American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 592: The new king of Wakanda

Wakanda's kingship changed too fast, and T'Challa's name only stayed on the throne for a short time. Before Wakanda even announced to the outside world that T'Challa would inherit the throne, the new king Eric was born. .

After T'Challa's funeral was sloppy and rudimentary, Wakanda finally announced the news of the new king's enthronement - the new king is of course Eric, and outsiders will not even know about T'Challa, the short-lived king. King's presence...

Gao Fei, who learned the news, was not shocked, and could even say that everything was as he expected.

When he flew thousands of miles from T'Challa to Ultron to find him desperately, he realized that the new king of Wakanda was out of proportion. He didn't look like a black panther at all, but like a An antelope jumping up and down on the grassland.

Compared with him, Eric is more like a black panther foraging, always lurking in the depths of the grass, waiting to strike him with a fatal blow.

Therefore, after T'Challa returned to Wakanda, Eric, the cunning black panther, immediately launched a slaughter to him, so that the antelope that had just smashed its face in Ultron was preyed on.

But what Goofy didn't expect was that T'Challa would die directly at Eric's hands.

After all, according to the original plot of "Black Panther", T'Challa survived under the protection of the protagonist's halo, and after a period of recovery, he miraculously made a comeback and killed Eric.

Gao Fei couldn't understand why Eric, who had acted so calmly and stubbornly before, would spare T'Challa's life "mercifully" after defeating T'Challa.

Fortunately, Eric in this world did not suddenly lose his intelligence and was defeated by T'Challa's protagonist Halo.

In the evening, Goofy met with Tony Stark.

Tony has already started to develop alternative substances for vibranium. According to his current progress, even without the help of vibranium, it is not impossible to build a space battleship.

But the nature of vibration gold is really excellent - it can absorb various forms of energy, and can store this energy. Under certain conditions, vibration gold can also release the energy it absorbs in various forms...

Just imagine, a battleship made of this material is simply a bug!

How can Tony Stark not be jealous!

"How's the progress?" Seeing Tony's depressed look, Gao Fei couldn't help teasing him knowingly.

"What else? You know that there are a lot of vibranium resources on the earth, but you can't use them. You can only use other alternative resources. It's like having a cheeseburger on my table, but letting me eat a vegetable salad for lunch to satisfy my hunger. ..." Tony spread his hands.

"It's really depressing." Goofy nodded in approval.

"By the way, I heard that the new king of Wakanda is Eric." Tony said, "He has always wanted to cooperate with us before. Maybe he is better than Chara."

"But don't forget, we once rejected him, and he also participated in the conspiracy of the Ultron robot to assassinate the King of Wakanda." Goofy said.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot about this." Tony said, "It seems that this kid has regarded us as an enemy."

He curled his lips and asked again: "By the way, how is the investigation of the Ultron robot?"

"There are no clues for the time being. Those Ultron robots are all forged abroad. Even if these criminals are arrogant, they will not dare to do anything wrong in the Ultron country. After all, Ultron is everywhere in the country." Gao Fei said.

"In theory, Ultron can penetrate into the global network and obtain global information..." Tony whispered.

"But you don't really want to do this, otherwise all countries in the world will unite to resist Ultron..." Gao Fei shook his head and said, "Actually, Ultron is already enough to attract hatred, and many so-called human rights pioneers are To criticize us for letting artificial intelligence take over humans is the greatest contempt for human rights."

"I hope these guys who usually like to make various speeches will be as active as ever when the aliens invade." Tony laughed mockingly, "When that time comes, I'll see how he fights for human rights for human beings. "

Halfway through their chat, a floating Asian beauty came in through the window.

"Oh! My God! Ultron, can you stop appearing so suddenly, can you?"

Tony was taken aback by Ultron's appearance again, and gave her a depressed look.

"Sorry, Stark, but I chose the shortest path." Ultron wasn't actually sorry, just politely comforted Stark.

Then she turned to Goofy and started talking about business.

"Dad, there are two visitors from Wakanda who want to see you."

"Oh?" Gao Fei was surprised at first, but immediately guessed the two guests.

"Are they T'Challa's family?"

"Yes." Ultron nodded, "Are you bringing them to see you now?"

"Yes." Gao Fei nodded lightly, and then motioned for Ultron to bring people over.

Ultron can fly over the eaves and walk through the walls and windows, but these two Wakanda visitors do not have this function.

So after twenty minutes, the two men came to the room where Goofy and Tony Stark were.

These two people, Goofy, actually know each other - one is T'Challa's sister, Princess Shuri, and the other is Queen Ramanda of Wakanda, but Goofy actually knew them through watching movies, in this world Goofy and them Have not met.

So Goofy had to pretend he didn't know him, or at least he didn't know him.

"Hello, I'm Gao Fei."

He stood up and nodded towards the two of them.

At the same time, he looked at the state of the two of them imperceptibly.

The dignified members of the Wakanda royal family looked very embarrassed at this time, Princess Shu Rui dressed like an orphan living on the street, and Queen Ramanda looked like an African-American laborer who stole (harmoniously) over.

"Hello, Gao Fei, please allow us to introduce ourselves first..."

After all, Princess Su Rui is the princess of Wakanda, and her gestures are very grand, but combined with her embarrassed and shabby clothes, her current demeanor is rather funny.

"I'm Shu Rui from Wakanda, I'm the daughter of Emperor T'Challa, the sister of Prince T'Challa..."

"This is my mother Queen Ramanda, the wife of Emperor T'Challa and the mother of Prince T'Challa."

Queen Ramanda nodded lightly: "Nice to meet you, the hero of New York, the guardian of the earth, the founder of Ultron, the famous Goofy."

The Wakanda royal family is used to adding a lot of titles before addressing other people's names. This is a habit in their language that cannot be changed. Gao Fei was a little dizzy by her series of fancy titles, and quickly waved his hand: "No need. Add so many titles to me, queen."

After listening to Goofy's words, Queen Ramanda realized that she had brought out those language problems in Wakanda.

Then she realized that she was no longer the queen of Wakanda. Her husband and son were killed in just one week, which made her heart unbearable, and her eyes turned red involuntarily.

In Gao Fei's opinion, after he said a sentence, Queen Ramanda actually cried, which scared Gao Fei to pee.

"La, Queen Ramanda, I didn't mean to condemn you, you, don't cry..."

Queen Ramanda waved her hand quickly, then shook her head and said, "Oh, Gao Fei, this has nothing to do with you, sorry, it's my gaffe."

Su Rui can understand the pain of his whispered: "Gao Fei, Wakanda has suffered a huge change during this time, my mother and I, we are all in pain..."

Of course, Goofy knew that the two of them were in pain, and he nodded in understanding.

Princess Shu Rui said quickly: "Goofy, I know there is unhappiness between us, and I also know that my brother's previous behavior offended you and Ultron... But now the whole world is in danger, and Wakanda has In the hands of someone with ulterior motives..."

"Eric, that murderous murderer killed my brother and became the new king of Wakanda, he is trying to lead Wakanda to occupy the world, instead of me boasting, with Wakanda's national power maybe it is really possible Make it happen…"

"Once Eric mines all the vibranium resources, Wakanda will have an invincible army."

"At that time, even if he can't rule the world, he will definitely bring an unprecedented war to the world..."

"And the only ones who can stop him are you and Ultron, Gao Fei, you must stop him, you must stop him!"