American Comic Survival Guide

v1 Chapter 596: Liberate Wakanda

Almost a dozen people appeared in the blue light, which shocked Okoye and Zu Li, but soon the two found that many of these people were familiar, and they seemed to be from the Ultron country.

The strong Asian who strangled the jailer directly with thunder should be Gao Fei, the founder of Ultron. The four superpowers wearing blue uniforms and "FantasticFour" printed on their chests should be the famous Fantastic Four...

The one in the iron suit at the back is obviously Iron Man...

But who is that fat police officer? This made Okoye and Elder Zu Li speculate for a long time...

Just as Okoye and Zu Li looked at them, Gao Fei, who was standing at the front of the team, spoke up.

"Reed, where is this place? Where did you send us with your teleportation machine?"

Reed scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and said: "It looks like... this place is like a prison. I have tried to make the coordinates of the teleport machine as accurate as possible, but in the end we will still land a little off..."

At this moment, a young girl's voice sounded from the crowd.

"Yes, this is the prison, the prison of Wakanda!"

Hearing this voice, Elder Zu Li and Okeye were both excited.

Because they recognized the voice, it was the voice of Princess Shuri of Wakanda.

"Princess Su Rui! Is that you?"

"My Princess Su Rui, is it really you?"

Because Su Rui was relatively thin, she couldn't see her when she stood in the crowd. Only after she spoke, did the two prisoners discover her existence.

This embarrassing situation also holds true-because Su Rui's stature is relatively short, so standing in the crowd can't see Okoye and Zu Li at all, and only after hearing the two's shouts did she realize that there are old friends here.

"Okeye? Elder Zu Li?"

Su Rui struggled to pass through the line of defense formed by the Stones and Human Torch, came to the outside of the corridor, and looked into the cell. Only then did she see Okoye and Elder Zu Li.

"You... were caught by Eric?"

Before the two could answer, Magneto Eric Lanschel, who was standing beside Gao Fei, coughed awkwardly: "Cough, can you change the name of the new king of Wakanda, that... I'm also called Eyre Rick."

Su Rui looked back at him and said, "So how about I call you Magneto? When I say Magneto, I mean you, and when I say Eric, I mean the one who killed my father and brother. The villain! I don't want to call him king, he doesn't deserve to be king of Wakanda!"

Eric Lanschel reluctantly compromised: "Then let's do it like this."

Only then did Su Rui look back at Okoye and Zu Li, who hadn't answered her question yet.

"Because we sent you and the queen out of Wakanda, we were investigated..." Okoye said desperately, "Eric is a lunatic, and he is now mining vibranium like crazy."

Even though Magneto has clarified the matter, he still gets awkward every time he hears them cringe at Eric.

And hearing this news, Tony Stark was a little excited.

"Very well, Eric's mad mining of the vibranium mine saved me time. After Ultron takes over Wakanda, I can directly put the vibranium mine into use."

"Wait, what?" Okoye keenly found the point in Tony Stark's sentence, "Wait for Ultron to take over Wakanda? When did this happen? Why did Ultron take over Wakanda? ?"

Shu Rui quickly explained: "Okoye, Wakanda is in urgent need of change, we obviously can't make Eric our king, he will destroy Wakanda and the whole world..."

"Then let's go to establish another Mingjun!" Okoye said loudly, "but this Mingjun must be the royal family of Wakanda!"

"We can't entrust power to individuals, it's wrong to do so... It's a bet on the future of Wakanda, the whole vibranium mine..." Shu Rui explained in a low voice, "There is an Eric who shows up, There will be a second Eric... We have to change the wrong model of **** in Wakanda..."

Before the two could finish speaking, Gao Fei was already a little impatient.

"Su Rui, we are not here to teach your subjects. Ultron has shut down all defense systems in the capital of Wakanda two minutes ago. Wakanda should have noticed the problem, we must go immediately. Find Eric..."

"Okay, okay!" Su Rui nodded quickly, "I'll lead the way, you follow me."

And after Ultron turned off all of Wakanda's defense systems, the prison doors were also opened.

With a slight pull, Su Rui opened the iron doors of Elder Zu Li and Okeye's cells respectively.

"Come with us." Su Rui whispered, "You will find that I did the right thing."

Okeye and Elder Zu Li looked at each other and nodded lightly to each other.

"I don't think we have any other way to go." Okoye whispered, "Let's go, elder."

Elder Zu Li also nodded and said, "Yes, Wakanda can't get worse, why not try to change it?"

So under the leadership of Su Rui, Goofy and the Intervention team set off directly from Wakanda Prison and charged towards Eric's palace.

Sanctions on this careerist begin now!


Inside the palace of Bonin Zana, the capital of Wakanda, Eric is busy talking to a mysterious figure.

This mysterious figure is the driving force behind his successful assassination of T'Chaka, and those fake Ultron robots are of course his masterpiece.

"Gao Fei and Ultron may impose sanctions on you at any time, are you ready?" the mysterious man asked in a deep voice.

"I'll be ready soon," Eric said. "As long as I mine the vibrating gold, I will have a military force far superior to that of Ultron."

"Nevertheless, don't be too careless, don't forget, Gao Fei is still the most powerful warrior on this planet." The mysterious man reminded.

"Isn't there Robbie? I think as long as he is there, it is enough to punish Goofy." Eric trusted Ghost Rider very much, he said confidently.

"Don't rely too much on Robbie, he and we are not the same after all..." The mysterious man whispered, "When Robbie knows the truth of the matter, he is likely to attack us..."

"I see." Eric nodded, just about to ask about the information on the Ultron The computer screen suddenly went out.

Not only that, the information system in the entire palace seemed to be out of order, and the surveillance video of several palaces staring in front of Eric stopped playing.

Eric's expression suddenly changed, he realized that there must be an enemy invading Wakanda, and there is only one person who can directly hack Wakanda's defense system - that is Ultron.


The newly enthroned king was excited and called out his most trusted minister,


Soon, a burly man hurried from the corridor.

"my king!"

Eric reached out and took the collar of the black panther suit on the table, his eyes shining brightly.

"The enemy has invaded, it's time to show them the strength of our Wakanda!"