakanda's national strength is quite strong due to its Zhenjin resources. They are not short of money, how can they sell a large number of unique resources in their country?

The more Tony Stark thought about it, the more headache he felt. He pinched his forehead and said, "I don't think we have a chance to convince Wakanda to sponsor us Zhenjin. They won't agree to give it to us..."

Gao Fei was more optimistic than Tony, and said calmly: "How do you know if you don't try? After all, the safety of the earth is above everything else, whether Ultron or Wakanda, they are just countries on the earth. There are many countries, but when the planet is under threat, we should unite together."

Tony shrugged: "Then what are you going to try?"

"Let Ultron talk to them first." Goofy said, "If Ultron can't do it, I will choose to discuss this matter with them in person."

Tony smiled hopelessly: "Then I'll wait for your good news."


a day later.


Deep in the broad, flat grassland is a highly modern city filled with towering skyscrapers.

The buildings are directly connected by fast communication channels, and city residents travel through the steel jungle in a variety of aircraft.

A dark brown building built on Kilimanjaro is the National Research Institute of Wakanda, where most of the black technologies that drive the country's progress are developed here.

At this time, a youthful African girl in the corridor quickly ran towards the end of the corridor, her face was full of nervousness and even panic.

While running, she dialed the communicator on her body.

"Brother, brother, answer me quickly, hurry up!"

Soon, a mature and magnetic sound came back from the headphones.

"What's wrong, Su Rui? What's wrong? Let me guess... Did you blow up the research institute? I told you a long time ago that you must be careful when doing experiments, don't..."

"T'Challa!" Su Rui interrupted his rant by calling out his brother's name, "This is the most important thing, I don't have time to joke with you!"

Hearing Su Rui's tone, brother T'Challa finally realized that things might be really serious.

He didn't joke with Su Rui again this time, but asked in a low voice, "What happened? What happened to the institute?"

"It has nothing to do with the research institute, I have to find my father right away... By the way, what about my father? Why can't I contact him?" Su Rui frowned.

"Father left for a meeting in Asia this morning, and won't be back until tomorrow morning," T'Challa said. "What's the matter? I'll go over and help you deal with it now."

"But..." Su Rui looked worried, "But I don't think we can handle this."

"But father is not here now, we have to solve the problem." T'Challa said, "What is it, tell me first..."

After saying this, the elevator door at the end of the corridor of the research institute automatically opened, and then T'Challa in a black suit strode towards Su Rui, hung up the communicator, and said, "Let me see if the matter is It's as tricky as you say."

Su Rui grabbed T'Challa, turned and ran to her office.

The two trot all the way to the office, and then Su Rui pointed to his computer.

On the computer screen was an invitation to a voice call, and the name of the inviter displayed "Ultron".


T'Challa, of course, knew the name, which had ushered in a new era on the continent on the other side of the Atlantic two months ago.

T'Challa's face quickly turned ugly, and his brows twitched uneasily.

Su Rui said in a deep voice, "Now you know why I'm so nervous? Brother..."

"Without my father's order, I don't know if I want to answer this call, I don't know why Ultron contacted us, and I don't know how much she already knows about Wakanda..."

T'Challa was as nervous as Shu Rui, and he asked in a low voice, "If we answer the invitation to this voice call, will Ultron take the opportunity to hack into our database?"

Su Rui smiled bitterly: "My computer's security system is the highest level in the entire research institute. If Ultron can directly invite my computer, then it means that she has the ability to infiltrate all networked databases in Wakanda. bingo…"

"That is to say... we have been exposed in front of Ultron, haven't we?" T'Challa asked.

"Yes." Su Rui said, "Whether we answer this call or not, we are exposed."

"Then let's answer." T'Challa quickly made a decision, "Since we have been exposed, we must at least understand the other party's intentions, right?"

Su Rui thought for a while, nodded and said, "You're right."

So T'Challa clicked to answer and connected to the call with Ultron.

"Hello, Prince T'Challa, Princess Shuri, on behalf of Ultron, I extend my sincere greetings to Wakanda..."

Ultron's gentle female voice came out of the computer's influence, but it sounded a little chilling to Shuri and T'Challa.

What they were connected to was just a voice call, but Ultron knew who she was facing - this method was simply shocking, even Princess Su Rui, who was proficient in black technology, was shocked.

"You...what do you want..." Su Rui asked nervously.

But she was interrupted by T'Challa halfway through her words.

" Hello, sorry my father, the king of Wakanda cannot answer this call in person, but Shuri and I will communicate with you on behalf of Wakanda."

"Very good." Ultron responded quickly, "Don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions, and I have not invaded Wakanda's network systems and databases without permission, you will soon find out..."

"But I did do something to offend you. I did some research on Wakanda, which I discovered completely by accident. It can be said to be an unintentional mistake..."

"Wakanda is not as poor and backward as it looks, and it is not a third world country at all..."

"Wakanda's national strength ranks among the top in the world, and it is one of the most powerful countries on earth..."

"This is mainly because of the rich mineral deposits buried under your territory, the metal from extraterrestrials - vibranium."

Ultron's description directly put the faces of the two brothers and sisters T'Challa and Su Rui plainly. After thousands of years of wretched development, they were finally discovered!